Chapter 26

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I groan as I'm pulled up to my feet, I open my eyes to see Elena standing in front of me also helping me with a head injury, "I... I'm...glad your a-all right," I whisper to Elena who chuckles at what I said, which is true, I'm happy that she isn't in this condition and also Chloe and Nate are.

"Come on, let's just concentrate you," Elena says, pulling out her pistol walking ahead, I take a few deep breaths as we slowly move, "Just... go. Stop L-Lazarevic," I say quietly as we carefully walk down the steps with the help from Nate and Chloe who are holding me up.

"Not a chance, Vi. I'm going to get you out of here," Nate says looking at me with a sad, guilty look, I gasp for air as another large pain hits me, spreading through my body. We get to the bottom of the steps which lead to the tree.

"Shit!" I hear Nate say as he lets me go once he hears some of Lazarevic's soldier's shout. "It's all right, I've got her. You cover us," Chloe tells Nate as she tightens her hold on me, trying to hold me up. "Come on, Vi. I've got you," I hear Elena say as I feel one of my arms move causing me to hiss in pain before the two woman start moving me.

"All right, this way!" Nate calls to us, I open my eyes to see Nate running ahead, firing at the soldiers coming at us. "H-help him... I'll b-be... fine," I tell them and they both look at each other, "I've got her you go and help," I hear Chloe tell Elena and I knew she joined in with helping Nate since I felt my arms drop to my side.

"Come on, let's get you moving," I hear Chloe say and starts moving me as Elena and Nate slowly cleared the way. "Why?... W-why are... you helping... m-me?" I ask slowly, trying to breathe as pain covers my body.

"You deserve it, you've done nothing to deserve what Harry had done," Chloe tells me and I nod but nothing too noticeable, "I... I wanted to say sorry, sorry for what I've done. I was just jealous of you," 

I smirk at her which turns into a pained look but didn't take long to turn back into a smile, "I-It's fine... Y-your... forgiven... You're n-not as b-bad as I-I thought you were," I tell her before groaning almost collapsing to the floor.

"Elena! I need some help!" Chloe shouts, catching Elena's attention who run over to us helping me move, leaving Nate to defend for him and for all of us. "All right, I think that's the last of them..." I hear Nate say as Elena and Chloe sat me on part of a pillar.

I groan and just laid down as I feel a hand on my shoulder trying to comfort me, "Hey, Violet... How ya doin' huh?" I hear Nate ask me, I didn't answer just groan in pain, just lying down wanting to sleep but managed to stay awake only just though.

"Not good," Chloe answers for me. "You just hang in there, okay? I'm counting on you," Nate says before leaning down kissing my forehead before whisper in my ear an 'I love you' before telling Elena and Chloe, "Head for the gate - go as fast as you can,"

"Wait... what do you mean?" I hear Chloe ask as Elena moves to kneel in front of me trying to comfort me as the pain starts to get worse, a tear slowly move down my cheek as I take deep breathe's, hoping the pain would just stop or it would slowly decrease so it's bearable but... that not happening, it's just getting worse.

"No -  no way." I hear Chloe say causing me to get up with the help from Elena so I'm now leaning on the stone behind me. "Look, Chloe, I have to end this," Nate says and Chloe tries to stop him.

"Just get her out of here," I hear Nate order as I groan in pain as the pain got stronger and worse. "Not without you," Chloe says as Elena starts talking to me trying to help get my mind off the pain which isn't working. At ALL.

"Look, if that stuff could really transform Lazarevic and his army," Nate says before Chloe begs him not to do it but of course Nate wouldn't listen, "If it could actually make him invincible, and I didn't try to stop it,"

"But this is suicide, and you know it,"

"Just go, Get as far away from this place as you can," I hear Nate say before I didn't hear him again.

It felt like hours had gone by since I've last heard Nate speak, Elena and Chloe haven't left my side, trying their hardest to help me try and get my mind off the pain which did help at the time. Trying my hardish to talk back so I could stay awake.

The two decided it would be best to get me across the bridge which took a long time but it helped me stay awake making it easier for Elena and Chloe, There were a lot of dead soldiers on the bridge properly from those things. 

In my opinion, I think it took almost half hour to get across the bridge and closer to the way out. The two had laid me on the floor trying their hardest to decrease the pain and in the lying position, it helped but not much.

I open my eyes once I hear some loud noises, I look in front of me to see the bridge falling, with Nate running across it. I smile in relief before closing my eyes again. "Nate?!" I hear Elena and Chloe shout, I watch as Chloe runs to him to help him whilst Elena stayed with me, helping me sit up.

Suddenly I heard a loud growl, Elena turned to look and gasp before pulling out her gun firing, I didn't bother to open my eyes since I needed to keep my energy which was slowly lower every time I moved something.

"Nate! Chloe!" Elena shouts as the floor below them crumbles sending them down. "C'mon, we've gotta get her outta her," Nate says, I gasp as I'm pulled up to my feet by Nate and Elena. "Up we go," Nate says and the two slowly rises up.

We quickly walk up the steps well... we tried to move quickly towards the entrance, "What did you do back there?" Elena asks over the loud noises coming from Shambhala, which was slowly crumbling to the ground, the city slowly disappearing.

"Oh, you know...  saved the world," Nate says before picking me up and carrying me out, making it a lot more easier for us. 

*Changing into third person*

The three climbs the steps out of the staircase which took them to where the secret entrance of Shambhala which is now slowly disappearing from the blue fire covering some of the buildings in the city. Nate carefully lays Violet down onto a pillar they had once used for cover from bullets.

"Oh no," Chloe looks down at Violet once they realised she had passed out, now worried she isn't going to wake up at all. "Violet? C'mon you can pull through this," Elena tells her, grabbing onto her hand hoping she would respond.

"Hold on, all right?... Just hold on... C'mon stay with us," Nate says holding onto her shoulder, looking down at her pale face with worry, "You're going to be okay. You're gonna be fine. You're gonna be just fine,"

Nate started to panic more as Violet didn't respond, just lying on the pillar, sleeping. Hoping that's what she's just doing. "C'mon Violet, don't do this," Nate pleads, hoping she would listen once she heard him pleads, sadly she didn't, she didn't respond or woke up as Nate pleads for her to wake up and stay with him.

Hey, guys. There is one more chapter left of this story, I might even publish the Epilogue today, I can't believe this story is almost finished and I'll be writing the third one, I hope you enjoy this chapter and thank you for all the support.

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