Chapter 11

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After a hell of a long time of trying to avoid the helicopter and the soldiers on the roofs, we finally escaped and not only that we destroyed that helicopter, even though we lost most of our ammo doing so, this mission to get to that temple is going to be a lot easier... well I think so.

"Hey that wire, that's our way down," Nate announces before making us go first, I pull my gun out of my holster, putting it on the wire as I grip both sides of the gun before pushing myself off the edge, Nathan right behind me.

"Oh no!" I hear Nathan shout as we both suddenly fall to the ground. I groan as I hit the ground, it took me a good minute for me to be able to get back on my feet and another few minutes for the pain go.

"Are you okay?" I ask as I walk over to Nate who is lying on the floor holding his side, I remove my hand from my waist where my scar is from the last adventure with my father, Nate and close friend Elena, to El Dorado.

I offer my hand to Nate which he took and I help him stand up with a groan, once he's up to his feet, I quickly hold onto my waist as a sharp pain shot through my body from that exact point. "God that hurt," I hear Nate say before we both turn to look up to see Chloe looking down at us. 

"I'm going to find another way down," Chloe says before leaving our sight, I'm not going to lie I still don't like her but she did save my life so I'm going to repay the favor and try my hardest to get her out of this alive.

"Come let's go," I say, nudging Nate and headed to where a pipe is which lead up the side of a destroyed house, climbing my way past the fire and some crumbled wall. I grunt as I land back on the other side.

I walk out of the alleyway, not without pulling out my gun, I gestured Nate to go first, allowing him to take the lead. We both quietly walk against the wall of the building, I stay where I was as I watch Nate turn the corner aiming his gun.

"Whoa! Hey - hey - don't shoot!"

"Hey!" I hear a female voice shout, I quickly turn to aim my pistol at the mystery woman. The woman wore a white blouse, jeans and had her blonde hair in a bun which I thought I'd never see again.

"Elena?" I question as I recognize her.

"Nate? Violet? What the hell are you doing here?" She questions just as Nate is tackled to the floor by the man he had aimed his gun at. "Jeff, don't!" She says putting her gun away before going over to where Jeff had pinned Nate down.

"Wait, you know these two?" Jeff questions and Elena agrees before helping Jeff onto his feet.

"This is Drake," Elena introduces Nate before pointing to where I'm standing, "And this Sullivan," I give Jeff a small wave which was returned whilst Elena chuckled. I'm not going to lie until know I didn't realize how great it is to see her again.

I move away from the wall and headed over to Elena, I smile at her before we both hug each other showing how much we actually missed each other. It's really surprising the first time you meet someone you could despise them but after being around them so long, you can create a long lasting friendship with them.

"Nice seeing you again, Elena," I say as I pull out of the hug and smiled at her before turning to see Nate still lying on the floor. "So what's your angle on all this misery?" Elena asks as she walks away from my side to stand next Nate's feet.

I roll my eyes as I head over to Nate and helped him sit up as Elena carries on, "You gonna plunder a few temples? Loot the museum?" 

"It's nice to see you, too." He says as he finally gets onto his feet as I watch Elena turn her back to grab a small notebook and start flipping through the pages. "It's like you can read our minds," I say with a small laugh, answering her last question which caused her to turn and smirk at me before looking back at the old looking book, flipping through the light brown papers.

"I suppose you're here for some noble crusade, right?" Nate asks as he brushes all the dirt of his clothing. "Actually, we're traveling a fugitive war criminal - Zoran Lazarevic. Have you heard of him?"

Nate and I look at each other once she says the name of the man we're against.  "Isn't that NATO's job?" Nate questions, picking up his gun as Elena answers. "Well, they think that he's dead - killed in some bombing raid.

"Oh, so you're here to prove that the theory isn't true," I say as I cross my arms only for Elena turn towards the two of us. "Y'know what? This guy's a real monster. We're talking torture, mutilation, mass executions. But see, now he's - he's plotting something new... But why out here? Why - why tear apart the city, y'know? It doesn't make any sense..." 

Elena walks up to us as Nate shrugs only for Elena to release that we basically knew what he's doing. "Oh... no - tell me neither of you don't have anything to do with this."

"That's ridiculous-" Nate laughs as Chloe's voice echo through. I watch as Chloe runs towards us but once she sees Elena she pulls out her gun aiming at her only for the others to react but Nate quickly explained what's going on as I walk away, not be bothered to deal with her at the moment, I knew what she was going to do and I'm just not in the mood for it.

I go and sit on the wall, looking away from the others, at this moment more interested in my gun as I reload it allowing them to talk. 

I quickly turn once I hear a loud noise, I look over my shoulder and looked into the sky to see another helicopter. "Oh, not this again!" I say to myself, quickly putting my gun away and headed back to the group.

"You might want to rethink that..." Nate says as the helicopter comes closer. 

"Run!" I shout as we all run down the street trying to avoid the helicopter only for some of the soldiers to come out of nowhere. "Shit!" I say to myself as I pull out my pistol and started firing at them. 

"This is going to be just like El Dorado," 

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