Chapter 22

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Hey, guys. This chapter was a lot longer and more exciting than this version, I literally lost the chapter and I'm pretty annoyed about it so this chapter isn't going to be good and I'm apologise if it's boring.

I hold onto Nate's journal as Nate walks around the room picking up the last object from the floor. We're working out a puzzle to find the secret entrance of Shambhala, we've got the dagger back after we found Lazarevic, Harry, and Chloe in here. Taking it off Chloe and now we're here trying our hardest to figure out the puzzle.

"Nate, the final one, the cube goes to the lion," I tell him and he picks up the cube and places it in the circle, "More?" I say to myself and flick back through the pages once I realised that we had to put the right symbols into the correct colour.

I quickly show Nate the symbols, Nate taking water and air whilst I took fire and earth, the bird and the lion. I carefully expect each symbol, checking Nate's journal just to make sure it's right before handing it over to Nate so he could check his before turning them to the right ones, activating something, Nate quickly finishes it off by using the Phurba as a key once again which finally gets us going.

Small bricks come out of the wall, creating some kind of ladder and opening the hidden door which it leads to, must be where we can find the secret entrance. "Come on," I order Nate and run past him and start climbing up the wall with Nate following behind me.

I look over my shoulder once I hear a noise come from behind me, to see the doors had closed stopping anyone else from getting through. Nate laughs, "Gotcha!" He pulls out his binoculars for a minute before handing them to me so I can find the secret entrance which I found straight away.

I hand Nate his binoculars back once he finished talking to Elena, he nudges me to follow him, he slides down the zip wire, I follow after him as one of those monsters from early jump past me, startling me causing me to let go of the wire, I quickly grab onto the edge with one hand and scream as I look down.

"Grab my hand!" I look up to see Nate's hand out, I quickly throw my gun over him and gave him my hand and he pulls me up. "You know, I wish I didn't agree to this," I tell Nate which caused him to laugh before we both climb our way to the roofs.

"Elena. You there?" Nate asks from next to me as I watch the scene in front of me in confusion, what are they doing? I ask myself as some of Lazarevic's men tug on some rope which is connected to the statue in front of them.

Nate nudges me and points over to the other side to where a hand could be seen, Elena, at least she's safe, "What are they doing?" I ask as the statue's upper half gets pulled away from the bottom past landing on its head.

"Yeah, well, the geniuses are right on top of it," Nate tells Elena before we both jump down to the group and Nate was about to start moving, I gasp, "Get down!" I order in a whisper, tugging him to the floor, just as two of Lazarevic's men come out of nowhere.

One of the guys sat right in front of us, giving Nate the chance to kill him, grabbing the guy by his neck before elbowing him, knocking him out cold. I look around and noticed something on the floor, yeah that could work.

I grab it off the snow, aiming it and firing at the other guy. The guy died instantly, I chuckle once Nate jumps, looking over at me and the crossbow I had found in my hands, he chuckles and climbs over. 

"Really Nate?" I ask as he didn't notice one of Lazarevic's soldiers on the top, of course, he could for more backup, starting another gun war. I'm not going to lie, I've really had enough of these. I stay where I am, firing rounds after rounds at whoever comes into view.

I jump once I hear a large explosion, killing at least four men who were firing at me. I look up to see Nate holding a rocket launcher. I smile before jumping over and racing to where Nate is, just as I'm about to climb up.

I'm grabbed by my leg, I gasp and groan once I hit the floor, I glare at him before lifting my leg up and kicking him straight in the crotch pulling out my gun and killed the guy before actually reaching Nate. I groan once I see a load more guys, this is going to be tough.

"Thanks," I say to the dead soldier, picking up his pistol before heading over to Elena and Nate who are standing where the secret entrance is, I stand next to Elena as I watch Nate put the dagger or Phurba into the hole. 

"Whoa," Elena and I say as Nate starts lifting off the ground by the thing under him, I quickly jump out of the way just as four pillars come out of the side which one almost hit me. "Come on, let's turn it," I say as I grab onto one of the pillars before we all started pushing it, anti-clockwise and it didn't take long for something to activate.

I look up to one of the unbroken statues to see water starting to come down, we all run to the edge and watch as the staircase Nate and I haven't long gone past, starts moving, the stairs slowly to disappear revealing the secret entrance. "Wow," I say to myself, never expecting the staircase to be the hidden entrance to Shambhala.

"Hidden right in plain sight," Nate says before Elena tells us to follow here, we all walk to the edge where a zip wire is, not another one. Nate goes down first, I quickly grab my gun putting it over the wire and sliding down after him, I look down once I hear gun fire, this can't be good.

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