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A year later*

Zia p.o.v.

Things have been great. It is our first year anniversary of when he asked me to be his girlfriend in two days. In a year nothing much has changed, we still live in Bradford but we each have our own apartment. We attend Bradford college now and all have jobs. Well small jobs, I work in a coffee shop that pays pretty good. Its in the middle of town, pretty close to me. Zayn and i are great, he still makes me super happy even though we don't see each other 24/7 we are still in love. Well, none of us have ever said it to each other, but that's the surprise in a few nights.

Zayn works with the boys sometimes singing at small gigs and others, doing graffiti for people. The boys have a singing band now called One Direction. Today is just a normal Teusday at college. I slip on a striped blue shirt, it kinda reminds me of Louis. Then a pair of ripped Grey skinnies and my grey toms. I jump in my car and take the fifteen min. drive there.

"Hey love." Li says as I step out of the car in the parking lot. I answer and notice they are all waiting for one more person, you guessed it, Zayn. He's never late though. "Any of you know why he's late?" I ask as they all shrug. Harry is standing by Nancy, there still together, Li and Grace, Niall and Summer, and Louis met a new girl this year and she's so nice, her name is Antonett. I feel kinda left out standing alone shivering in the fall air with my coffee. Its our anniversary soon you guessed it, that means it's almost Halloween! Also a time I don't want to remember some of. But Zayn and I are definently really in love. At least I hope he is, I am.

This past year has been so much of a hustle. Doing this doing that, whatever. Nothing has really changed school wise. Emily is still going to Bradford schools, which means this college,and alot of others from last year are too, including her squad. We like to call our group, THE ZQUAD, pretty cool right. It's kinda because Zayn and I started it.

"Sorry I'm late." My thoughts are distracted as Zayn comes into view. I have seen him on and off in a week or so. He says he is busy, I'm kinda worried but Zayn would never cheat on me, right?

I run up to him giggling as the rest groan, "finally." and start walking in. He smiles widely as I land in his arms. "So making us wait. What's up lately?" I ask curiosity threading my words. "Oh uh, n-nothing uh, I was just doing, uh things. Doing things yeah." Zayn says as my eyebrows furrow. Very very strange. "Huh, well I better head to class sweetie, see ya." I say pecking him on the lips. He smiles widely grinning.

Something's up and I don't really like what it's turning to be.

****(I name them Luke, Michael, Calum and Ashton. But feel free. Lol)

Class goes by boringly. I just can't get Zayn off my mind. Maybe he is getting tired of our relationship and feels bad that he can't tell me. Why is he so distant? I walk through the crowded halls at the end of my last class and to my locker. As I shove my books in Summer comes up to me and starts talking about something someone did in class today. School gossip. As she talks my focus is slowly planted on something else.

Zayn is talking casually to Emily. What the hell! I try not to get mad or jump to conclusions, being as she is now walking away. After joking and talking with him nicely. Is he really doing this?

We head to where everyone is outside. I walk up to Zayn who hugs me and wraps his arm tightly around me. For a moment, I almost forget about Emily, almost. "So see you guys later?" Niall asks walking away with Summer. "Sure." I say as they part. Harry and Nancy soon go with Niall and Summer. "So Liam when is job letting you off on Halloween?" Zayn asks as we stand there.

"Uh I think they let me off at night. It sucks." he states with his arm wrapping around Grace's waist. We talk a bit more until Li and Grace have to go. I walk with Zayn to his truck making small talk. "So. You wanna come to my apartment and have a movie night or I don't know, something." I say as he wraps his arms around me and pulls me close. It felt nice to actually see the Zayn that wasn't as busy two weeks ago. But what is up. "I am, so so sorry Zia but I have plans with an old friend. Ah, Ben. He's an old old friend." He says as I sigh.

" what is up Zayn. We haven't been as close for two weeks now." I say as he turns confused. "Yeah and, and, I don't know. Do you like, are you like, tired of t-this. I mean, I don't-" I say before he interrups me and drops his hands from my hips leaving me cold. "W-what. Zia, you are everything to me. I've just, just really been busy. Lately." He says as I put my hands up in surrender. "You know what." I say backing away. "You know what. Okay. Okay you've been completely busy. No time for me, your girlfriend." I say as he tries to grab my wrist. "No Zia. It's not like that. I'm just."

"No, I totally get it Zayn. You know what, I bet your busy for our anniversary too, so you know what, I'll leave you be." I say before ignoring him and biting my lip trying desperately not to cry and run back to his warm arms. I hop in my car lightly crying before I drive out.

As I get my phone out I scroll through Twitter. Nothing much. Just then I hear knock at my apartment door. I assume it is Zayn, being as his apartment is almost to apartments down. Ugh.

"Zayn, I-" I say as I swing open the door. But no, it wasn't Zayn. It wasn't Zayn at all. "Emily?" I ask as she shifts awkwardly at my door. "Hi Zia. Can I come in." She looked terrible.

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