Chapter 6

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After following the hose for a few minutes, Nate announced that he could see a camp. My father and I follow Nate as he jumps down following a waterfall before hiding behind a large log.

"Okay, are you ready?" My father asks about to press the button to blow up the chargers but Nate stopped him and gets his binoculars before passing them over to me so I could look, I look through to see Chloe at the camp, leaning against a wooden fence around one of the small.

"Three months, and you have found nothing," A man in full black clothing, gun on his back and no hair on his head. I carry on watching as Harry follows behind the man.

"Well, now, wait - wait a minute, we've been-" I quickly hand over the binoculars back to Nate as the two walked away from the building. "That must be Lazarevic," Nate announces as my father and I try to watch what is happening but it is a huge struggle as we had no binoculars.

The two men who are now being followed by Chloe walked towards one of their men who is dragging someone with extremely light hair towards the man who we think is Lazarevic. "This man was caught stealing artifacts from site number five."

"You would betray me for this?" The man with no hair laughs as he stands in front of the thief, chucking away the object which has been stolen. "No - no, Zoren, I can explain-" The man says but was cut off by Lazarevic.

"No, no need - no need." Before he grabs the man by the neck and stabbed him in the stomach before pushing him off the side. Lazarevic takes a few steps towards one the man who brought the traitor to him before shouting in anger.

"I am surrounded by traitor and fools!"

"Whaddya say we really ruin this guy's day?" My father asks with a smirk, looking over to me and Nate, we both smile and agree before my father pushes the button and a large explosion echoed through the place, this caught everyone's attention.

"Spread out! Search the perimeter!" I hear Lazarevic shout as he follows some of his men and Chloe runs behind.

"All right, it's all-yours! I'll cover you both from here!" my father says as he pulls out his gun before Nathan and I start climbing down towards the camp, we both hide behind a box waiting. I jump in surprise as Nathan quickly stands up and kicks one of Lazarevic's men in the stomach before bringing the man to the floor before snapping his neck.

I run ahead towards another box where another guard stood in front of it, I get up from the box, leaning over grabbing the man by the neck, dragging him down onto the box before hitting him in the neck, knocking him out cold.

Nate and I carried on killing the men with stealth before we run back to the small building where Chloe, Harry, and Lazarevic were. Nate and I run towards the desk and we both start looking at everything.

"Man, this Lazarevic guy isn't screwing around, Sully. You should see all this stuff." Nate says before I announce. "He's got files on everything on Shambhala - all the way back to the 1600s." I move everything as I look at the paper on the desks.

"What about Marco Polo's journals?" My father just as Nate starts to laugh. "Here they are,"

"Just hurry it up - you haven't got much time." my father says but Nate ignored him as he looks over the paper and starts reading it. "'The worthy pilgrim is granted a golden passport to conquer obstacles on his journey to Shambhala'." 

"That supposed to mean something?" My father asks, not understanding what Nathan had just said but neither of us either understood what it meant. "Hold on - here we go:" Nathan says before he starts reading another piece. "'It was with great sorrow that I left my fellow travelers to their fate - a fate decreed by the dreadful cargo we bore from Shambhala"

"They must have thought that tsunami was some kind of divine retribution," I say as Nate starts to figure everything out. "Wait a minute...Damn. I don't think the Cintamani Stone is here."

"What?!"My father and I said at the same time in disbelief. "Listen to this: ' I would have sooner endured the wrath of Kublai Khan himself than remove the Cintamani Stone from the sacred shrine,' Marco Polo never had the Stone," Nathan announces.

"The what 'dreadful cargo' is he talking about?" My father asks but Nathan didn't know. "Well, if the Stone's not here. what is Lazarevic looking for?" I ask in confusion and curiosity, this caused Nathan to stop looking through the papers and looked at the wall which is covered in a large map and a board full of photos.


"Here in Borneo? He's a little wide of the mark, don'tcha think?" My father says and Nathan replies. "He must be trying to pick Marco Polo's trail," Nathan says as I turned to look at the map that must be what the red lines are for.

"back to Shambhala,"

"Why?" My father asks, just as it clicked into my head and I quickly announced it, "The stone must be there," I smile as Nathan moves away from the desk and tries to get a hold of Chloe.

"In all this digging they've done, have they found any bodies, any remain's at all?" Nathan asks and hear Chloe reply through the ear piece. "No, now that you mention it - nothing. Why?" 

Nathan laughs as he walks back to me as I stand by the desk, watching him. "Over six hundred people were shipwrecked here,  yet there's no bodies? Don't you find that a little odd?"

"So where are they all?" I ask as I stand next to Nate, my one hand on the desk, leaning on it. I smile once they figured it but that disappeared once the men came back, we hear a voice as they spot the bodies, Nate quickly my hand and drag me to the window before hiding by it.

"Grenades, wellthat's convenient." I hear Nathan say, this is going to be an adventure full of explosions.

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