Chapter 12

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Hey, guys. I just wanted to say that I've actually started writing the story for Uncharted 3 so in the next chapter, if I got everything ready I'll announce the name but other than that I hope you enjoy this chapter.

After that gunfight, getting past the large flowing river and a few more gunfights and a load other problems we finally made it to the temple. We all walk behind Nate as I observe the temple. I thought it look beautiful from the distance but up close it looks ten times more beautiful.

We all walk towards the door of the temple, "How 'bout that, huh?" Nate asks, you could tell the place is old but the oldness to the temple made it look better, well that's what I think. "You brought us right to the doorstep," Chloe replies causing Nate to laugh.

We all turn once we hear Elena come over standing in between Chloe and Nate, "So I'm guessing it's not a coincidence that we ended up here." I chuckle at what she said before turning to look up at Nate who is looking down at me with an eyebrow raised obviously confused why I was laughing.

"Hey, she's only been on one adventure and she already knows us," I say which caused Nate to smirk before turning to look back over to Elena answering her question which she responded, "God, you're an ass," I laugh again.

"Now, I agree with that," I say before walking off towards the table to take more of a good look at it as I listen to the conversation that Nate and Elena are having behind my back. "Seems to me like you two aren't on really good terms," I hear Elena say, it's unbelievable how well she could read us and she only been around us once for the adventure to El Dorado.

"Uh... No, not really,"

"So... What happened?" I hear Elena question and Nathan quickly explains the incident and Elena once again responds with 'you're an ass'. "Hey, it was miss understanding, she didn't let me explain... she says she can't believe me when we're around Chloe, which I completely understand,"

"I don't understand," Elena says in confusion, I look over my shoulder to see Nate pointing over to Chloe who has her back to them, Elena quickly follows to where he's pointing so now she's looking at Chloe's back.

"I've noticed her smirking at Vio, every time she thinks I'm not watching, trying to rub it in making her feel upset about it," I couldn't believe Nate had released all along but... why didn't he say anything to her and of course, like if Elena had read my mind see questions about it and the answer Nate gave shocked me.

"Every time I try my hardest not to say anything, it makes me angry that she does it... I don't even like Chloe. I...uh... since that adventure looking for the treasure at El Dorado and when we past ways... I have fallen hard for Vi and I have to tell Chloe but not yet, can't cause tension until this is done,"

I quietly gasp in shock as I heard Nate say that, we never in the time of our relationship ever exchanged 'I love you', I never had the guts to do it, of course, I love Nate and hearing him say that made me feel better about forgiving him.

"Nate... I can tell you love her... a lot and you both are great with each other, she'll listen to you don't worry about it so... just what is it you're after, anyway?"

Before Nate could answer her I quickly stop and pointed towards the symbol on the door as I stand next to Nate,  "That symbol up there it's called -"

"The Cintamani Stone," I roll my eyes and playfully glare at Nate who smirked back at me and starts to explain to Elena what the stone, Chloe start calls over to him. "So, let me get this straight - you're competing with a psychopathic war criminal for a mythological gemstone,"

"When you put it that way, it does sound pretty stupid," The cameraman Jeff states and I couldn't help but agree with it, it's true it does sound stupid. "Thanks for the input, Jeff," Nate sarcastically says only for him to groan slightly after due to me nudging him hard in the ribs.

He ignores what I did and listened to what Elena says as she crosses her arms, looking up at the Temple. "And it's supposedly in this temple,"

"Elena, it's never that easy, the stone isn't here," I say smiling at her, she should know looking for treasure wouldn't be this easy. I try my hardest not to laugh as Chloe tries to get Nate attention who ignore her and kept his attention to me and Elena.

"Can I have a work with you, darling?" she asks dragging him off smirking back at me, I roll my eyes and glared at her, I'm definitely going to get rid of that stupid smirk. "Oh, I hate her," I say quietly so they didn't hear me but Elena did and this caused her to laugh and smile at me.

"She doesn't seem the best... especially from what I heard, I'm sorry that happened to Vi, I really am I don't I could be here with the two of them if I was in your position,"

"I'm not going to lie... I didn't want to be here but Nate convinced me telling me to do this for my father and myself but in a way, I'm glad I'm here if I wasn't, I don't I would have seen you again," I say smiling at Elena who smiles back, yeah... it's definitely great to see her again.

The smiles went away as we heard something in the distance, it's the helicopter, "Get inside, Now!" I shout as we all quickly head over to the temple, Chloe and Nate push the door open allowing us through so we could avoid the helicopter.

I follow behind Nate and looked around the temple to see the red on the wall which is beautiful lit up by the candles surrounding the place. "Wow," I say to myself allowing the beauty of the place to cave in on me.

"All right - we should be safe in here, for now," Nate announces as Elena comes forward. "This just doesn't add up, Nate. Lazarevic can't be after the money. He doesn't need it. You're missing something..."

Suddenly Chloe grabs mine and Nates arm and dragged us towards an opening ordering the two to say, Nate, doing the same. Chloe quickly closes the door behind us.  "This is definitely the right temple," Nate announces as we all start to look around the place trying to find another entrance but none are in sight, there has to be one somewhere.

I turn to see Nate looking at his notebook, I quickly jog over to him looking over him to look at the book, "So... the entrance may have something to do with him," I announce pointing towards the statue with six arms, holding four different things, must be to do with them.

"All right, I'll leave you to it... I'm going to look around the place," I say as I start to leave but stopped to turn around and quickly headed back to Nate. "I, uh, heard what you said to Elena," I start to say as a worried look covers his face, "Even though we're not together,"


"I thought I'd tell you that I do love you, a lot," I smile at him and kissed his cheek before walking off not without looking at Chloe who is glaring at me, I chuckle slightly and start to look around the large temple whilst Nate searched for the hidden entrance.

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