Chapter 21

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After opening the large door, we all run up the steps, "Get back," Nate orders, Elena quickly hides one the left side whilst I hide by Nate with my gun aimed, "There's Lazarevic," Nate announces, I look past him to see him on the floor above.

"Stand guard! Stay Alert!" I hear Lazarevic order, "Where's Schäfer?" Elena asks. I shrug my shoulders, he must be in that tower somewhere, let's hope we can find him. "Ready?" I ask Nate, he looks at me and nods before running out and started firing at the soldiers, I follow and front rolled behind a large box, hiding from all the bullet's fired at me before I return them but making sure to hit them.

I groan in annoyance once I realised that I ran out of bullets, I turn around only to be punched in the face, which sent me to the floor, I groan in pain, touching my nose to see blood dripping down my face, I glare up at the man before grabbing my empty pistol, throwing at him, hitting him the head. He cries out and touches his forehead giving me the chance to strike again, I quickly kick him the crotch, jumping up and snapping his neck, making sure to take his gun.

I quickly reload the gun before firing bullets again, this time I took one of the snipers out which was once aimed at Nate, "Oh, thank god fo that," I say to myself as I jog over to Nate and Elena. I stand next to Elena whilst Nate opens the door, "Go..." Nate tells us and we duck under the door, making sure to move out of the way for Nate to get through.

I roll my shoulders causing them to crack before I jog after Elena and Nate, I stand behind and watch Nate help Elena get up to the ladder, "Kick it down for us once you get up there," I tell her and she does, literally. She actually kicked the ladder down to us. I chuckle once this happened, I didn't see that coming.

"She didn't mean literally," Nate says before Elena tells us to move back so she could push a box down for us so swing across the poles below her. "There ya go!" Elena says, dusting off her hands once she moves a beam down to help us up before we all climb up the side of the building only to be stopped by some more soldiers.

Two of the soldiers walk over to where we're are, I look over to Nate and nod to him before grabbing one of the guys and throwing him off the edge and Nate did the same to the other one only for us to catch the other's attention. We all climb up and hide as more of the guys come out and tried to kill us, I'm not going to lie, they are starting to get annoying.

"C'mon follow me," Nate shouts to us before he takes us outside, I run towards one of the red doors once I realised that this is the tower Schäfer had been taken too, I open the door and we look around, I couldn't see him in sight until I notice another red door, "Could he be in there," I say pointing towards the door, Nate agrees just as the door slam behind us causing us all to jump.

"Are you actually serious?! I guess Lazarevic hasn't had enough of us killing all of his soldiers!" I say to myself as I shot more of his men, this is getting ridiculous, this is just like El Dorado. Eddie's men we're everywhere now the same with Lazarevic's, I really hope we find Shambhala soon.

"Is it just me? or are these guys getting irritating?" I ask as we walk towards the door, Nate laughs and Elena agrees, Nate slings his arm over my shoulder, "I can definitely agree with you there," he says and removes his arm before opening the door, we all run in and saw Schäfer lying on the floor.

"Oh no," I hear Elena say before all of us run towards the beaten up man, "It's okay. We're here," Schäfer opens his eyes once he realised we're here, "You were right," He says to Nate, Nate gives him a confused look as Schäfer answers, "Everything you touch does turn to shit," 

"You got that right," I say, agreeing with him before he starts to cough, "We'll get you out of here," I say just as Nate is about to pick Schäfer up, he doesn't move, he tells us no. "What do we do?" Elena asks as we all kneel around Schäfer. 

"Did you find my expedition?" He asks me and Nate, I nod my head as Nate used his words to confirm. "You understand what I had to do?" 

"Yes," Nate says, I look down to the floor before looking back up to look at Schäfer, "If they had found the Stone... it would have changed the course of history," Schäfer says but starts coughing and Elena comforts him. He takes a deep breath before he carries on speaking, "He took the dagger - he's gone to the tower you have to stop him,"

I look away once he groans in pain, it's sad to see someone who is helping us suffer from this pain, especially when he's trying to stop Lazarevic. It's really is upsetting. "This monastery hides the secret path to Shambhala. You must get the dagger back... find the secret path... and destroy the Stone before he gets his hands on it, Drake" Schäfer holds out his hand for Nate to take.

"... you have to believe," Schafer says before coughing and stopped moving completely, I sign once I realised he's gone, I just had to think, he's in a better place now, I watch as Nate places the hand which is in his onto Schäfer's chest as Elena says, "We can't just leave him,"

"What choice do we have?" Nate asks, "You heard him," I place my arm onto his shoulder, trying to comfort Nate, "Do you think all this really could be true?" Elena asks with a sad look, "It could be, no one knows until we find out ourselves, he believed it," I say pointing toSchäfer, "Let's go on what he believes," I finish and they nod and we walked out of the room leavingSchäfer.

We walk out of the room, "I think we should split up," Elena announces once I closed the door, I look at her in confusion, "No listen - I'll go scope out the secret entrance thing and you two go to the tower and figure out how to get that dagger back,"

"Yeah, alright, be careful," I say before Nate and I walk away to find Lazarevic and that dagger.

Not Be Believed-Nathan Drake x OCWhere stories live. Discover now