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"Why would I let you in?" I say rather snottish. "Right, you're totally right. I don't deserve to step foot in there. But I just want to talk Zia." She says as her eyes beg. "Fine." I sigh in defeat. We both sit on the couch and its a bit awkward.

"So Zia. I really, really am sorry. And I know I don't deserve your friendship but, I, well I just thought that you could maybe forgive me." Emma says. "What!" I exclaim in surprise. "After you turned on me and everything. Made fun of the person who means most to me. Bullied me!" I shout as she just stares. "I know what I did and I am so sorry Zia. Please, just-"

"No, no Emma. Get out." I say walking over and opening the door. "Just,  please think about it." she says before walking out. Why now? Is it a trick or something. Or is she just trying to get on my good side so I won't suspect she's luring Zayn. I really don't think Zayn would cheat on me.

As I go over to Graces house to chill a bit after school I can't  believe that Emma wanted me to forgive her. And now I didn't see Zayn at school today, nor was Emma. I seriously don't how much longer I can stand all Zayns putting me off. I pull into her driveway. Hopping out I sigh and try to get cheery. "Hey come on in. So I picked out Brave to watch." Grace says as I walk in. "Oh gosh I love Brave. Its just what I need right now."

After the movie I explain everything to them. "So she just wanted me to forgive her." I finished looking at her. "Zia, maybe forgiving her isn't that crazy." Grace says making me almost bulge my eyes out. "What? Are you kidding?"

"No Zia. She might have a good reason." she says. "Ugh, whatever. I just wanna spend more time with Zayn. It's been two weeks since he's made time for me." I say as I walk to the door saying goodbye. "Oh well call me once in a while if you're bored." she says as I hop into my car. "Okay."

As I get home I see Zayns car is at my house. Why is he here. When I get out of my car I see him standing by the door. I sneak up behind him and hug him while screaming "BOO". "Oh my gosh Zia. You scared me so much. He says turning and hugging me closer. Zayn really knows how to sweeten a girl up. Even Harry says that he is the sweetest out of the boys Lol. He really knows how to remind you you're his. "So why are you here?" I ask as we both walk in. "Uh I was just uh,-"

"Going to spend time with me?" I interrupt. "Yeah, you've been wanting to hang so." he says as giggle at his cuteness. I wrap my arms around him as he cocks one eyebrow up in confusion. "You're so cute." I say as he leans in to kiss me but I quickly pull away walking and sitting on the couch. Hey, might as well get as much guilt as possible. "Well I still feel neglected." I say as he sits by me. "Zia I'm so so sorry I have been putting you off. Now I feel terrible and..." he rambles before I engulf him in a hug. I had to, he was so cute! Ah.

"It's fine, I was just playin." I say laughing at the blush that had snuck onto his cheeks. "Then why can't I have a kiss, my love." he says trying to woo me. "All in good time Zaynie poo." I say as he winces at my nickname joke. "Ew!" I laugh at his protest. "Okay so do you want to do something or?" I say as he smirks. "Yeah I wanted to kiss you." he smiles.

"Patience Malik!" I say. Zayn gives me puppy dog eyes as I pout back. "So Emma came by." I say looking at him. His face becomes non- readable, which makes me worried. "Really." he says more as a question. I can tell his hiding something. "She wanted me to forgive her. For bullying you and everything." I say waving my hands around almost hitting him in the face. "Woah girl." he says as I blush. "Well, did you forgive her?" Zayn asks interested.

"Zayn, I can't forgive her. She bullied me, you, and dumped Harry!" I say as he looks away then to me. "I don't know Zia, maybe she has reasons." he says holding my hand gently in his. I sigh. "Maybe." but then I think of her laughing with Zayn, my boyfriend in school the other day. "But I still won't forgive her." I say crossly. Zayn makes a startled face. "Why Zia!" He shouts but then realize how I flinched. "Sorry Zia, its just, why?" he says as my face becomes teary.

"You know what, I'd rather drop this." I say as he just stares at me. "Why?" Zayn questions again trying to grab my hand. I yank it away. "Zayn! Just drop it, the hell!" I yell as he backs up. "Why are you defending her?" "I said she probably has her reasons." he answers. "Just drop it." I say. A few awkward seconds fly by. Each like eternity. Zayn suddenly gets up and starts walking towards my door.

"Where are you going?" I ask in a light tone. "I'm letting you calm down, we both need to." he says grabbing the door handle. "Wait." I say before he leaves. He turns around. I walk over and put my hands on his broad chest. "I just- I just, wanted you t-to know." I say stuttering knowing he's probably still mad. "That-" but before I finish he grabs me by the waist and kisses me hard. Heavy breathing goes on as we both enjoy the heated kiss. Fireworks making their way like always when I kiss Zayn. He parts it and I groan. "Guess I won. I got the kiss." he smirks as I push him lightly. We both laugh.


So so sorry that this took so dang long. Just have been reading allot, and being lazy, and school,..... Anyway I hope you get the jist and jist forgive me. (See what I did there LMAO. Im weird😋)

Ily all so much. Btw this book will be ending soon 😩.     😘😂

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