Chapter 18

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"Are those stairs?" I asked Nate who nods agreeing with me, finally, we're getting somewhere after some time of climbing and after that battle with that 'thing', we may have found something interesting, we both climb up the steps before jumping into an entrance of what looks like a temple. Yes, we're definitely getting somewhere.

Nate, Tenzin and I walk in, it looks amazing especially with the all the snow and ice surrounding the place. I look at it in awe before I'm brought out of my thoughts by Nate telling me and Tenzin to go to the other side and hold the button so he could get through on the other side, unfortunately, Tenzin and I had to wait got Nate, and that took quite some time since we both had to pull some switches and Tenzin and I were already at ours but Nate had to find a way to get over there.

Finally, he got there, shouting over to us to pull the switch, I nod and does what he says and pulls it which activated something. Two arms lift, and the large parts moving starts lifting but didn't stop like one of them since the holders crumbled and the fall, crushing the arms that just lift, of course, this would happen.

"Ah, great. Now how am I gonna get across?" I hear Nate ask himself, I rub my hands together, trying to warm them up as I watch Nate, carefully as he climbs his way across. At this moment I feel really sorry for him for having to do all this but... Normally I would have to do it with him, thankfully I don't have too, it's way too cold for it.

I smile once I see Nate stand at the edge of another part and I turn once I notice something happened, Nate must have activated something since large platforms come from the floor. "Nate! We need to meet in the middle!" I shout over to Nate as I jump onto one of the platforms, following after Tenzin who was already in the middle waiting for me.

Once I got onto the middle platform, I noticed another two buttons on the floor, I nod to myself before looking up to see Nate swinging on part of the platform, Nate climbs and jumps over to the last one before jumping off, I quickly react. Grabbing onto his hand since he didn't close enough.

"I've got you!" I say to him as I groan, pulling his body to the surface, I hug him before letting him go, I look down to see I'm standing on one of the button's, I look over to Nate and nodded for him to stand on the other button, Nate nods and stands on the button to my right whilst Tenzin stands behind us and watches as a few statues of people holding something in the air, lifting out of the water, creating our new path, or bridge.

The larger statue in front of us, the arms starts to turn, suddenly the button below me move, I quickly grab Tenzin so he's sharing the platform with me just as we lift in the air, thankfully there was enough room for the two of u. 

"So... is that a good sign?" Nate asks as the larger statue stops turning, I nudge Tenzin for him to jump but he didn't move, I roll my eyes, jumping past him, so I was the first one on the 'bridge', I quickly run ahead, not bothering turning back to see what was happening, I just carried my way down the steps, into another room.

I stop in the middle of the room to see a load of statues on the wall, some holding onto a familiar Phurba and a larger figure right in front of me which looks like the statue from earlier. I gasp and jump right into something, I turn to see I had, of course, bumped into Nate, I look at him for a second before turning away, now with red cheeks whilst Nate smirked at it. It's not every day someone can make me blush.

I try and hide it by turning towards to the entrance to see it's closing at, Nate and I quickly run towards the door, hoping to keep it open but it closed once we got to it, we both try to push it open but it didn't work, I turn to Nate with a worried look as I tell him, "I... uh guess, we need to find another way out,"

Nate nods agreeing with me, there has to be a way out, maybe a secret passage. There normally is... let's just hope there is one. "Drake, Sullivan," Nate and I turn once we hear Tenzin call us, that is the only thing we could understand, I walk next to Nate to see a load more of dead bodies cover the floor.

"This must be them..." Nate says looking down at the bodies, "Schäfer's expedition," I watch as Nate walks forward to one of the bodies which is leaned against the statue in front of us, grabbing something from the man, I walk forward-looking over his shoulder, "The Cintamni Stone..." I whisper myself.

Nate opens the box, revealing the stones, "Huh... more resin,"  Nate says before putting the box into his pocket, I can't believe we found it, I never expected to actually find it, well... that's what I thought about finding the cursed treasure and we found it.

"Hell... would you look at this..." I hear say, I look at him confusion as he gets up, walking to the others before announcing what he's thinking, "These men were all shot," I quickly turn to one of the men on the floor to see he's right, they have all been shot.

Suddenly Tenzin walks over with a book, handing over to Nate and starts pointing to the image of the front of the book. It's the life tree, Tenzin and I watch as Nate opens the book, "The Ahnenerbre...?" 

I look at him in confusion, just as he looks away from the book, "Oh, Jesus - they were SS," Of course, SS... The Nazis. Tenzin obviously didn't understand so I told him that they were Nazis and he repeated it and said something else as he looks down at the Nazis dead bodies.

"What would a man become...?" I turn to look at Nate, "Nate, what the hell are you?" I ask and Nate completely ignores me before turning to Tenzin and asking is Schäfer did this, Tenzin walks forward towards Nate as I look to where Nate was once looking at one of the statues which look like to have some gem in his hands, what do these have to do with anything?

I gasp and turn around once I hear a loud growl from the other side of the door, I quickly run over to Nate and Tenzin, it must be that monster again, "We have to find a way out," I say as Nate picks up an MP40, before passing me the pistol, I nod and thanks as we all start following Nate up the stairs to announce there's a switch there, Nate pulls it causing something to come out of the ceiling, I watch as it comes closer on to get a glimps of the monster.

"Umm... Nate, It has gotten in... No... I should say 'them'," I say once I notice another one this isn't good at all, I saw how many shots it took to scare it away and that was just ONE, just imagine how this is going to go down, I don't think it's going to go down well and it got worse by them pulling parts of the statue and throwing them at us, I quickly pull out my pistol and started firing at them, hoping the thing coming down would hurry up, we're not going to be able to hold them off for long.

"Nate! Tenzin! Quick! The elevator's down!" I shout to them as I jump onto the elevator, still firing at those monsters throwing stuff at us, Nate jumps over, grabbing onto the edge I quickly pull him up just as Tenzin runs up the stairs, "Tenzin! Watch out! Nate and I shout just as one of those monsters jumps in front of him.

"Jump! I'll shoot the switch from here!" Nate shouts and Tenzin runs towards us, jumping onto the platform as Nate shoots a few rounds at the switch, I quickly help Tenzin up, just in time as the monster jumps towards us, thankfully missing and landing on the floor above us as we all are sent upwards.

"We're almost out," Nate says only for the other monster to tackle the three of us, I groan as I hold onto the edge, feeling some else holding on, I look down to see Nate holding onto me, firing trying to get rid of the monster, I turn to see Tenzin on left, holding on for dear life.

I sign in relief as we finally get back to the surface, I've never been so happy to see snow. "You both okay?" Nate asks and I nod, so does Tenzin. I quickly leave the two and walk towards the edge, "Nate! Tenzin!" I call them over once I noticed something, to see the village on fire. I turn to Tenzin who is talking in his language before taking off. I grab Nate's arm pulling him so he would follow, I really hope Elena's alright.

Not Be Believed-Nathan Drake x OCWhere stories live. Discover now