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After school*

I am now walking home texting my friend, Emma. I look and feel a slight breeze, "damn it." I whisper to myself angrily. I don't even really wanna go home. All that will be going on is my parents serving Izzy. So, despite the breeze i walk to the park. I am still texting when i sit on a swing and start lightly swinging. But stop when i hear a sound. I look up and see a boy by the small pond on a park bench singing.

I step closer till I'm hiding behind a tree right behind him. And notice. It's Zayn.

"If i spin you round and round, will you look at me and smile, will you close space that's been between our lips."

He sang so good. It seemed like he could be famous. I liked some Justin Bieber songs but Zayn. He was way better. In disbelief i slowly walked up to him. "So you can graffiti okay and sing okay." I say. He sang way better than okay but i needed to remember my boundaries. He jumps at my voice. But doesn't say anything he just stands up. "Jeez. Why do you have to be so shy to everyone." I say as he shrugs. "Oh my shit! Can you just talk to me." I shout as he winced. "Fine you know what i gosh damn get it. I'll just leave you alone. I mean. Do you see me every trying to be nice to someone." I say. He just stands there.

"Fine I'm going." I mumble walking away.

As i get to my house i remember Nialls party. I'm way to tired to try sneaking out tonight. I think as i walk up to my room. "Zia, wait." I hear my parents say as they stand in front of me. "Uh. What." I say as they look at me. "We have to talk with you." My mom says as groan. "Mom. We already had the talk about se-" but before i could finish my mom interrupted by putting a hand over my mouth. "Sh. And not that." She says as i smirk. I know she hates it when i say the 'word' in front of Izzy. "Oh. What." I question. "Well your dad and i are going to be gone all of tomorrow so you have to watch Izzy after school. We are leaving for three days." My mum says as dad nods. "We will Wright a list and put it on the fridge so you will see it tomorrow." Dad says as i sigh.

"And no raiding the cupboards and stuff. Constantly watch Izzy." My mom says as i groan. "Yeah work ma ass off." I say as my dad glares. "You know what young lady. Go to your room and we will figure out what to do about you." My dad says strictly. "Yeah whatever it's not like you care." I say stomping up. Once i get up to my room i put in my earbuds and turn on Work From Home. By Fifth Harmony. It's one of my stress songs. I work my ass off around the house always for them. Well even though I'm barely home. Any ways i don't have too.

I do some dance moves as i shake ma butt. "I aint givva shit to nobody!" I yell making sure my mum and dad hear. Ha. As i dance i get to my desk and go on my laptop. A couple Twitter notifications. Ah. I think as i x off. I am about to replay the song when i hear a bang. I look out my window, which is facing the front of the house and at Zayns house. I take out my earbuds. "Of course another yelling match. Every other day Zayns dad blares music and bangs stuff around in his house. It's so annoying. And sometimes you can hear screams. Ew. I know right.

But the thing about the screams are that they always sound a little like a male to me. But hey, what do i know. Anyways i slowly listen to the country music blasting from the house. Then as i watch. Someone comes out of the house and sits at the side patio. It was Zayn. He looked a little frustrated. Then i noticed he was wiping off his cheek a few tears that had fallen. He quickly took a cigarette and started puffing it. He looked so tired. I stared a bit till he looked up. Our eyes met a bit then he looked away as i looked at my nails daintily. I quickly jumped up after he went back inside and went to my laptop.

Oohhh. Stalker time.

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