Chapter 5

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Nate is finally out of prison but I didn't release who actually helped my father out with finding him and it definitely not me as I actually forgotten where he would be placed and the person who helped find him was no other than... Chloe.

I guess we won't be able to sort it out especially because well I know Chloe likes him so...

I couldn't stay in the same room as her especially because she was the reason we broke up, I  look at Nate to see him looking at me,I smile a fake smile before looking over to my father and walked away, I could hear my father and Nate calling after me but...I just walked out and waited. It hurt too much to stay in the same room.

I knew this could have been to go to be true, why did I have to come here?

In that evening Nate, Chloe, and my father sat around the table talking and figuring out some things about the treasure. Whilst I sat on the couch just in a few feet away from the small group, my back away from them, I could feel eyes staring at the back of my head but I refuse to find out.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by a large cup coming in view, I look up to the person to see my father smiling at me, I smile back and took the cup and took a sip, my father doesn't know what had happened between Nate and I but I knew he was going to find out soon though.

I really don't want to be a part of this, I don't want to look for treasure especially with Nate and Chloe. That's what my head is telling me but my heart is telling me to do it...treasure hunting is what I love but I also love Nate and I've been betrayed by him so...I'll be going with my head and that's not going.

" in?" I hear Nate asks, I look down for a minute thinking, I got up from the couch and walk towards the door to the outside, I look over my shoulder before answer with a simple 'no', before anyone could say anything I walk out the room and to the streets, I sit down on the step as a tear falls down my cheek.

I knew someone was going to follow me and it had to be Nathan, I refuse to look up at him but I hear my sign and come closer and sits next to me and I hear him say. "I know you're not going to forgive me and properly not believe me but we need you, Vi, we can't do this without and Sully knows what happened and he understands."

I look at him in disbelief, I can't believe my father would understand that he cheated on me! I was about to say something but Nathan beats me to it. "He understands it was a miss understanding and he'll most properly talk to you about it and I really do hope you'll allow me to tell you what happened but I know it's too early but please...we need you for this... don't do it for me, don't do it, for Chloe it for yourself and your father."

I think for a minute about it, I look up at him and smile and nod my head and agree to do it.


Me, Nate and my father all run in a line down the hill, which is in a forest, I could hear Nate trying to get a hold of Chloe to see if she could hear us and she obviously could...I'm happy that I agreed to do it as I know I won't be betrayed...well I hope I do.

Once we got to the bottom I stop for a minute and adjusted my leggings, this time I didn't wear shorts. I'm still wearing a black tank top and my black boots. Once I finished I look around the place, I'm not going to lie it looks quite creepy. It's very dark, the trees and vines didn't exactly help but it's nothing I haven't been through before.

"Okay, I've planted charges all around the perimeter of the camp. You three just need to arm them. The first one should be right ahead of you" I hear Chloe say through the ear piece, I nod to myself as we all jog through the green, dirty water towards one of the charges.

"Here it is," Nate says once we all see a green light. "I also left the detonator for you," Chloe says through the all our ear piece, I look over to see she has, I pick it up from the log. "There we are," I say before handing it over to my father just as Nate starts to arm the charge.

"First one's set. Don't touch the button." Nate says and my father replies being a bit cocky. "This one?" this made me chuckle and it also made my father laugh but not Nate it just made him roll his eyes before walking ahead of us.

My father and I follow Nate as Chloe comes through once again saying. "Once you've set all the charges, just hit the detonator and it's showtime."

"They'll never know what hit 'em" My father laughs as we walk through the horrible water, I regret wearing legging now I wish I wore short so my leggings wouldn't be sticking to my legs. Yuck is the word to describe it but thank god I'm not wearing jeans as in my opinion that's just ten times worse.

One by one we all climb up the rocks as Chloe tells us to be careful. "Keep an eye out for patrols." I hear my father say as we follow after Nate who is leading us...I just hope he knows where we are going because I definitely don't.

"Hey, careful. Up ahead." My father says just as I run behind a large log next to Nate, I turn to Nate and whisper to him. "Let's take them out. Quitely," Nate nods his head agreeing just as the two men come and sat on the log Nate and I are hiding behind. I quickly stand up grabbing one of the guards  by the neck dragging him over and elbowing him in the throat knocking him out.

I'm not going to lie it felt like ages to find the last three charges and the were all in the first camp which we had to clear out which was, in my opinion, was fun and I enjoyed doing this again. I run over the platform which helped us get to the camp without getting wet, I jump into the water to see the last charge and quickly put in the code and armed the charge. I run back over to the boys who were standing waiting for me.

"Okay, that's all of 'em. Now let's go pay Mr. Lazarevic a visit." My father says before we all jog over to a ladder that Nate noticed but it looked like it's jammed. "Can't reach this. Come on over here and I'll give you a boost." Nate says looking over to me, I nod and run over. Placing my foot in the pame of his hand before I place the other on his shoulder as I was about to jump up I heard Nate say. 

"C'mon gorgeous, jump up."

This made my blush a bit but I tried my best to ignore it, once I got to the right place on the ladder I quickly unjammed it and the ladder moved smoothly down, allowing Nate and my father to come up. Once I climbed all the way up to the top I look over to my right side to see a generator had blown up and is on fire. 

"Oooh, that must've been some tsunami to wash these ships so far inland." I hear my father say as we walk away from the camp. "Get down." Nate whispers, My father and I listen and quickly hide behind the log with Nate and watch the two men fix something in the middle of the water. 

"Look - they're not armed," I say quietly and my father replies. "Well, not that many - what are we waiting for? We can take these guys."

"I don't know Sully, maybe-" Sully was about to shot but one of kicked my father and before I could react I was kicked in the face and knocked down to the floor and Nate who was dragged down below into the water by the guy.

I shake my head trying to snap myself out of it, I touch my nose to see it wasn't bleeding. I quickly get up and jumped off the log and landing on the guy, punching him in the face knocking him out.

"Thanks for the help." Nate says to me as he turns to my father and starts complaining about him not helping and my dad had to throw another one down. "Sully!" Nate says as a starts fighting with the other guy.

"Enough of this frivolity you two. C'mon, we got work to do," My father says as he lowers some rope down for us, Nate allows me to go up first and asks my father. "What does frivolity mean?" but my father didn't answer.

"What do you bet we follow the hose- we find the camp?" My father asks once we both get to the top and Nate replies. "You always follow the hose. Just like in Montreal, huh?"

"You're never gonna forget that, are ya?" My father asks which made me chuckle a bit as we both carry on following Nathan, following him to the camp, hopefully where Lazarevic and maybe even Flynn is.

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