Chapter 15

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"Okay, so, what do we do now?" Elena asks as Nate helps me stand up, once we're both back to his feet Nate turns to look over his shoulder to look at her, "I'm going after her,"

"Of course you are... typical. Go after her. " I walk over to stand next to Elena, agreeing with her, I knew Nate was going to go after her even though I didn't want him to but I knew nothing would stop him.

"Flynn said something about a train. Which means they would've taken her to the rail yard... here," Nate says pointing to the book, we both take a look at it as Nate walks to the other side of the room pointing the way it should be, past the water tower.

"Nate, she pulled a gun on us," Elena says and Nate nods knowing what she did, "She was going pull the trigger. Think about Nate, how many times has she already betrayed us," I say grabbing onto Nates arms, making him look at me.

"Flynn knew she was with us," he says, moving away from me, "If Lazarevic finds out she double-crossed them, you know what he's going to do to her,"

"Whatever," I say walks away from him, to lean against the broken wall, and looked at the water tower, trying to make up my whether or not I should risk my life for someone who had betrayed us many times.

"You two stay here, I'm going to get her,"

"No! Your not doing this alone," I say, giving him a look, telling him I'm not going to give in, Nate signs before turning to look at Elena who says with a shrug, "We've got a train to catch," We all walked forward and looked below to see some of the soldiers from earlier, looking for us.

"We better get rid of them," I say as Nate and I start to climb down, leaving Elena at the top, getting a great view of everything, "Oh, by the way," I hear Nate say, I turn to look at him.

"You're going to be the death of me," He says before grabbing my chin and kissing my cheek before leaving my side to receive a gun, being careful not to get caught. I stay where I was once I heard someone walking over.

I peek over to see a soldier walking over, I wait until he got close enough before grabbing him and breaking his neck and waited for the all clear and it didn't take long for Nate to say the words allowing me and Elena to come out of hiding and go where Nate is which is top of a small building.

"Vi, come here, there's a fire-escape- but I can't reach it," I nod my head and walk towards him, placing my foot in his hand and he lifts me up so I could reach the fire-escape, I climb up the ladder and getting onto it before kicking the ladder, so it could go get the ladder down so Nate and Elena could climb up.

I look down to see a gun on the floor, I quickly pick it and before jumping to the other side where Nate and Elena waited, I jump over, pulling myself up. "Here you go," I say, handing Elena the gun, she thanks me for it before we all continued our way to where the rail yard, to save Chloe Frazer.

After getting to the top of the water tower we could tell that's where Chloe is, due to all the soldiers roaming around the place, I groan quietly. I can't believe we're doing this just to save her.

"So, you got a plan 'B'?" Elena asks as we all put our guns away, "I'm working on it," Nate replies, I turn to look at him and raised my eyebrow and ask playfully. "So, that a no then?" Nate turns nudging my shoulder which caused he to chuckle as Nate pulls out his binoculars and started searching the place, properly for Chloe.

"There she is," Nate announces, I look to see a familiar red tank top going into one of the trains, "Flynn's got her,"

"Second thoughts?" Elena asks once we all see Lazarevic walk into the train. "No. Okay. They're about to take this show on the road. So we're gonna have to move fast. Now, I'm going to go down there, alone."

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