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Zia p.o.v.

I wake up with something warm lying beside me. I sleepily roll on my side and squeeze what's next to me. But when I finally open my eyes they meet with Zayns chocolaty ones. I notice I'm squeezing Zayns arm.

He smiles and i smile back. "So you wake people up by an arm massage. Wow." he smirks as I roll so im facing away from him with a pout on. "Zia im just kidding." he chuckles as I he rolls me over and I bury my head in his chest. He rubs my head and I look up at him. I grab his wrist and look at it. It is wrapped up in bandages no doubt from last night when he kept saying he failed me.

I look up holding back tears and kiss him. I lay on his chest and kiss him softly. He runs his hands up my back and I sigh parting the kiss. "I'm so scared." I say as he lays my head down more. "Don't be. I will swear he will never touch you again, I promised last time but I won't let it get broken again." Zayn says making circles on my back.

Just then someone bursts in. "Hey, woah nevermind!" Harry says in a husky morning voice. "Dude get in here." I say as Zayn blushes. "Hi, Happy Halloween!" Nancy says bursting in the door. Harry walks in behind her with a bunch of candy. "Woah that is alto of freaking candy." I say as they smile. "Yup and your gonna have to share."Harry says giving it to me. I smile. "So, did you both get here at the same time or." I questions Harry blushes. "Uh oh, Harry offered me a ride." Nancy smiles and walks out. I here her walk into the bathroom and Harry sighs. "She still has no idea." Zayn says as Harry looks up. Zayns arm tightens on my waist and I smile unconciously. He makes me so happy. "Nope. Not a clue." he says as Zayn sighs. "Mate, just go right out and tell her." I say as he looks down. "Promise you'll do it tonight." I say as he shakes his head. "What tonight?" Nancy questions coming out of the bathroom. Harry struggles with words. "Uh he'll stay with you here when you hand out candy tonight." Zayn says as Harry agrees.

"Wow thanks Ed." she winks walking out. We all laugh and they walk to the kitchen. "I'm gonna eat something I'll make you oatmeal okay." Zayn asks as he leaves. "Okay I'll be there in a second." I say as he smiles and leaves. I sit up and smile widely to myself. Is this really happening. Zayn said he liked me. He makes me so happy.

I get up and notice I am not in my dress, instead im in Zayns baggy T-shirt and shorts. I walk down the hall and into the kitchen wondering who owns this flat. I walk past the bar counter where Zayn is in the fridge and he doesn't notice me. Everyone seems to have left so I take the opertunity. Sneaking in back of Zayn and putting my hands on either sides of his torso. I clench them in and he screams like a baby girl. "Zia, what the f#ck." he says as he turns around. His anger soon turns to a smile and he backs me up into the counter.  "I was just scaring you calm it." I say as he smirks. "Here I got you your oatmeal." He says pouring it down my shirt. I scream and he grins. "You." I say through gritted teeth. "Dumbo." I proclaim as he laughs. "Dumbo? Seriously." Zayn says as I giggle and he presses our lips together. It is so odd to be genuinely loved. Or did he love me? It sure feels like it. I think I'm falling for him, no, I know I am.

We part and he smiles. "Zayn, what does this make us?" I say nervousness taking over. "Cause, cause if this m-makes us something today then nothing  to-tomorrow, well then, I don't know I think I'm falling for you Zayn and i need to know what this is," I say as he takes my waist. "What we are." I finish as he sits me on the couch near the kitchen. His eyes glimmer as they study mine. "Zia, I know I'm falling hard for you, and I definitely would like this to be an always, us to be an always." Zayn says grabbing my hand and taking a deep breathe. "Now, if you will do me the honor, will you, Zia Aria Pits, be my girlfriend?" I almost scream in joy. "Yes Zayn, always." I say jumping on him and hugging him tightly.

"And now you got oatmeal on me so." he chuckles as I blush. "Im gonna change then." I say walking back into the bedroom. I step in and close the door. I am now Zayns girlfriend. How do I feel about this. I think standing up at the bedside.

A little nervous, shaken, stomach twisted, scared to death and dieing, but over all, PERFECT!!!!!

I fall on the bed before wrapping my self in the covers with only my bra on and going into a soft slumber. Yes, im very tired.

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