Chapter 9

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I sit quietly in the car seat, ignoring Nates conversation with Chloe over the walkie-talkie. I look around the place to see some of the buildings were on fire showing that Lazarevic definitely had a head start. I'm not going to lie this place was definitely going to turn out the way it is now, even if we had a head start, knowing Nate's luck he'd accidently set the place on fire.

Nate and I turn to see people with guns running up the streets, no wonder it's like this.

"Vi...Violet!" I turn to look at Nate, once I released he have been calling me for properly around a minute. "Sorry...what did you say?" I ask as I turn to look where we going.

"Chloe is going to meet us at the Ol' Market," I nod my head, not really caring. Literally, she could get blown up and I wouldn't care and if we get into a small battle, I'm not helping her, I'd happily let her die because of what she's doing.

"Why do you trust her?" I ask, I don't know why I asked this but I just wanted know. How could he even trust her after what she had done, almost getting us killed, breaking our relationship up and betraying us, I don't care that she got us away from Harry but she didn't need to give Harry to map.

"She's helping us with this... of course I'm going to trust her... can't you be civil with her?"

"Civil? How the fuck am I going to be civil with her! especially what she's done to me! My biggest dream right NOW is for Lazarevic to snap her neck and to rot in hell!"

"Violet... don't be like that"

"Oh don't you start Nate... I don't even trust you at this moment, WHY would I! You cheated on me with her-" I'm cut off by a loud engine, I turn to look to see and a large black truck following after us. It looks like a military truck.

"Uh-oh. We've got company," Nate says just as Chloe coming through the radio obviously hearing our conversation, she asked about us losing the vehicle but I knew we can't. Just as Nate replied to Chloe, the truck speeded up a bit before ramming our small car from behind.

"Step on it Nate!" I shout as the truck rammed us again taking off the wheel, Nate tries to speed up and he starts turning the car only for it to lose control and cause the truck to hit us, sending the car to topple over and knocking me out for a few seconds due to the impact of the truck hitting my side.


I wake up to only be stood up, "Run!" Nate shouts as he drags me along with him. I turn to look to see the truck hitting our small car out of the way, possibly smashing it up even more, well... it did smash it up even more.

Nate suddenly lets go of my hand and pushes me in front and starts firing at the truck, making sure the bullets hit the truck, he carries on firing until he runs out of bullets and the truck actually caught on fire and exploded.

We stopped running to take a breather once the truck and exploded. "Are you all right?" Nate asks as he pulls me into a hug, I take large gasps for air. 'I knew I should have tried to say fit,'

"Y-yeah I'm fine," I reply as I pull away from him, I look up at him just as he moves his hands to my cheeks, pulling me towards him and kissed me, the kiss didn't last long as I pulled away and told him I couldn't do it, I just need to get this adventure over so we could make our relationship work.

Thankfully, Nate understood and allowed me to have some time for to forgive him, I still like this guy... no, I'm in love with this guy but it's just difficult at the moment as Chloe is here, making it very awkward.

"Shit," I hear Nate say before he grabs my arm and drags me over to a destroyed building, hiding behind the small wall from some of Harry's men running past obviously looking for us. We stayed where we were, making sure not to get caught by the men.

Suddenly they starting firing rounds... not at us but a bus coming past smashing it way past the rocks and cars. "Come on, let's get rid of these guys," I say as I take out my gun, smiling at Nate before running out and started firing at the small group of men who slowly walked away from us.

I fired some bullets at each guy, killing them instantly. I turn around once I hear a neck snapping. I look to see Nate in front of one of Harry's men. I nod thanks before we both start walking down the street. 

"Okay, now to find Chloe," Nate says as he walks ahead of me and tries to walk past the bus only for him to be thrown back by the bus exploding. "Nate... are you all right?" I ask as I kneel next to him, Nate smiles at me and tells me he's alright.

"I guess we'll need to find another way around," I say as I help Nate to his feet before we both start looking around for another way around.

After finally a way past and killing all the men that we're there, we finally found Chloe... well she found us by blowing up the truck with a machine gun on. Even though I don't like her, I'm glad that she saved us from that truck. Even though she properly didn't plan on saving me, more for saving Nate.

Nate leaves my side to go over to Chloe, I didn't want to see what is happening with them so I decide to leave and search for more bullet. I wipe away a tear, this is too difficult for me, I don't know what to listen to, my brain is telling me NOT to forgive him but... my heart is telling me TO forgive him. 

It seems like I'm going to have to listen to my brain, especially if Chloe's around. I'm considering just to allow her to have Nate if it stops me suffering like this I think I'll have too. Maybe once I get home, I could possible move away, have a new life and maybe move on from him.

But... I know if that did happen, I would run into him again and those feeling will come back and I know that I'll always love him.

"Vi..." I quickly wipe away the tears and looked up to see Nate standing behind me with a sad smile. I turn away from him and start looting a guy looking for some bullets. 

"Why are you doing this to yourself?"

I stop what I'm doing before I answer, "I have no idea what you're on about,"

"Yes you do, why are you allowing yourself to suffer like this?! I hate seeing you like this, so broken down. I've never seen you like this and... and I don't like it. Why can't you let me explain what had happened that day?"

I look down to the floor trying to hold back the tears before I stand up and walked towards Nate, I grab his hands and answered, "Nate, I will let you explain but... when we get home, I won't able to believe you when she's here, just by the looks she's giving me she just rubbing it in but I do promise, I will let you explain but until then I'll keep suffering,"

I look at Nates face to see a pained look, he suddenly pulls me into a hug and tells me, "I hate seeing you like this, I really wish you'd just like me to explain now and I can't wait until we get home. Once we separate from Chloe again I'll explain then," 

I nod an ok before pulling out of the hug and headed over to Chloe, I smirk at her once I released she was glaring at us. Properly by the end of this, we're properly going to kill each other.

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