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Many stores and a restaurant later Zayn finally decides we can head to my flat. He still doesn't remember our anniversary. Am I that unimportant to him, I don't feel so.

"So what have you been up to lately?" I hint as he drives. "Ah not much how about you?" He says cooly as I sigh. "Notin'." I answer shortly. He taps his fingers to the music and hums along. I study him. Zayn is all Alli ever would want in life, and more. Lots more, im so thankful for him. I wish that he never will stop loving me.

"Zia?" zayn says looking at me odd. "What?" I say breaking my thoughts. "You have been staring lately. Is there something troubling you?" His brown eyes seemedto beg me to tell him everything. I can't.

"No, im just so lucky." I smile a bit as he smirks. "I know, I am quite the boyfriend. " he smirks as I hit his arm. "Just take me home idiot." I laugh.

Once we arrive I get out and we walk up to my flat. "Wait." Zayn stops me in the hallway once more. What now. "What now Z-" But before I can finish he picks me up bridal style. I giggle kissing him on the nose then lips. "Your so funny." I say as he unlocks the door.

We step into my flat and the lights are off. The door closes behind me and I am consumed by darkness as Zayn puts me down. "What the- aaahhhhh!" I suddenly scream when the lights turn on and everyone screams.


I gasp. There is a big banner that read "Zayn + Zia" in huge letters and a huge cake on the counter and streamers everywhere. "Oh My Gosh, I love you guys." I say to all the girls and boys lined up. "Don't thank us so much, Zayn and Emma did almost all of it except for a little help from us." Niall says and it is then I notice Emma is here. She helped. Thats why she was talking to Zayn, to help him surprise me!

I feel so selfish. I run to her and hug her tight. "I feel so guilty, all this time I thought you were starling Zayn from me when I saw you guys talking ." I admit as everyone laughs. "Do you forgive me now?" She asks as I smile. "Of course Emma!" I giggle. I hug her one more time as she smiles.

After I turn and see Zayn. He takes me by the hand and leads me to my flat balcony. No one is there. "Zayn." I say tears forming. He frowns when he sees. "No, why are you crying." he asks moving up to me and removing my tears with his thumb.

"No Zayn, I just, its just, I love you so much." I say crashing our lips together. He smiles into the kiss. After a bit we part and he-, oh my gosh, no way. Zayn kneels down on one knee and pulls a box from his pant pocket.

"Zia, if anyone were to ever ask me who in the world I would want to spend my life with, I would say you. If it where the end of the world or a choice between you or me to live, I would gladly give my life. Because in this past year you have helped me ah hell allot by just loving me, always being there to give me a kiss or even just a good hug. So this speech, that took me hours to recite and causing nervous shaking for days, being said, will you, Zia Pits, be my wife, forever and always."

It is like the earth stood still. Waiting for my answer. I know it is only a few seconds but I wasn't nervous, I knew what I was willing to say, what I would say to him ten times over,

"Yes Zayn." he immediately takes me into a concealing kiss, and changes my life for good, forever.

The end


Thats it everyone! I am so sorry if you didn't like the ending but I made it how I felt it should go.

Ily all,

Shy Boy - Zayn MalikWhere stories live. Discover now