Chapter 27-Epilogue

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I smile as I slowly open the door, Nate, Chloe, and Elena had taken me back to the village who nursed me back to health, cleaning and bandaging all my wounds. I smile as Elena helps me down the steps, letting me go allow my father to finish off her job.

"How ya feeling?" My father asks I nod a winced causing me to chuckle, "I've been better, what can I expect I got caught in a grenade explosion," I say with a smile, Nate had somehow contacted my father telling him about my condition. I can't believe I'm still alive, can't believe I survived that explosion.

"So... what happened to Shambhala?" My father asks as he helps me walk over to Nate and Chloe. Elena and I look at each other before laughing, "Nate destroyed it," Elena and I say together causing my father to chuckle, even though I can tell he wasn't surprised.

"Well, look who's not supposed to be out of bed," Nate says and I smirk at him, "She's a lousy patient, stubborn as hell," My father says, I turn and smirk pushing him away causing him to laugh, I look over my shoulder to see Elena walking over to talk to Tenzin.

"I must get my 'stubbornness' from you and I'm restless," I tell him as he chuckles not denying anything. "So, no giant sapphire," My father announces, not looking really bothered. "Once again, no,"

"And you're sure of that?" My father questions and I shake my head, "Dad, whenever Nate is involved, it's a small chance of it being true," I tell him, laughing when Nate rolls his eyes, "Just a metaphor, I'm afraid,"

"A metaphor ain't gonna pay your bills, kid," My father said and I definitely agree with his statement. "Eh, something else will come along... Just gotta have faith," Nate says holding his arm out for me to take, I smile at him and place my hand on his arm with a smile.

"Yeah, that and a quarter'll get you twenty-five cents... Uh, which way did Chloe go?" My father asks, I shrug my shoulders and Nate points to the direction, he waves goodbye and walks in that direction.

"You're a dirty old man, Sullivan," Nate says and I laugh before I turn to look at Nate, "Well done, Nate... you did good," I remove my arm as Nate moves forwards putting down Scäfer's necklace down. "I think he'd approve," I tell him, placing my hand back into its original spot before walking over to look at the moments before I ask.

"So... Nate... where do we go from here?" I ask as we stop and we look at each other. "How about... we go back to what we were before all this?" Nate asks and I raise my eyebrow and smirked and decided to tease him like he does to me.

"Oh, and what is that?" I ask, placing my hands on his shoulder, Nate huffs and looks towards the mountains before looking back at me, taking me by surprise as he places his lips onto mine, the kiss, I smile at him, all the fun gone out the door, turning serious quickly but not lasting too long.


"Hmm?" He asks with his hands on my waist as mine are placed on his shoulders, smiling lovely at him as I tell him, "I really love you, you know that?" I ask him which he smirks and shrugs his shoulders, I gasp and frown crossing my arms.

"I don't know," He says and slowly moved towards the fence, I huff and followed him. "Really? I actually thought this was going to be serious," I tell him, following after him. He chuckles and looks over his shoulder at me.

"When is there serious in our relationship?" He asks as he looks at the view which is beautiful.

"When I almost died," I tell him and he glares at me and says. "Apart from that,"

"I'm going to make your life with me a living hell, going to tease you, make fun of you. Every. Single. Day," I tell him.

"Nooo... That's my job, get your own," He says making me laugh, ever since we got together after El Dorado, all he has done was tease me, annoy me... well he did do it when we were just friends but it's become ten times worse over time.


"Yeah?" I ask as cross my arms, feeling a little chilly but nothing bad. I gasp as I'm suddenly turn around, arms wrapping around Nates neck from him turning me around so sudden, he once again, connects our lips leaning his forehead on mine before he whispers.

"I love you as well, more than I've ever loved anyone,"  I smile and pulling him down to make, pulling him into a tight hug before taking my turn, pulling him down connecting my lips with his, before wrapping my arms around his waist, his one arm around my shoulder as we both just look out as watch the scene in front of us.

So, guys. That is the end of Not Be Believed. I'll announce when I publish the book for Uncharted 3, it should be here sometime this week or next week and I hope you enjoy this chapter.

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