Chapter 10

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I just wanted to say before getting into the chapter that I'm sorry for the lack of updates, I was planning on doing this the other day but I become ill and had to come home early from college because of this and I'm still sick. I also had work to do for my exams which will be starting in a few months but I'll try my hardest to update more often until sometime in February when I will be doing my next piece of coursework.

After another traveling across the buildings and getting fired at by another load of men and getting through a burning building, we finally arrived somewhere, which looks important due to all of Harry's men covering the place.

Nate, Chloe and I run towards two pillars, Chloe runs to one on the left whilst Nate and I run towards the one on the right making sure not to get caught by any of the men as we did so. "I don't like these odds?" Nate announces as he looks past the pillar gun in his hand just in case he needs to shot.

"No?" Chloe replies as I quickly load up my pistol as Nate tells us to basically find a new way to get to the hotel which is where we need to be and we can't go this way as we'll properly get killed.

"What are you doing?" I ask as Chloe pulls out a grenade and she replied telling us what she's going to do but she missed someone out, a few feet away from us is a man which his mouth covered holding a rocket launcher which will definitely kill us if we're spotted.

Nate obviously questioned her about her about him and she replied, "Well, that's where you come in, sweetheart, I need you to take care of him. But, uh, do it quietly,"

"Do it quietly," Nathan says to himself as Chloe agrees, before running off the get ready to throw the grenade whilst Nate and I stay behind the pillar, Nate decided to run across to another pillar only for him to get caught by the others as they separated. 

Nice one Nate I thought as I quickly start firing, killing multiple people which different weapons and also ones with shields. "Shit!" I say before running off towards Nate just as an explosion erupted from where I was standing, thank the lord I noticed it.

I smile at Nate as I fill my gun with bullets again, but not without asking Nate to cover me just in case. Nate agrees and carried on firing bullets. Once my gun was reloaded I quickly jump over the cover and ran towards a man and started fighting with him. 

He quickly throw a punch at me, missing me a few centimeters, I kick him in the stomach before he could throw another one, the kick had stunned him a moment giving me the opportunity knee him in the face sending him back, and finally hitting him with my elbow, knocking him out and breaking his nose.

"Violet! Get into cover!" I hear Nate shout just as I notice a large van coming towards us which is filled with more men, why does he have so many I ask myself before running towards a wall and hiding behind it as bullets are fired my way.

I stay in cover as If I get up I would properly be shot and killed or even injured so it's easier for me to allow Nate and Chloe to get rid of them. After a few minutes hiding in cover I was finally allowed to come out of hiding.

I quickly head over to Nate and Chloe who are waiting for my by the steps. "I think that's the last of them," Nate announces before turning to me and asking if I was all right. I nod my head telling him that I'm fine, Nate smiles at me obviously glad that I'm ok before we all head over towards the hotel, finding a way to get in.

"Ok, we're in!" Nate shouts to Chloe just as the elevator in the hotel pinged, the doors open revealing two men, one in some armor with a machine gun and the other is covered in armor. "Oh, god," I say as the man loads his shotgun.

We all quickly pull out our weapons, firing at the two. The man with the machine gun was easy to kill and it didn't take long at all but the man with the armor was difficult and did take a while but he was killed.

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