Chapter 17

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I follow behind Nate and Tenzin, I stop once I notice something but I had no idea what it was or what it says, nor did Nate so he decided to ask Tenzin, who looked at Nate and answered in his language, "Why do I ask?" Nate questions himself as Tenzin carries on speaking in his language with some impression trying to help us to understand but it didn't work.

"Sorry, we still don't understand," I apologise as Tenzin says something else, pulling out his large machete from his holder, strapped to his back and walks off, "Wait. Tenzin! Why do you need that...?" Nate asks as we both jog after him as he runs up the mountain.

"You know... at this moment, I wish Elena was here," I say to Nate who laughs and agrees, we really need her so we can understand him and it would be great to have someone else to talk to not just Nate.

We follow Tenzin down the mountain, climbing down a wooden ladder after using a seventy-year-old rope to help us get to the other side, I'm actually surprised that nothing didn't happen to Nate, it normally does.

We walk through the snow, walking past huge blocks of ice before we actually squeezed through them so we could get further, I still don't understand why we're here but I just have to give my trust to Tenzin to not get us killed, well properly so Nate doesn't get us killed, something is bound to happen sooner or later.

"Looks like we're on the right track, but there is nothing here... this can't be what Schäfwer meant," Nate says as I watch Tenzin pick up a few things from what looks like a camp, suddenly we all hear a loud growl, we all look up to see a white wolf up the top and it just had to be the way we had to go.

"Oh, that way, sure... Those things bite, you know," Nate says, pointing to where the wolf, I smirk walking up to him, he looks down at me in confusion, "Awww... Natey scared of a wolf," I say in a baby voice, he rolls his eyes as I starting laughing, before reaching up to kiss his cheek.

I move away and followed after Tenzin who is climbing up some ice, before swinging the rope into the ice before swinging across, I look down at Nate, who is glaring at me, I chuckle before winking at him before I run and jump, grabbing onto the rope swinging across landing on the other side before walking off following Tenzin through this cave.

Wolf howls could be heard once Nate and I get to Tenzin who is kneeling down next to something, "What is it?" I ask as Tenzin just as he turns it over revealing a dead body, he's been dead for something, must have frozen to death but I don't know.

Tenzin says something before handing Nate a piece of old paper, Nate has a look at it before passing it to me, "The Cintamani Stone," I say, looking at the drawn image. "Must've been one of Schäfer's men," Nate announces just as the ice, below us, started to break, I quickly get up running back, Tenzin and I made it as Nate hang on the to the side of the now cliff.

"Nate! Give me your hand!" I order, Nate listens and grabs onto my hand, I groan as I pull him back to the surface before pulling him up to his feet, "You all right?" I nod before wrapping my arm around him before asking him the same question.

"Yeah... I'm fine," I nod my head before moving away from him before I walk around trying to find a place to ago, it didn't take long for Nate to find a way, "Vi, you first," I nod as I walk closer to Nate, placing my foot in his hands before pushes me up, Nate following close behind.

"We better get moving," Nate announces before Nate jumps and started climbing to the side we want to be on, why did I have to say that I wanted to do this, way too cold for this, I thought to myself before climbing across.

"C'mon, I'll catch you!" Nate shouts over to Tenzin, who walks back before running full speed, jumping across to me and Nate, Nate quickly grabs onto his hand, pulling him up before he throws the rope so we could get to another part.

Like almost always, I get over without breaking anything but Nate, breaks the ice almost falling off, thankfully Tenzin had owed him back for catching him, by saving his life. "I think I should ban you from all this," I say as Nate is back on his feet.

"What?" He question, looking extremely confused. "You're going to get yourself killed and you don't have the best of luck," I say with a smirk as Nate agreed, tapping my shoulder before we carry on following Tenzin.

"Oh god," I say once I see something I wish I never saw, "What did this?" Nate asks as he also looks at the thing Tenzin and I are looking at. Two wolves laid dead in their blood, showing a load of signs of getting attacked, I sometimes hate seeing people dead but I hate with a passion seeing animals dead.

"C'mon we better get going," Nate says, grabbing my hand, pulling me away from the scene, he knows I hate seeing animals dead or being killed, I can't stand wildlife documentaries. Yeah, I'm an animal lover.

Nate now leading, Tenzin and I follow after, I stand next to Nate once I hear a growl, louder and scarier than the wolves growls. I decide to ignore it thinking it's just my imagination. I turn back to Nate just as Tenzin comes up, speaking in his language, Nate orders him to stay here as Nate and I go off, climbing up the separated parts of the mountains and almost getting killed a few times.

After some time we finally found a way to get Tenzin through, there's a dead guy near us who had a gun, Nate got the idea to shoot the ice, breaking it giving Tenzin a way through. He runs towards us only to stop and scream a bit once something huge jumps next to him, grabbing onto Tenzin.

I gasp, "Nate, shot him!" I shout, as this thing starts hitting Tenzin but his attention moves to Nate once he fired the gun at him. I'm ordered to stay where I am, I nod not wanting to get in the way and thankfully the two of them are ok.

Once that thing went away after being stabbed a few times by Tenzin, I sprint over to Nate, helping him up before pulling him into a tight embrace, so happy that he's ok. "What the hell was the thing?" Nate asks as his arms wrap around me, of course, Tenzin answered but we couldn't understand him. 

Oh, I wish I never agreed to this.


Hey, guys, I thought I'd tell you that I'm writing a Sam Drake story and I think I'm going to publish it tomorrow but not positive yet as I've only written the Prologue and Chapter 1.

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