Chapter 7

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It took ages to get rid of these guys, Nate and I had been throwing grenades and firing bullets at them, I bet you it's going to be the same at El Dorado and by that, I mean men coming out of nowhere constantly trying to kill us.

I sign in relief once Nate blew up the tower where a man with a machine gun was firing at us, I turn to Nate and asked. "Are you ok?" He nods his head and tells me to follow him, I follow him up a large pole of wood which helped us get to where my father is.

We run through the forest for a while, climbing up some rocks until we hear Nate announce. "Wow, look at these rocks."

"Ahh, now we're gettin' somewhere." My father says with a smile before we all stop walking and look down. "Would you look at that" Nate laughs as we all smile once we realised we are getting somewhere.


We all turn to see Chloe jogging towards us but stops once she see's what we've stopped at. "Hello - what do we have here."

"With any luck, the last resting place of Marco Polo's crew." Nate says as he looks at her, I look away and slowly walk towards the cave, "Shall, we check it out?" I ask them, trying my hardest to hide my sadness but I knew it didn't pass Nate and I knew that because of the way he looked at me before heading in.

Chloe follows behind and smirks at me, 'I'm so close to killing her,' I thought to myself until I'm brought out of my thought by my father putting his hand onto my shoulder and nudging me in. I smile at him before I start following the two. 'At least if they get together, I'll have my dad to help me through it.'

"Oh, this place must be thousands of old years old," I hear Nate say as we all follow him through the cave, I unfortunately, walked behind Chloe who kept look over her shoulder at me, I'm literally so close to killing her so I allow my father to walk past so I don't have to look at her face.

It so dark in here so I turn on my light just in time as I was about to fall of the small cliff inside the cave. "Whoa... looks like we've hit the jackpot," Nate says and I think he's right. "Eugh. There must be hundreds of bodies down here." Chloe says as she follows after Nate, I roll my eyes before walking past the two so I can have a look at the golden head on the floor.

"Look at their teeth - they're all black," Nate announces, talking about the statue heads and he's right they are black, we all walk into another room only for us to be attacked by bats, I feel someone cover my head, protecting me from these bats. I hate bats, they really creep me out, don't know why.

I look up to see Nate holding me, I stare at him and watch as he slowly leans in but before he could do anything I move away and give him a sorry look, I look over my shoulder to see Chloe glaring at me, I ignore it before I announce. 

"I think we've found something,"

We look around the place to see barrels everywhere. "They must've carried their cargo all the way up here after they were shipwrecked." I hear Chloe, properly still glaring at me, we looked around for a small while until Nate finds something on one of the fallen barrels

"More resin. I've seen this before." Nate tells us before grabbing something off the floor and asks my father for some light. I watch as my father lights the green stone up, the normal yellow and orange fire turned into a blue and purple colour. 

The two looked at the flame with awe, I remember this flame from the museum just before Flynn basically locked us in to get caught. Nate starts walking, we all looked at the ground to see white large blobs everywhere, 'Blood?' I thought to myself and Nathan did conform it to use.

"All right, let's follow the bloodstains. We'll see if they lead somewhere" 

We followed the bloodstains until it stopped in front of a wall, which is very odd and Nathan and my father agreed with me. We all watch as Nate walks up the wall and starts to push it, he looks over his shoulder and looks towards my dad as he asked for some help. They both push it until the wall fell.

"I think I hurt myself," I hear Nate say before he picks up the light and heads down the cave, even more, still following the blood. We carry on walking until we see bodies all over the floor, must be the crew.

Once we reached the end of the bodies we see one on a rock, some light glowing on it. "What do we have there?" Nate asks as we all notice that the skeleton is holding a large red box. Nate slowly  moves to get the book, suddenly he screamed causing all of us to scream, we all stop once we hear Nate laughing, I bend down and punch him in the arm whilst my father sat down on the rock.

Nate soon stop laughing and opens the red box, I look over his shoulder to see a scroll inside, we both look at each and I nod telling him to open it, he throws down the box and opens the scroll to only find out it isn't a scroll but it's old paper covering a beautiful...thing.

"Man, is that an ugly freakin' thing"

"What is it - some kind of weapon?" Chloe asks, I look at the beautiful piece, it does look like a weapon, some kind of dagger but without a blade.

"No -  no it's a Phurba," Nate replies, "It's a ritual object, from Tibet. It's used to destroy obstacles." I raise an eyebrow at him as none of us understood what he was talking about. "You know - spiritual ones"

"Now I understand," I say as I look at the Phurba, I can't stop admiring the beauty, I always love things like this, I always find some kind of beauty in it, my father never understand why I thought these things are beautiful but I just do, must be a trait I got from my mother.

"Wait a minute... Could this be what Marco Polo was talking about?" Nathan asks my father but he didn't know so he turned to me basically asking me with his eyes. "It could be but I'm not sure."

"In his journal - he wrote that the worthy seeker would be given 'a golden passport to conquer obstacles on the journey to Shambhala'."

"So, what - this is it?" Chloe asks pointing to the so-called 'passport' "Look that's really interesting - but where the hell is it a passport to?" My father asks but before Nate could say anything Chloe interrupts everything by announcing the paper covering the Phurba is a map.

Nate takes and hands Chloe the Phurba, my father gets up from the rock and goes over to stand by Nate and look at the map, I take a seat on the rock and start to think, should I let Nate explain himself and forgive him or don't I, I don't know what to do, I wish I never allowed Nate to talk me into coming here.

Being here is killing me, being here with Nate and Chloe is killing me, Chloe smirking at me every time she get's close to Nate and he doesn't even realise it, that's the thing that hurts me the most, that the guy I fell in love with don't even realise what she's actually doing to me.

I feel someone shake my shoulder, I look up to see my father down at me with a sad look, I look over to Nate who's staring at me with worry and Chloe, she was just smirking. I look back to my father as he says.

"Come on, I want to talk to you," I watch as he walks away from the three of us, I knew what was going to happen next, he's going to try and convince me to let Nate explain himself, I know I should let him but I don't think I can, I'm not sure if I'll believe him but I'll have to try.

Not Be Believed-Nathan Drake x OCWhere stories live. Discover now