Chapter 1

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Nate and I sat quietly at a bar on a beautiful beach, Nate was sipping his bottle, suddenly a man comes in between us as we were sat a seat away from each other. "Buy me a drink, sailor?" I watch the two, Nate gets up in complete shock and asks.

"Harry Flynn?!" They both pull each other into a hug as they greet each other, I guess they know each other, I pick up my bottle and take a sip as the two boys talk. Suddenly I feel someone nudge my shoulder I look over my shoulder to see Nate pointing at the table and I follow him over to the table.

"I've got a job for us" Harry announces, looking around to make sure no one can here but before he said what the job his he turns to me and asks. "What's your name?"

"Violet" I reply with a serious face before I take a sip of my drink, he winks at me before he turns back to Nate. "A client is willing to part with a huge sum of cash if we' acquire' a certain object for him."

"All right, we're listening" Nate announces as Harry pulls out an A5 booklet. "Now - you're not gonna like this," Harry says as he shows us the A5 booklet which is the travels of Marco Polo and Harry was right Nate didn't like this at all. "Oh, no. No, you're out of your mind."

"Yeah, just - just hear me out for a sec-" before Harry could say anything Nate cuts him off. "Flynn, we both know that two people who were killed trying to lift something outta this place."

As they carried on arguing about this job, it's a four people job and there is only three until Harry announces. "Right. And speak of the devil - here she comes now"

"Chloe Frazer" she introduces, we already know who it is, it's Nathan's ex-girlfriend, I guess they're pretending to not know each other. I watch as Chloe walks over to me and shakes my hand and introduces herself to me.

"Violet...Violet Sullivan" I watch as Chloe walks away from me and walks towards Harry and greeted as she takes a seat next to me. "Chloe here's one of the best drivers in the business - she'll take good care of us."

"I bet," Nate says, I look over to him glaring. Sometimes I feel like Nate still has feelings for her and it really does seem that way. "All right, look - I've got it all figured out - We go in through the sewer -" Harry starts to say until Nate made a sarcastic comment. "That puts us in the courtyard. From there we scale up the wall, run across the rooftops, and just drop down into the exhibit hall. Bob's your uncle. And what is worth all this trouble, I hear you ask...?"

"I was about to beat me to it," I say with a small smirk, Harry looks and smirks before answering, I look over to Nate to see he had an angry look on his face properly noticed the smirks between the two of us. Harry turns over the page, and on the page, there was a red circle around a very beautiful oil lamp.

I lean over to have a look, I feel in love with it instantly but Nate didn't. "That's it? An oil lamp?" Harry agreed as he shows Nate the image of the lamp. "It's worthless. I don't get it" Nate says in confusion, I'm not going to lie I don't understand why they want it but it is very beautiful.

"Neither do we. That's why we tracked you down" Chloe says as she looks to all three of us. "Well, it sounds like you're working for a nutcase. Some collector, who's got too much time and money on his hands. And by the way, this is not worth any of it."

"But there's more..." Harry announces and that caught mine and Nate's attention. "How's your 13th- century Latin?" Harry asks as he hands a sheet of paper to Nate, I lean over to look even though I couldn't understand it but I bet Nate did.

"Where'd you get this?" Nate asks with pure shock. "Borrowed' it from the files of the nutcase" Harry replies with a smirk before Nate reads off the paper Harry gave him.

Not Be Believed-Nathan Drake x OCWhere stories live. Discover now