Chapter 19

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"Thank god," Nate says once he saw Elena's all right, I'm so happy she's ok, "I'm so glad you're all right, what happened?" I ask, looking at Elena who's is panicking a bit, "It's Lazarevic. They found us," she announces, I rub my hand over my face, how did they find us.

I hear Tenzin asking Elena something in his language before answering us, telling us that Schäfer has her and went the other way, I nod my head and turned to look at Nate, I nod agreeing with what Nate's thinking, I nudge him as I start to walk away only for Elena to grab my arm, pulling me back so Nate and I are standing either side of her.

"This is our fault. We did this," Elena says with a sad look on her face, completely guilty of all this, I place my hand on her shoulder, smiling at her trying to reassure her as Nate orders her to stay here and protect the others villagers here.

Nate and I follow after Tenzin who runs through a house to where other villagers are firing at Lazarevic's soldiers, I flinch and gasped as a bullet hits the wood of the house behind me, I look up and sprint towards a pillar right in the middle.

I take a deep breath and started firing at them, I fire a few rounds before I hear someone run next to me, I turn to see Nate standing next to me with Crossbow, I look at him before looking down to the weapon in his hands, I smile as he shrugs his shoulders and chuckles before firing an arrow into one of the soldiers, killing the man instantly.

"It doesn't look amazing but it's pretty powerful," I say before I turned and carried on shooting at the soldiers before heading to the next round of soldiers who are shooting more villagers and destroying the buildings.

Unfortunately, it got worse because a tank turned up, the tank we saw on the train when we tried to save Chloe, it took ages to escape from it, then destroy it and finding the RPG's was just a nightmare but we did it.

I run towards the now open gate, as we were destroying the tank, I had got split up so I was on my own whilst Nate was with Tenzin. I slowly stop running and turned it into a walk as I walk through the gate I smile as I see Tenzin and his daughter Penna reunite.

Suddenly I'm pulled into a hug, a smile still on my face as I wrap my arms around the figure. "I'm so glad your all right, I was worried when we got split up," I hear the person say, I knew it was Nate and he clarified it by moving away slightly, so we're now looking at each other and he moves down connecting our lips.

It didn't last long since Elena runs over to us, calling our name causing us to move away from each other, I sign in relief once I see she's alright, "They took Schäfer," Nate announces as he runs towards the left truck, pulling out the dead body, I quickly run over, almost pushing Nate out of the way, getting into the truck, moving to the passenger seat right next to the window.

I quickly grab my pistol and started reloading knowing that this wasn't over just yet. I look over to see Elena getting into the driver's seat, "Elena -" I start to say only for her to cut me off, "No time to argue - we gotta go!" 

I shrug my shoulders, I know there's no point in arguing with her, she gets her own way and she's very stubborn and Nate also noticed this and basically agreed but made her move over so he could drive, I'm not going to lie, I think I trust Elena driving in these situations but not much.

I'm not able to do it since I've never gotten the chance to actually learn to drive, I know the basics since Nate taught me but I definitely CANNOT drive in these kinds of situations so it easier to leave it to Elena and Nate.

"They must've taken him in the lead car," Nate announces and I nod my head agreeing, that's what they normally do. I look up to see the trucks in sight, there's no way of getting through that with clearing the road but I have a plan, I take a deep breath before opening the door.

"Whoa... what are you doing?" Nate asks as he speeds up the truck, I turn to look at him and replied, "We need to clear the road," I say and I knew Nate understood the plan since he tells me he's going to do it and ordered me to shoot from the truck and I nod agreeing whilst Elena takes the wheel as Nate climbs onto the door, using the open window to help him aim.

"There you go," I hear Nate say just as we're all hit forward slightly, I look into the back mirror to see another truck had hit us and is now driving past us, "Nate!" Elena and I both shout as Nate grabs onto the side of the truck and is hanging onto it.

"I should have known this would happen," I say to myself as I aim my gun out of the window and started firing at one of the guys in the truck ahead of us but lost my aim when Elena drove up the top way, now away from the other trucks.

I look down to see Nate jumping from truck to truck, killing the guys in trucks. It didn't take long for us to be right next to the truck Nate is standing on, I call him to jump onto our truck and he actually does what he is told.

He's now standing in the back as Elena is driving the car in front of us, I bang the truck and shouted to Nate asking him if he's alright, "Yeah! There's the lead car," Nate announces just before Elena starts speeding up the truck, I roll my eyes as I hear Nate mocking them only for a man to come out with an RPG.

"Oh no," I whisper as he fires a rocket at us, thankfully it didn't hit us since Elena easily dodges it only for her to lose control of the vehicle sending us straight off the cliffs. The lead truck reverses back and looks down where the truck had slid off.

"There's no way they survived that. Let's go!" The man in the back orders and the truck drives away. I groan as I pull myself up so I'm now on the surface, I take a few deep breaths as I turn to help Nate before we both turned to help Elena up.

Once she gets up, we all fall to the floor, looking up to the sky, thankful that we actually survived that. "Like old times, huh?" I hear Nate asks causing me to chuckle before I sit up looking at the scenery in front of me.

It looks amazing, the old buildings surrounded by snow mountains and waterfalls. "We head to the creepy old monastery," Nate announces as I get to my feet and looked ahead with my arms crossed.

"There's Schäfer, Damn it," I hear Nate say and Elena questions about it, "Lazarevic has him," I look down to the floor sadly, pushing back a few strands of hair which had escaped my side braid.

"There's a 10% chance of him coming out alive, the percentage may even be smaller, if we don't get to him in time Lazarevic is going to kill him," I say as I turn to face the two, arms still crossed with a sad look on my face. "But we have to try so... you both ready?"

The two nod and got up, we all walk along the road towards the monastery, I feel an arm go over my shoulder, I smile as I look over to see Nate smiling down to me, I move in closer to him as we walk the distance to where Schäfer has been taken. Let's just hope we get to him in time. 

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