Chapter 24

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Finally, we've got our way over, I look around once I hear something, water starts coming down from the statues on the walls mouth, turning the platforms in front of us, turning so they all connected allowing us to get across without having to climb which I bet Elena is happy about.

Elena, me and Chloe all walk next to each other with some men behind us with their guns pointed at us so we wouldn't run off or do something stupid. Lazarevic had already walked away and through the doors, just when there were three gunshots, sounding to me like a shotgun.

"Lazarevic, I've done what you've asked. Let them go," I hear Nate say as we walk towards them, I look down to the floor to see the monsters from before and the one lying closest to Nate and Lazarevic is a man, must have been some kind of protector or something.

"Always bargaining... But you have played your last hand, and lost," Lazarevic says and I couldn't believe it after him helping them get through he's going to kill him, well not Lazarevic, Harry is. I watch as Harry aims his gun at Nate with a smirk on my face.

"Looks like it's the end of the road, mate," Harry was about to pull the trigger but Lazarevic stops him telling him not yet. "I want him to see Shambhala and die knowing that I have taken it from him. Open the gate!" 

Two of his soldiers walk towards the gate and starts opening it by turning the wheel, the door slowly opens up revealing Shambhala, the entrance is bright and behind it look like some kind of forest with loads of old, fashioned building which still looks in good shape and it looks incredible. The entrance it' self, look like gold from the brightness making it look rich and not old at all.

Lazarevic walks up the steps leaving as at the bottom looking at the entrance in awe, I couldn't believe we've actually gotten here. We all walk towards the steps leading us to the ground of Shambhala. No one could believe it, that it actually existed, I'm not going to lie, I've had doubts but that has proved me wrong and properly everyone else.

I can't get over how beautiful it looks, looks like a kingdom which nature have taken over since plants now flow up the side of the building and the colours on the building are no longer just gold but green from the plants.

"Now..." I hear Lazarevic say as I now stand in-between Nate and Elena, Lazarevic turns towards us and finishes what he's going to say, "You have been a thorn in my side for far too long. On your knees," 

"Hey, hey, uh -" Harry starts to say, "Zoran, we had a deal," Harry finishes, only for Lazarevic to say something I didn't expect him to say, "I do not suffer traitors," Lazarevic says aiming his gun at us.

"Oh, right, so I suppose you know exactly how to find the Stone, then... won't be needing me," Harry says, smirking slightly as he aims his gun at Chloe, only for a second before pushing her towards Harry, and he thanks him for pushing Chloe towards him aiming his pistol at her.

"On your knees!" Lazarevic shouts towards us, Lazarevic men tries to put us to our knees only for Nate to fight with his gun, suddenly an arrow hits the soldier, I gasp in shock from what I saw, a loud growl interrupts us before few purple people with some kind of weird armor jumps down with bow and arrows, growling towards us before firing arrows, killing some of Lazarevic's soldiers.

One of the men drops a pistol as I punch the guy off of me, picking up the pistol with a thanks before following after the others who are already running off from the scene. Jumping off the edge, heading away from the bridge whilst some of Lazarevic's soldiers and the protectors chased after us.

We run as far as we could only for us to come to a dead end, I take a deep breath as the man with a grenade launcher, is about to fire one at us, one of the protectors hits him down, accidently sending the grenade the wrong way, killing the soldiers in front of us and causing the stone floor to break and crumble, breaking apart and sending us down the slope.

I groan as the once floor breaks through the wall in front of us sending all of us to the floors, I slowly get up, with a pain in my head, we all look up and look away in disgust as we see one of the soldiers with some of a branch through him.

"We need to get the hell out of here - now," Chloe announces and this time we all agree with her, "Are you all right?" Nate asks putting his arm around my shoulder as my hands go to my head, the impact has given me a killer head.

I nod my head yes, removing my hands and follow after Chloe and Elena with Nate following after me, jumping down to the bottom part which has this small, stone cover, like a gazebo but made of stone and it's properly not used like it.

We all walk the stone cover in the middle and looks like someone has already gotten here before us, Nate, Elena and I quickly remove our coats, since it's pretty warm here, since I have my leggings underneath my trousers I decided to take them off.

"I'm hoping we have better luck making it out alive," I say through the warm trousers to the floor, and follow after Elena, "Yeah, these bodies look like they've been here sixty, seventy years,"

"Hey-" Chloe calls grabbing Elena's attention, I turn to see she has a gun in her hand, "Didn't seem to do them much good but here,"

"Thanks," I hear Elena say as we all start looking around, "Well, Lazarevic and his crew will have headed into the city. So, if we can just make it back to the entrance, it should be clear by now,"

"We need to stop him," I tell her as I examine the dead body and Nate and Elena agrees with me and of course Chloe didn't seem pleased about it, "And how exactly do you plan on doing that?" She asks us, I just shrug my shoulders, before looking back to the dead body, pulling out an arrow showing me that these guys were killed by the things here.

"Get to the stone first, before he does, and destroy it," Nate replies, the thing is he's already ahead of finding it since he's in the city and we're below it. "Whoa, whoa, wait a minute - don't tell me you're buying into all that supernatural nonsense," Chloe says as she steps closer to Nate.

"I don't know what to believe anymore," Nate replies walking towards as I through the old arrow away after releasing I'm not getting anything else about what happen from it. "Okay - well just in case you missed it, that man is certifiable. He thinks he's fulfilling some sort of prophecy - that the Stone will somehow make him invincible," Chloe says as Nate kneels down and picks up on the corpses guns.


"We're standing in the middle of Shambhala and you're questioning what's possible?" Elena asks and she does have a point, I nod my head, "She's right Chloe, who knows if the Stone is real or any of this is possible, we're in Shambhala. Personally, I don't think this place would have some kind of protectors here for no reason. Something isn't right" I tell her and she turns towards me and tells me it's more of a reason to leave.

"I'm just trying to set thing right," Nate says before Elena questions, "And maybe save the world?"

"We can only do that if we go after the Stone," I say, standing next to Elena with my arms crossed as we all look at Chloe who just couldn't believe what we're saying. "Oh God," Chloe laughs and walk towards Elena.

"Listen, sunshine - the world doesn't care. You stick your neck out, you are asking to lose your head." I move forward about to say something, going to defend my friend only for Nate to stop me as he walks with the gun, "You said yourself you want to take this guy down,"

"Yes, and I want to see him play more than you do. But that's not how it will end. This," Chloe says gesturing to Shambhala, "This is how it will end,"

"No. Not this time,"

"C'mon... Whaddya say?" Elena asks moving towards, "You're crazy," Chloe replies. "Chloe, we've gotta try... don't we,"

Chloe thinks for a minute before nodding, "Let's go save your bloody world,"

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