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Zia p.o.v.

I literally just got up and my stomach hurt so bad, but it wasn't a flu hurt. It was a hungry hurt. "Ouuchh!" I groan. Are you okay?" I here Zayn say as i wonder why he isn't at school this morning. "I need...something to eat-t." I stutter as he rushes out. Soon he comes in with toast and a banana. "Thanks." I say shoving down the toast and banana. He nods and i grin. "Your so damn funny." I giggle as i put my already empty plate down. "Why." He mumbles blushing looking down. "I don't even know. So why aren't you at school i mean. My mum and dad pay you to babysit not look after their shitty daughter." I say chuckling a little.

"Well. Uh i just t-thought." He stutters as i cross my arms. "Like i know I'm sick but i like, you don't need to do this." I say trying to push an answer out of him. "I, j-just thought that." He says as it fades off. Okay now I'm losing it. Why is he so, ugh. "Can't you just give me a damn answer." I say plainly. He looks at his fumbling hands. "I've got to go." He states plainly as he rushes out. "Damn it." I proclaim getting out of bed. My stomach doesn't hurt anymore i just have a slight headache. I get changed and sigh. I look in the mirror and decide not to do anything. I'm to lazy.

As i walk downstairs i look a the clock. It's already three. I sleep dang hard. Wow. I grab my phone, that i haven't checked since i was sick and decide to take a walk. I leave the empty house and walk towards main street. Are town is pretty freakin little but there are a lot of people in it, and kids. I walk frustrated wandering where Zayn ran to. I didn't even ask a hard question jeez. He is a wimp. I'm so mad.

I look a my phone as i go into the coffee shop. There are a lot of kids that just got out of school and i was kinda sad i wasn't one. I wanted to go back and live my normal life. Be popular i miss that and it's only been three days. I walk up and order my usual. Iced coffee with hazelnut flavoring and chocolate syrup. I walk to the side and wait for it. Tapping my fingers impatiently on the counter. There was a new lady behind the counter today. She was looking at me weird. "Um. Miss could you stop that. Like now." She demands as my mouth drops. "Uh. You can't tell me what to do. You just work here and that is not the way to treat a customer is it." I sass back.

"I can talk how i want. Ever heard of freedom of speech." She snaps. "Yes, i have and i make damn sure i use it with f#cking people like you!" I shout as people look. "Zia. Calm down just take your coffee and let's go." A voice says as i turn to see Emma. I take my coffe and Emma pays knowing i wouldn't hand my money to a whore. As we walk to a table i notice Zayn is in the corner table watching the scene i put on. F#cking great! I grunt. He sees me staring and i look away. "Here and calm down." Emma says as she hands me my coffee. "Did you see her she freakin mocked me. She is such a beotch." I say as Emma agrees. "Yeah but you need to just chill. Drink your coffee." She says as i take a sip. Oh my gosh. This stuff is dang heaven!

After about ten minutes of catching up with school gossip we decide to leave. "Good i don't want to half the people in here anymore." I say sneering at that beotch and also Zayn. Before we walk out the door i see Zayn looking so i turn and flip him off. There. As Emma shuts the door she looks at me weird. "I mean he is a wimp but, why did you do that?" She asks as i sigh. "Well, he is our babyshitter and i wish that he wasn't." I say simply. She giggles a little then gasps. "Omg! Did he not go to school cause he had to take care of you." She says as i look down at the grass we are walking on. "I guess." I sigh as i remember he did take care of me. Now i feel kinda guilty. But i never feel guilty. Why now.

"Oh my gosh. Was he snotty to you too." "Oh my hell! Can you just drop the f#cking subject!" I shout at her. She looks down and mumbles an okay. "So how are you and Harry. And I'm just really tired." I say as she nods.

Now if you haven't noticed, i never, ever say sorry! Not once in my life have i, not once in my life will i. It's just, It's too wimpy for me. And i hate wimpy.

Then she smiles but it fades. "Oh Zia. I don't know what to do. Harry wants to date." She says as i shrug. "So what?" I ask. "What? He wants to date. Isn't it uncool to date." She says unsure. I giggle a bit. "Emma. You can date, court, not, whatever you want i won't judge you. And I'll make damn well sure no one else will." I growl as she giggles. "Oh okay! Yay. I'll text him now." She says taking out her galaxy 6 phone. "Okay." I say as she giggles. She is so happy always. Why can't i be that damn joyful ever. I want someone who makes me feel how Harry makes her feel. Kinda like when Zayn gave me all that candy. And said those kind things to me. Damn it Zia, stop thinking about him. "He says he will still do it." She shouts spinning me around as i look up and notice we are in the park.

"Yay!" I say exaggeration in my tone. She looks back down at her phone, a big smile on her face. Just then i feel my phone vibrate. I pick it up and look to see i have a text from mum.

Zia, we are home. Please tell me you went to school. We will pick up Izzy. And come home now.

I reply with a simple okay and sigh as i wonder why they came home early. Oh well. "Hey Ems i need to go home. I'll see ya later at hell." I say referring to school. "Sure." She mumbles still looking at her phone. I saunter back to my hellhole thinking about how Zayn isn't going to be babysitting my sister anymore. I kinda don't want the shitty awkwardness anyways.

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