Chapter 4

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We all finally got to the top where the large bells are, one by one we all walk through the large arched window which doesn't have any bars and jog across the walk area. Nathan was the first one through, I watch as he looks up to the tower before pointing towards it and said, "All right, there's the tower."

"Getting closer." I hear Harry say from behind me, I smile because once this is over I can go back to living with my father and hopefully away from Nate for a while, I follow Harry who had just walked past Nate, he walks to right side of the path and jumps down onto the roof below before jumping over, I look at Nate before I follow behind. Once we got to the other roof to only way to the tower is side stepping across an extremely thin platform, I could hear Harry chanting, "Don't look down." I guess he's afraid of heights, I don't think heights is the thing to worry about at the moment.

As I slide across I could hear some guards below us chatting, seems to be in a different language, I dunno. I sigh in relief once I get across, I look over my shoulder to see Nathan, not far behind, I look away from him and run towards the other roof which Harry is standing on waiting, I run at full speed before jumping, just making it. I quickly grab onto the edge and pulled myself up with the help of Harry, I smile at him and thank him before looking over to Nate waiting for him to jump.

I gesture him to 'come on', he smiles and jumps, like I did he grabs onto the edge but unfortunately Nate what he was holding onto gave out but before he could fall, Harry grabs him and whispers, "Gotcha", I could see Harry struggling so I reach my hand down offering Nate my hand, he smiles before using his free hand to grab mine and Harry and I quickly pull him up just in time as one of the guards below had looked up.

We all smile before we all climbed the wall, which helps us get closer to the tower, we all jump onto the other roof below as we wait for Harry to throw the rope up to the roof above. I knew we had to swing our way across and Nate was the first one up. We both wait for Nate to jump and grab onto the bars before Harry makes me go first.

"Ladies first." I roll my eyes before I grab onto the rope and start swinging before jumping off and grabbing the bars with my one hand before placing my other one on and climbing up, following after Nate. As I climb my way up suddenly I see one of the museum guards come falling past, I watch as he falls to his death before shaking my head and carry on climbing. Once I made it to the top, I rub my covered hands to get before jogging over to Nate who is now climbing a tower, the tower we don't want.

It felt like ages until we reached the tower but there was a slight problem and I'm the person to announce it. "We can get closer to the tower with it lit up like that, what the hell is she doing?" and once I see that the lights go out, I sign in relief before we all run towards the tower door, at least Chloe is good at something other than breaking up relationships.

After pick locking the lock we finally make it to the tower where this lamp should be. "There it is," Harry says as we all stand around the oil lamp which is protected with glass, I smile as Nate pulls out the lamp, Nate looks at it carefully as Harry asks with a bit of worry, "Now, we're sure it's the right one?"

"Well, I guess there's only one way to find out," Nate says before leaning down to the floor before apologizing to Marco and smashes the lamp. Nate reaches into the smashed up glass and picks up a brown, dirty piece of paper, he shows it to us before carefully unfolding it before curses once he releases nothing is on the paper, which we could see.

"Well, that's the understatement of the year." once he releases that this trip and putting our life at risk was pointless, "...the light of the Great Khan...Wait a minute" I hear Nate say as we both, Harry and I turn to face him and Harry asks in frustration. "What're you doing?"

"It's resin. It'll burn." Nate says as he collects together the shattered glass, "Just give me your light." He says to Harry, I watch in confusion as Nate lights the glass of fire but instead of a normal yellow and red fire, the glass turns it blue and purple, Harry and I look at it with awe before Nate takes the paper and holds it over the fire and now there is something on the paper.

"Our ships were driven by a great flood tide into the wilds of Java"

"Seems like a tsunami," I say and Nate agrees and told us where and Harry tried to run out but Nate stops him by telling us about the mountain on the page. I raise an eyebrow over to Harry who seems to be in a hurry to get out but Nate keeps talking and reading off the page until he releases something which I couldn't believe.

"Marco Polo found Shambhala." but Harry looks very confused so Nate tried another way of getting through to him, "Shangri-La" this time it got through and he couldn't believe it, I couldn't believe it, I never expected Marco to find Shambhala.

I could tell Harry wasn't interested as now he speeded off taking the paper with him, I stayed for a second to help Nate put out the fire to only see Harry taking the rope away. "What are you doing?" I ask as I glare up at him.

"Sorry. This is where we part ways." Wow, what an asshole I thought to myself as Nate tried to talk his way out of this situation but Harry was having none of it. Harry pulls out a gun and aims it at me and Nate, we both surrender and walk back. "So what're you gonna do, shoot us now?" Nate asks.

"No. I just need you two out of the way for a little while." Harry says before firing a bullet into one of the glass protectors setting the alarm off. I growled as I look around trying to figure another way out as Nate tries to get Harry to throw the rope down. "Face it, genius. You've been played."

Nate tries to run but Harry fired again. "Want to give the guards a decent head start. Right, that's my cue." Harry says just as we hear the guards and he runs off. I literally couldn't believe it, the only thing I knew we could do it run. Nate grabs onto my wrist and starts running dragging me alone as we try our best to avoid the lasers but the passage we were about to run through was cut off. Nate curses as I pull him to the arch in the wall leading to the open window, we both jump out to see the sewer, Nate allows me to go down first before he follows close behind.

We both run through to only had lasers pointed at us, we both try and dodge our way through, Nate runs towards the ladder and starts climbing, I watch as he gets caught by guards, I knew this was wrong of me but I had to leave him and hide before I get caught.

Three months later.

I had escaped the place in surprisingly, I don't know how I did it but I did but Nate on the other hand has been in prison for the last few months and today me and my father is here to visit and hopefully get him out. We both walk towards his cell to see him doing who knows what with his hands.

"Hey - hey - hey - jackass, you're ruining the show, here."

"Aww, what a shame." My father says causing Nate to jump off his bed and walk towards the door. "Sully! Vi!"

"I really can't leave you two alone for a minute." My father says which causes me to laugh, I watch as Nate smiles and say how glad he is to see him before he turns to me and asks in a whisper. "How did you even escape?"

I smirk before replying. "Well, I hide for a day or two until everything calmed down before making my escape." I move back just as one of the prison guards open the door allowing Nate out of the cell. "(Thanks). I had to grease a few palms." My father says, I'm not gonna lie I've never been so happy to see Nate even with what happened. I really hope what ever happened three months ago can be left in the past and Nate and I could move on...hopefully.

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