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I can't tell her even if I wanted to, she'll freak out. And it's not safe for her because think of it this way.

Street fighting is a serious business, and I know she's going to want to come to my next match.

But she can't.

Now that I'm back at my grandmas, Zach who owns the business, I informed that We're here. So he hooked me up with some matches.

If Casey got hurt, I wouldn't know what to do with myself I'd freak out, some of the guys down there already know she's my girlfriend. It's a no weapon zone, except for the guards of course.

But people still manage to smuggle drugs, knives and other things inside. So if I ever bring Casey down there, which I won't! I wouldn't be able to concentrate, I'd be too worried if she's still alive or one of my past opponents killed her.

I got slapped out of my thoughts.. No seriously I got slapped. I hissed and held my cheek, "The fucks wrong with you!" My grandma yelled at me.

"Grandma what are you talking about?"

"Why would you keep a simple thing like this a secret, she deserves to know Damien!"

"I'm not going to put her neck out there just because of this, grandma she's going to want to check it out and I have a match later, I'm just scared she'll get hurt or even killed!"

She sighed getting my point. "Damien she still deserves to know, she's worried about you, she thinks you're getting yourself into gang violence again."

She's not wrong.

"Grandma, I'm really tired. Can we talk in the morning?" She shook her head, "No we can not, Damien you are going to have to tell her and if you don't I'll tell your mother and we both know what would happen if she finds out that her baby boy is street fighting."

Did my own grandma just threaten me? But that's no fair! She used to be a street fighter I don't see what the big deal is?

"She used to street fight so I don't see the big threat here." Her eyebrows raised, "Oh, the big threat. Just a month at aunt Joesys house, should I call her now?"

"NO!" I can't go through that again, I scrubbed that women's feet so many times I still smell the lotion on my hands.

"Then get your ass upstairs." I ran up the stairs so fast I almost ran through the door to the bedroom. I heard sniffing, oh no I hate when she crys!

I push open the door and walking in and closing it behind me.



"Casey, don't cry please."

No answer.

"Street fighting." I whispered, hoping she wouldn't hear me.


"I didn't tell you because, you'd want to go there and I-If I was to have a match you could've got hurt or even killed and it would've been all my fault, because I wouldn't be there to protect you and I'm-"

Her arms rapped around me in a very tight hug. I put my arms around her and kiss her head, she looked up at me so, so, innocently.

She has no idea what's coming..



I don't know why but when he just spilled to me, and said that he didn't want me to get hurt.

Yeah I'm upset and scared about how he's street fighting, but his voice, just makes me fall and forget why I was mad at him in the first place.

I just need his touch, his great hugs, I just need him. How was I so lucky to not only, bump into a sexy beast but be his girlfriend too.

Wait, I broke up with him.

He kissed my head and I looked up at him, he has a devilish smirk on his face. Oh no what is he planning?

I was about to tell him I didn't mean what I said to him. But I was lifted up and thrown onto the bed instead, which works to.

He hovers over me, eyes dark. As soon as I processed what was happening, his lips were attached to my neck.

I lift my head up to give him more access, he pulls off my shirt I didn't really care I was too busy concentrating on the fire that was on my neck.

His hands roams my body as he reattach his lips to my neck. I let out another moan getting a grunt in response, he makes his way to my Jaw line. I turn my head at he stared at me his eyes filled with lust and need.

I grab his face and smash out lips together, his hands going lower and lower, they stop right at the top of my paints.

We stop kissing and I huffed annoyed and confused.

"Night." He said in a hot gruff voice.

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