Chapter 20

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I quietly climb my way up the mountain, Nate's above me and Elena is below me. We decided the best way to get in without being caught is on the side of the mountain. "Almost there. You got it?" Nate asks as he allows me and Elena to climb past him.

I'm the first one to move, side-stepping across the small part of the mountain, I keep my head up, if I look down now I'll panic and properly fall off. I stop once I saw a guy standing right by the side, I quietly crept over before climbing up the side of the mountain, grabbing him, pulling him over, he hits the mountain part below me before falling off the cliff completely.

I gesture Nate to come on as he tells Elena to stay there. I quickly run over to the truck in front of me, "I'll take them two out and you take those two," I say and Nate nods, smirking before he kisses my cheek and ran off, I blush as I run off to kill the two soldiers. I pick up a spare pistol since my one had run out of bullets, throwing the old pistol away, off the cliff by accident.

"It's up this way," I hear Nate announce, I jog up the steps with Elena following behind me, "Careful Nate, there's a lot of soldiers," I tell him as I lean against the one door whilst Nate leaned against the other one.

I hold my gun up to my chest, turning to looking at Nate, "You ready?" He asks holding his M4, I nod my head and started counting down with my fingers. 1. 2. 3.

I quickly turn and aimed my gun at the guy covered in black with a shotgun, firing rapidly at him, this caused the other soldiers to react firing their bullets at us. I couldn't even fire with a huge chance a bullet hitting me so I reach down, grabbing a grenade, pulling the safety pin before throwing it through the door the gap through the doors.

"Grenade!" I hear some of the soldiers shout before a loud bang can be heard, I peek through to see the grenade had killed at least three or four guys, I run past the doors before rolling over to a  broken pillar, firing from there until I got the chance to move again.

I sprint towards the door and helped Nate open it, it took a while to kill all these guys and to kill them all in less time Nate had to us a machine gun to finish them off, so here we are now. "Elena you go first," I say and Elena runs through before I go and so did Nate who almost got squashed by the door closing.

"That was close," Elena announces as we all walk down the steps to see old destroyed buildings. "It's a long way. Looks like the beam's the only way across, you two stay here," Nate says and climbs down the side of an old pillar.

"Nate, there's a rope down there," I announce and watch Nate work his way down.

"Well, here's the rope," I hear Nate say, I stand next to Elena who is kneeling down, "Catch!" Nate shouts, throwing the rope to Elena who catches it without a problem, I wait for Elena to tie the rope and to go down first before I went down, climbing down it before letting go, landing on the stone flooring below me.

Nate crosses the beam first and surprisingly it didn't break, I gesture Elena to go first, she was going to refuse and I just stared at her, basically telling her to go first, she nods and carefully moves across it.

I do the same thing and thankfully it didn't break, "Follow me," Nate orders as he climbs up the side of the wall, once he moved out of the way I quickly jump over climb up to the floor above. "You're gonna have to jump for it. I'll catch you," Nate says, I could see Elena hesitate but she does it, she runs towards us before jumping, Nate quickly grabs her as she screams a bit, taking a few deep, scared breaths.

"I gotcha," Nate says as he pulls her up. "You all right?" I ask, tapping her shoulder as she nods a yes, I knew she was trying to calm down and I hate it when I have to do it, it's the scariest thing ever.

"Perhaps we could move this statue," I say and walked around the side and started pushing, I groan as it slowly moves, Elena and Nate quickly help push and it starts moving. I take a deep breath once we stopped pushing, "Hey, we can climb up this thing now!" I hear Elena announce I look up to see Elena had already climbed up, I chuckle before I follow after her with Nate behind me.

I walk across and looked around to find where Elena had gone, my eyes stopped moving once I noticed some boards around the side, I walk towards before I side step my way around, keeping my back close to the wall just as I hear Nate tell us to be careful as I use the rope Elena had found to get myself up to the top.

I wait on the edge for Nate before helping him up, "Look -  up there. Is that them?" Elena asks, I look up to see figures walking across the bridge and one's wearing a familiar purple piece of clothing. "It looks like them," I say, whilst Nate got his binoculars out and had a look.

"Yeah, they're moving Schäfer into that tower. Damn it," Nate announces confirming that it is them, "Hey, don't worry. We'll get him," I say to Nate and he nods and smiles at me. "C'mon, we've gotta hurry," Elena says and run straight past us and up the steps covered in snow. We follow Elena all the way to the doors which allow us to cross the bridge but it was locked.

"It's locked. There's no way we're getting through here," Elena says as she tries to open the door. "Okay, I'll try to find another way around - open it from the other side. You sit tight. And yes, that includes you," He points to me causing me to chuckle, I shrug. "Oh, be careful and don't get caught, don't want to attract any attention," I say and reached up to kiss his cheek and Nate agreed but I think he's going to gain that attention, knowing Nate.

After waiting for some time for Nate we hear, gunfire from the other side of the door, I chuckle before turning to look at Elena, "What happened to not wanting any attention," She says and I laugh. "This is Nate, he loves the attention," I laugh just as I large explosion, scares the two of us, I look behind to see the door fall off the hinges.

"So much of wanting no attention," Elena says as we both run in with our guns out. "Tell it to the guy with the RPG," Nate says as I run him and hide behind a pillar, trying to avoid the rockets being fired at us as I try to kill the incoming guys, I peek past the pillar to see Nate aiming a sniper killing the guy with the rocket launcher and the guy with the lazer, at least those two have gone, that had made this a little easy, even with the guy with the shield.

"Violet, come one," I turn to see Nate is standing below a ladder, I quickly run over to him, trying to avoid the sniper's aim. I put my foot in his hand and he boosts me up, I quickly climb up, "Watch yourself up there," I hear Nate say just as I get to the top, I quickly kick the ladder down, giving Elena and Nate access to get up here with me.

I jump once a bullet hit the wall behind me, I gasp and looked up to see more guys, I groan and I quickly grab a pistol on a box and started firing at them before climbing up the ladders, getting me two floors above.

"We've gotta get across that bridge," Elena says as we all hide from the sniper's view. "We can't go out there now, those snipers will cut us to pieces," Nate says, I look around to try and find a way to get rid of these guys. "Nate! There's a sniper rifle up there, try and find a way to get up there," I say.

I groan once I notice people coming across the bridge, Elena quickly tells Nate as I try and shot them, stopping a few of them as suddenly I hear gun fires above me, and the men allow drop deep, Nate must have shot them with the sniper.

"Come on, let's go," I say as I slowly walk across the beam, getting me to the bridge., "There they are," Elena says as they walk into the tower. "We don't have much time... we gotta hurr-" Nate starts to say just as Elena and I run off, "And there they go. Right behind ya!"

"Are you okay?" Elena and I ask once we hear Nate fall through the boards of the bridge, "Run!" I hear Nate shout just as more boards on the bridge start to fall, I run right behind Elena, suddenly the end of the bridge gives out, we all scream as the bridge's one side starts to fall, I groan once the bridge hit the wall.

I look down, thankfully Nate is still holding on. "Nate, come on the bridge is about to go!" I shout as I climb to the top with the help from Elena. "Thanks," I say as she pulls me up. I kneel down and watch Nate climb up, I reach out my hand as the boards he climbs up fall off, he quickly grabs my hand, I groan as I pull him up, which is difficult with his body weight but I got him up.

"I'm never crossing a bridge with neither of you again," Nate says, I laugh, "Perfectly fine with me," and Elena agrees before heading towards the door which should take us to the people who are holding Schäfer.

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