Chapter 3

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Hey, guys, the picture I've drawn above is what Violet looks like, I'm planning on doing images of Violet for each story and how would you like me to do a Sam Drake Fanfiction after I finished my Jacob Frye Fanfiction, comment below if you'll like...

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Hey, guys, the picture I've drawn above is what Violet looks like, I'm planning on doing images of Violet for each story and how would you like me to do a Sam Drake Fanfiction after I finished my Jacob Frye Fanfiction, comment below if you'll like me to write one


We all hide behind the wall, just as we hear a guard walk past, watching over this area, Nate was about to take him out but I bet him to it, as I walk away from the wall I announce. "I've got him,"

I quietly jog behind him and smack him hard across the back of his head, knocking him out instantly, I grab onto him before he falls to the ground and creates a thud, I lay him down gently before I head over to the boys who is now kneeling behind the small stone wall around the outside of this floor. We all look over the wall, making sure no guards are around but we stopped and looked up once Harry says. "There's the tower"

"Yeah - but we can only get to it from the roof, and we can't get to the roof from here," Nate replies, he does have a point the only way I know is through the courtyard.

"We have to make our way through the next courtyard," I say, I look behind me where the courtyard should be and I see a gate, I point towards it and announce. "Through that gate over there,"

"Well, let's do it," Harry says before he jumps off the edge, I look over to Nate who is looking at me with a sad look, I ignore it and jump off the edge myself, I really wish I could forgive him but I can't he knows I've been hurt in the past but...maybe once this is over we could speak about it.

We run across this courtyard before we hid behind a large statue, surrounded by large plants, we all look over to see another guard patrolling this courtyard, I watch as Nate runs around the other side, sneaking behind the guard before he wraps his arms his neck and covering his mouth making him fall unconscious.

We run towards the gate and we all start climbing up the gate so we can get to the balcony above, we all jump over to only be caught by two guards, they start to say something in a different language, Harry run to the pillar on the left whilst Nate pulls me to the pillar on the left, he pins me against the pillar, trying to hide me from the view but we've obviously already been seen.

"I've got the other one," Harry says before he and Nate run towards the two guards, start throwing punches until they knock the two guards out cold, I come out from behind the pillar I was once pinned against by Nate, I walk past the two unconscious guys before I jog over to Harry and Nate who are hiding behind the small wall watching as the gate opens up and two more guards stroll out obviously unknown about what is happening.

"C'mon, what are you waiting for?" Harry asks before he runs to the right side of the wall and jumps off, Nate and I follow closely until he demands us both to go left, really?

I roll my eyes as I sneak up to the guard who has his back to me, I look behind me to see Nate kneeling behind me, he nods to me instructing me to take him out, I nod before I sneak up behind him and once again, I use all my strength and smack him full force across the man's head, knocking him out, we both run up the stairs and jump onto the roof.

I look down to see Harry taking out one of the guards near him, I look over to Nate and ask, "Are you going to take him out or am I?" Nate points to himself, telling me he is going to do it, I agree and watch him jump off the edge of the roof, landing on top of the guy, taking him out.

I jump off the roof right next to Nate, I smile before I head back over to Harry who is now standing in front of the gate waiting for us. "Okay, we should be able to lift this up, sneak right under," Nate says as he walks up to the gate, I look up to see and alarm, I quickly grab him by the shoulder dragging him back, Nate looks at me with a confused look, I point at the top of the gate revealing to him that there is another alarm.

Nate huffs in annoyance before he turns to me and Harry and asks. "One of you two wanna get this one?" Harry and I turn to give him a look, Nate rolls his eyes before he goes off to look for a way to turn the alarm off.

We both wait patiently for Nate to return, thankfully he didn't take to long, we all walk towards the gate, I got a grip on the bottom and Nate counts to three before we all pulled the gate up until the gap was big enough for us to get through.

"Vi, you first," Nate announces as he tries his best to keep the gate up, I nod before I roll under the gate, I quickly take a hold of the gate so Nate and Harry could get under, we quietly put the gate back to its position.

We all walk forward to only hide as this courtyard are full of guards, Harry decide to allow Nate and I do take out all the guards whilst he does fuck all. I roll my eyes and glare at Harry before I jump off the edge and snuck up on the guard, I cover his mouth until he fell unconscious. I turn to see Nate sneaking up to the by the fountain.

Harry finally decides to come down and help, he helps me take to two out who came through the gate, "Now we have to find a way to that window." Nate says as Harry climbs onto the roof, with me following.

"What window?" I ask, Nate guides us over to it and starts climbing up a barred up window before he carefully climbs over to the open window, Harry and I follow him over and we both climb into the window he was on about.

We all run into the room, the window leads to, the room is full of wooden boxes and guards. "Now what?" I ask as we all sit down onto the floor, still, hidden from the guards, Harry turns to looks at me and smirks and replies. "It's time to tip the odds back in our favor"

Harry pulls out two guns, I look at him with shock but took the gun regardless, Nate, on the other hand, makes a sarcastic comment. "Oh, that's brilliant - guns? What are you thinking?"

"Relax, Gandhi, they're tranquilizer guns. Totally un-lethal. Your conscience will remain unscathed" Harry says as he hands the gun, well the tranquilizer gun over to Nate.

I smile before I aim my gun over the wall, Nate doing the same thing before we both shot the two guards near to us, before we all move forward hiding behind the wooden boxes, which are almost right at the front and Harry and Nate take out the last two guards. I decide to allow Nate and Harry to find a way up to the walkway whilst I had a look around, I walk towards the lion looking artifact, it looks very familiar, properly been on a puzzle Nate and I had to figure out on an adventure.

It's sad that this relationship destroyed our friendship, we've been friends since we were teenagers now that's all gone by us two revealing our feeling to each other, getting into a relationship and by him cheating. That's one thing I couldn't believe that he would cheat on me with his ex-girlfriend.

I wipe away a tear that had moved its way down my cheek, just as I feel a hand go onto my shoulder, I look over my shoulder to see Nate smiling. "We've found a way up," Nate says, I nod and walk towards Harry who is standing by some kind thing that helps move things.

I stand next to Harry, waiting for him to climb up but he gestures me to climb up first saying the famous quote. "Ladies first," I roll my eyes before I climb onto the box which is on top if the thing with wheels before I jump up to the next floor. I look up to see we need to find a way to get to the floor above, thankfully someone knew and of course Nate did, with the help of Harry now we have a way up to the floor.

I walk back over to Harry, looking down to make sure no other guards come in until suddenly we hear someone say something in another language obviously a guard, Harry and I surrender before we hear Nate shoot the guard. "Thanks," I say with a smile. I really do hope we can save this friendship or maybe our relationship.

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