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It was the morning of the last show of the Say You Will tour.

Stevie laid in bed not feeling her best; she usually slept in until noon but here she was wide awake and feeling miserable.
She didn't know what it could be; she didn't have a cold, she didn't have a headache...she just felt off.

Karen, her assistant was doing her best to keep Stevie comfortable. But nothing was working.
"Tell me exactly how you are feeling." Karen said.
" feels as if...I have menstrual cramps. Which is impossible, I went through menopause months ago. A little late if you ask me finally happened." Stevie replied as she rubbed her abdomen. "I mean how do you explain the weight gain, which you have to admit I gained weight during this tour! I haven't had a cycle in...jeez I don't even remember when I had one last. It's menopause I tell you."
"Yeah...but does menopause cause cramping?" Karen asked.
"I don't know! I never been through it before!" Stevie said a little exasperated.
"Are you sure you're going to be able to perform tonight?" Karen asked.
Stevie sighed and replied. "Yes, I am sure. It's the last show, I don't want to disappoint anyone. Maybe it'll pass...and I'll feel better later."
"Alright, I'm going to get you some hot tea, maybe it'll help." Karen said. "Oh, I'm going to make you a doctors appointment for when we get back home."

Stevie just nodded and closed her eyes trying to fall asleep.
Karen left Stevie's room to get her a cup of tea.

A few minutes later, the door to Stevie's hotel room opened.
Stevie sat up knowing it was Karen bringing her tea.
"Oh! It's you." Stevie said surprised by who it was.
"Yeah, I met Karen outside and asked if I could bring this to you." He gestured to the cup of tea in his hands. "She said you weren't feeling well."
Stevie took the cup of tea from him and took a sip then said. "Thank you Linds."

Lindsey sat on the empty side of the bed.
They sat silent for a few minutes while Stevie drank her tea.

When she was done, Stevie laid back down and got under the covers.
"Lindsey?" Stevie said through the covers.
"Yes Stevie?" Lindsey replied.
"I know I had said I won't allow you in my bed again since...what happened months ago but...could you lay with me?"
Lindsey smiled and laid next to Stevie.

Stevie cuddled next to him and laid her head on his chest.
She closed her eyes and for some reason felt a bit better having him next to her.
"Thank you." She whispered. "But this can never happen it Buckingham!" She said jokingly.
Lindsey chuckled. "Hey I'm not doing anything."

After a moment, it got quiet.
Lindsey peaked and noticed Stevie was fast asleep.
He decided to get more sleep himself, he kissed the top of her head and drifted off to sleep.

It had been months since they stopped sleeping together.
They knew it was wrong but the love they had for each other was still there.
One thing led to another and they had an affair.

Stevie had become close with Lindsey's wife, Kristen; so she felt guilty and was ashamed of her actions. Stevie quickly put a stop to their affair.

But at this moment, Stevie needed Lindsey close to her. She felt some comfort being in Lindsey's arms.

Hours later, Stevie put on a facade that she felt much better than before.
She reassured Lindsey and Karen multiple times that she was feeling better.
Lindsey was skeptical but didn't push it, it was now time to get ready for the show.

Stevie was in her dressing room getting ready.
She was alone, asking to have a moment for herself. She sobbed as she curled into a fetal position as the pain intensified through out the day.

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