Chapter 13

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"Are you ok?" I ask as I Nate falls off of the statue, I jog over to help him up,  grabbing the top of his arm and pulled him, once he's up to his feet, I look up to see the globe opening in half revealing a secret entrance.

"Wait a minute," Nathan orders as he pulls out the Phurba and starts examining it, "What is it?" Both Chloe and I ask as we both look at the door. "Chloe, Vi. This isn't just a dagger. It's a key." Nate announces turning to the two of us.

"Hmm... well, let's find out what it opens," Chloe says with a smirk, Nate nods his head and starts climbing up the wall and puts the dagger or key into the keyhole on the wall, he fiddles with it for a minute until he asked if it did anything.

Of course, it did.

"The water's going," I announce and walk towards the edge to see the water being drained, I watch as Chloe jumps into where the water was and shouted to us that she found the door, "We did it!"

"Well, technically, I did it," I hear Nate which caused me to laugh, he nudges my shoulder, "You're an idiot," I say to him with a smirk before walking down the steps, I could hear Nate laughing as he followed me down to where Chloe is who is looking through the now open door. 

"Whaddya think? You game?" Chloe asks turning to look at Nate, "Ladies first," Nate says gesturing the both of us to go, "Which one?" I ask with a smirk and Chloe smirks, "I'll go first, I'm more like a lady than you,"

I roll my eyes, but agree with her, she definitely acts more ladylike than me but I'm proud of who I am and I'm happy not being very ladylike,  every since I was little I've been more of tomboy than a girly girl and that's just how it is, everyone is different and I accept that.

Chloe goes in first, I turn to Nate and he gestures me to go, I chuckle before I follow after Chloe, leaning down so I didn't hit my head on the wall where the entrance starts. "Hm - thank God I'm not claustrophobic,"

"I can agree with there," I whisper back to Nate, as I walk down the stone steps I turn on my torch which is strapped to my tank top, we all walk down the corridor which is filled with columns holding everything up.

"You're not going to get us trapped in a small dark space thirty meters underground, are you?" I hear Chloe as we climb up some large stones before Nate could say anything I answered first, "Knowing Nate, he properly will, just has no luck what's so ever,"

"You know me so well," Nate says as he jumps off the stone, I follow after him before turning to look at her and replied, "Well, I have known you since you were fifteen," I tap his cheek before walking head down another corridor which once again has water covering the floor.

After climbing up a broken statue which looked like a lion but would never know since the head isn't there, Chloe and I follow behind Nate who is slowly walking towards a large light at the end of the corridor, unfortunately for us since the floor opened up sending us into the water underneath.

Have I ever told you that I'm scared of open waters, really not the fear to have been treasure hunting, we all look up to see the floor, well now ceiling closing up. I sign in dread, I should have known something like this was going to happen. It normally does.

"Oh, you have got to be kidding me." Chloe say as the ceiling finally closed up, locking us in the floor below, "Oh, c'mon - could be worse, right?" Nate asks with a nervous laugh just as spikes come through.

"Yeah, definitely can't get any worse," I say sarcastically to only get a playful glare from Nate, how does he stay calm in these situations? I'll never know. I look around to see some clogs moving, which is moving the spikes closer to us. Let's hope this work.

I pull out my pistol and started firing bullets into the clogs, "Um... Vi, what are you doing?" I hear Nate ask, I just ignore him and carry on firing breaking some of them, "And it stopped!" I say with a smile as I put my gun away and followed after Nate and Chloe who is climbing through an opening.

I get closer and got ready to jump up and pull myself up only for Nate to stop me by holding out his hand, I nod and jumped up grabbing his hand as he pulls me up, I thank him as he pulls me up.

I follow after Nate who is jogging up the steps which reached to the place where we were about to go until the floor opened up, "My God," I say as I look what is happening in front of me, there a dagger hanging which is opening up allowing light to come through which is hitting a red statue man on the floor, it's just amazing."

"Hey, that thing looks familiar," Chloe announces as she stands next to me, and it does it definitely looks like the Phurba and Nate agrees but he announces it. I watch as Nate jumps off the edge so he's now standing in front of a circular mirror.

"These lights must activate it somehow. Those mirrors seem important," Nate says as he opens his notebook and starts searching for something to help figure it out, I jump down and stand next to Nate.

"What about that?" 

"What about it?" Nate question, I huff and didn't both to finish explaining so I grab the mirror and start guiding the light to where I was pointing before Nate finished off what I had started, running straight towards the small face on the wall.

Suddenly one of the edges of the dagger came down, it's definitely something to do with the lights, we just need to get the other two down, I sit on the edge as Nate walks around the room trying to figure out how to get the other two and that was by Nate climbing up the side of the ladder. Let's just hope he doesn't fall off this one.

After getting the final part of the dagger down and creating large light beams around the room the dagger hits the statue below it making look like he's getting stabbed. "Hey, it just opened something!" Nate shouts from one of the floors above us.

Chloe and I run around the side until we got to the head which now has it's mouth open, "So, the secret of Shambhala is down this guy's throat?" Chloe asks and Nathan replies, "I guess so,"

"We better climb down then," I say and started climbing down the man's throat with Nate and Chloe following, the mouth was hiding a large, light room, Nate walks past me, walking towards something which looks like another keyhole for the Phurba.

Nate looks between me and Chloe before putting the key into the lock and it activated something to do with the floor started lifting making it look like rocks, it's just amazing. "That's amazing," Chloe says like she's reading my mind, this is one thing I could agree on.

"I know where that is," Nate announces as he pulls out a map,  I quickly head over to him, standing next to him as he shows me but I couldn't see it, "You see the shape of that peak, there?" Nate says pointing towards a certain part of the rocks.

I nod and realised that it is it, this had shown us the way, "Which means," Nate starts to say before he pulled me in front of him and leans the map on my back, taking out a pen and started doing something on the map.

"The entrance to Shambhala," Nate says with the pen lid in his mouth, "Must be right here," He laughs before showing me and Chloe what he had done, we both look to see he put an x on the map.

"So. We did it," Chloe says as I carry on looking at the map but the celebration didn't last long as voices echo through the top of the place, we all pull out our guns getting ready for another fight. 

Here goes nothing.

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