Chapter 23

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Nate, Elena and I walk side by side towards the secret entrance to Shambhala which was the steps with the tree above it, we had gone past not long ago, I look around to see a load of dead guys, the ones we killed in fact.

"Vi, help me with these doors," I hear Nate say once we had gotten down the doors which are inside the staircase, I nod my head and jogged over and stood next to Nate in front of the doors. "All right. Go," Nate orders and we both push onto the heavy doors opening them and holding them for a second to allow Elena through before we both quickly get out of the way just as the doors close.

"Here it is. The secret entrance to Shambhala," Nate announces I look around the large room to see no entrance, just a globe in the middle of the room and some phurbas or daggers on the wall, I look over to Nate in confusion, I can't see anything.

"Nate?" Elena asks as she also looks around the room in confusion, "Yeah,"

"Don't see it," Elena says and I nod my head agreeing with her and Nate also agreed with us as he walks towards the globe. "Um... Nate?" 

"Yeah," Nate replies to me and walks over as I stare at one of the daggers on the wall, I look past him to see another dagger which is in the exact same position as the one in front of me. The tips are facing upwards. 

"Go over there and turn the dagger," I say pointing to the dagger, Nate nods and does what I say and walks over and turning the dagger, Nate turns the dagger and looks around, realising that nothing happened, he turned back to me with his arms out basically asking what was meant to happen.

I quickly grab the dagger in front of me, holding onto the top and pulling the tip of the dagger down so it's facing the ground. I jump back in surprise once I hear something start to happen, I walk over to Nate and Elena as the globe in front of us starts to lift.

"That's it," I hear Nate say as he walks towards the globe, "What?" Elena asks in confusion and I turn to face her with a smile and nod over to the globe and told her to watch what's going to happen.

Suddenly voices come from outside the door, we all turn to look at it as the voices got louder, "Son-of-a-bitch!" Nate snarls, we all runs towards the door, making sure to stay hidden. "What are we going do?" I ask and I stand behind Nate as he pulls out his gun. "Just stay behind me," Nate orders and leans against the wall.

I quickly pull out my gun and watch over Nates shoulder, waiting for the person to come in and it didn't take long, footsteps could he heard running towards us then a figure come into view and it's one of Lazarevic's men.

"Drop the gun!" Nate demands as he grabs onto the man, aiming his gun at the soldiers head, "Do it!" Nate demands once again just as more footsteps could be heard and more soldiers come in and at the end the line of soldiers is Lazarevic.

Nate keeps his hold onto the guy who has now dropped the gun and has his hands in the air, surrendering. I quickly move my aim towards the large man, glaring at him as he walks towards us obviously pretty angry that we've got here before him.

"I should have killed you myself when I had the chance. Not a mistake I will make twice," Lazarevic announces with a dark tone before pulling out his own gun aiming it at Nate, I quickly become nervous knowing by all the encounters we've had with Lazarevic, he will kill him.

"Get away!" I snap at him as Elena and I move closer to Lazarevic who chuckles at us, "Oh, pull the trigger, little one -" Lazarevic says and walk closer to me, he was about to say something but is quickly cut off, "Oh... don't tempt me!" I growled at him, I would love to fire a bullet into his head but I know for the fact that we won't get out of here alive otherwise which Lazarevic states, "Let's see how long we'd last,"

Not Be Believed-Nathan Drake x OCWhere stories live. Discover now