Chapter 8

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I follow after my father who is walking the way we came. I looked at the floor the whole time, I'm not ready for this.

"I understand why you're like this, I really do but you need to let Nate tell his side. You need to listen to him, this isn't going to change unless you do so. I'm not telling you to forgive me yet... just talk to him,"

My father says as he looks at me as tears fall down my face, I know he's right but...I'm just not ready to hear it yet, maybe I'll let him explain once we go home but with Chloe around, I know that I'm not going to believe him fully especially with her pathetic smirks which is so close to being smacked off her face.

"I'll let him explain when we go back home, I won't be able to believe him fully until she's gone," I tell my father as I wipe away a tear before moving forward to hug my father, we stay like this a few minutes before breaking away and heading back to where Nate and Chloe are.

We both walk into the room to see Chloe leaning against one of the walls with a frown on her face whilst Nate was looking at me, I smile at him and he smiles back before we all carry on following the corridors until Chloe starts climbing up as she announces.

"I'm gonna go out and make sure the coast is clear. See you in a bit."

Nate follows first, once he got to the top it was my turn, I climb a bit before looking up to see Nate holding his hand out to me, I smile at him as I place my hand in his and start to climb again, with a little help from Nate this time.

Once he helps me to the surface, I notice Chloe running back into the forest, I glare at her as she runs. 'I still don't trust her' I thought to myself, I'm cut out of my thoughts by Nate nudging, I look to him as he nods his head down to where my father is.

I chuckle a bit as I go in to help Nate pull my father up, he gets to the surface and we all hear voices before Chloe runs in and shouts. "Harry! In here!"

We all walk to her only for her to point her gun at us. "What the hell!" I say as I glare at her, only for her to smirk at me and point the gun at me. "Get your hands up!" We do as she says just as Harry and two of his men coming towards us.

"Should've known it was you," Harry says as he walks towards Nate who is standing in between me and my father before turning towards my father, "And you!- Victor 'goddamn' Sullivan... you still dragging this tired old sack of shit around?"

Nate got pissed and tried to lunge at him but my father and I try and hold him off, Harry smirks at Nate before turning to me and smirks at me. "And hello to you Violet Sullivan, am I right?" I glare at him only for him to laugh and say. "Aww... don't look at me like that, if you keep glaring like that, your face will stay like it and we can't destroy that pretty face can we,"

This comment pissed Nate off even more and once again he tries to get him but I'm the one to stop him, I grab onto his hand and held onto it tightly as Harry and Nate starts talking, again a gun is aimed at me and of course it is Chloe, I smirk at her as I see the jealousness on her face, I slowly let go of Nates hand and put both of my hands in the air.

Chloe puts the gun away and heads towards Nate and kicks his legs apart before turning to Harry and telling him where we had come from as she starts 'searching' Nate and finding the map, she knew was there.

"Harry, look at this."

Chloe says as she hands Harry the map in a posh way, which made me sick. 'She's so fake' I thought to myself as I look over to where two of his men stood, they're aiming two shotguns at us and where some armor which will make killing them a little difficult.

"... between India and Tibet... one temple will reveal a-" Harry starts to read until Nate cuts him off by finishing off the sentence. "Oh, now - don't be such a bad sport. Take them to Lazarevic,"

Harry says to Chloe before turning back to Nate pointing the map at Nate as he says. "You're gonna wish you'd stayed in prison, mate."

"Move!" Chloe snaps at us, stopping us from watching Harry walk away from us, we all do as she says and walked with her behind us and the two men next to us, whilst Harry starts climbing down the whole we once come from.

"C'mon, keep moving" one men says as he pushes us forward, suddenly we all hear some get hit in the head, we all turn to see Chloe had knocked out on the men, the other one gets ready to fire and hit Chloe across the arm but she got her revenge by killing him.

She groans and shacks her arm, "Ah! Shit!"

"Are you all right?" Nate asks as he approaches her, Chloe turns to Nate and tells him, "Yeah, well, it'll make it look more believable" Chloe reaches to her pulls out the phurba and hands it to Nate. 

"Now. I'm going to try and buy you some time." Nate tries to protest and have Chloe to go with us but she refused and tells us to meet her in Nepal before she reaches up obviously trying to kiss Nate but he moves away and looks to me and smiles lovingly at me.

I smile back before looking over to Chloe who is sending me daggers, I ignore it as she tells us all the run, Nate, dad and I start running the way the men were taking us whilst Chloe runs back properly to tell Harry a little lie.

We all run, my father in front and Nate at the back, one by one we jump down the small cliff to the surface below just as gunshots erupt the place. "Shit! They spotted us!" I shout as we all try and run faster to escape their gunfire.

Suddenly my father stops, me doing to same only for Nate to run into me and almost push me off the edge. "This way." My father says as he carefully slides against the wall, Nate sent me next as my father asks. "Ah, damn - now what do we do?"

We all stay where we are since we have nowhere else to go but this is the safest place right now as we are out of the guy's gunfire. "We jump." Nate says before looking down at me, I nod my head agreeing with him but my father obviously protested. "Hold on there, Sundance -  you gotta be outta your mind. We'll break our goddamn necks!"

"Think about it dad, this is our best shot, if we get caught Lazarevic will break them for us," I say to my father, trying to convince him that jumping is the safest this to do in this situation.

"I'm getting too old for this bullshit," My father announces just as Nate looks past the wall, properly checking if anyone is coming. "Ah, c'mon, now don't start this again." Nate laughs.

"Listen, I don't have your luck. Guys like me got to know when to walk away from the table."

"Dad, come on we will get out of this."

"We always do," Nate says as he smirks at me as I roll my eyes. "Yeah, you both go and meet that girl in Nepal. I'm going somewhere warm."

Nate glares at him as tries once again to try and get him to come but my father wasn't having any of it. "Hey, you both can tell me all about it when you get back."

"There they are!" We hear some shout with footsteps following behind it.

"Shall we?" I ask the two before I jump down into the water. I look up to see the two had jumped down, I could also see Harry and a few of his men standing by the edge, I mockingly wave to them before swimming up the stream, following after the two men.


Hey, guys. I'm sorry for not updating for two weeks but I will try and update a lot more and I may even try and update another one tomorrow, depends if I'm not playing Uncharted, other than that I hope you enjoy this chapter.

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