Chapter 16

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Since I've already done the train scene I thought I'd skip to the next part where they are back with Elena and Violet had been unconscious the entire time.

I slowly open my eyes, groaning slightly as I try and my eyes try and to get used to the light. My hand slowly moves to my head and as it touched the top of my head and it surprisingly didn't hurt as much as I thought it would but I do have a killer headache, I turn to see two women standing on the other side of the room.

I automatically recognize one of the women, the one with the blonde hair, tied up in a bun, yeah. It's my friend who helped us get onto the train.

"Elena?" I say which came out really quite and weak, the blonde woman turned, telling me it is Elena, she smiles before rushing over to me, "Vi, I'm so glad your all right,"

I smile at her as she helps me up, "Where's Nate?" I ask as Elena carefully pulls me to my feet. "He's okay, the man who saved you is taking care of him," I nod before gesturing her to let me go, she smiles before kneeling down in front of a little girl who is now sitting on the bed I just woke up on.

I smile as I watch the two, she's really great with kids and that didn't surprise me at all, she's always been the caring one, always trying to save and help others even when she gets hurt doing so. 

"Just when I thought I had nothing left to lose..." Elena and I turn to the person who had just said this, I sign in relief once I see who it is, it's Nate. I smile widely before I take off towards him, wrapping my arms around his waist as his wrap around my back for a second before he groans in pain.

"S-sorry, I'm so glad you're okay," He smiles at me, just as Elena comes over. "It's alright. Do either of you have some idea what's going on - I mean, how long have I... we been here?" Nate asks mostly to Elena as I definitely have no idea what's going on or how we got here.

"Only a few days. I followed the tracks the wreckage - what the hell happened?" Elena asks as she looks between the two of us before looking towards me, putting his hand on my shoulder, "You were right about Chloe." He says just before I punch him hard in the gut, he groans in pain, from the impact and the wound, Elena gasps but doesn't do anything. 

"Yeah, I guess I sort of deserve that," He says as the pain slowly disappears from his abdomen. I glare at him and snapped, "Yeah you did Nate! I told you this, almost the entire time. She even showed it to you but you wouldn't listen, you wouldn't listen to me. You did even notice how much pain she put me through!"

I say before walking out of the room, only to be stopped by a woman who lives in the house, I look at her as she hands a puffy coat, which is black with a hood which is covered in fur, I smile at her, taking the coat off of her, putting it on before walking out of the house, not without saying 'thank you.'

*Nathan's POV*

I watch as she walks out, it really did hurt me to see her like that but I do need to explain everything to Elena about Chloe, "Turns out she wasn't exactly looking to be rescued," I say holding onto my waist, pacing slightly.

"Wait, did she do that?" Elena asks pointing to my waist before pointing to the door Violet just walked out of, "What about Violet? Did she do that to her head?" I quickly deny Chloe having any involvement with our injuries.

"No. No, I have Flynn to thank for this," pointing to my waist as Elena asked about what happened to Violet, "She fell and hit her head hard, really hard, in fact, she was out the entire time."

Elena nods before a man, the one who helped me in fact, walks in and started speaking to us in their language, language I don't understand but seems like Elena does, she carefully nudges me forward, telling me that someone was anxious to meet me. We both turn to see the door opening, the door opened, revealing Violet who headed straight to the other room, where the person should be.

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