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I slip on my vampire costume. (Pic. Above) and put in a surprisingly comfortable pair of vampire teeth. Then I slip on high heels and do some make up. I do up my hair and then im ready. I grab my phone before I head over to my ride. Zayn said he would take me. I run up and knock on his door.

A few seconds pass and the door opens revieling Zayn. And oh my gosh! He looks so hot in the ninja suit.

I felt my stomach feel butterflies as I stuttered on what to say

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I felt my stomach feel butterflies as I stuttered on what to say. "Uh, ha you look good in that ninja suit. It suits you." I say laughing at my pun. Wow that was lame. He chuckles then turns serious. "You look gorgeous in yours." He says stepping out of his house. I blush hard. "Uh thanks." I say as we stand there. "Um, look Zia. I don't know if im gonna go."

"Wait, why. Zayn you have to. Why not?" I say as he rubs the back of his neck. "Zia. It's nothing, it's just. I don't feel like it." he says. "No." I say simply as I start pushing him towards his truck taking out my now uncomfortable vampire teeth and putting them in my purse. "No what. Im not going." he says getting frustrated. "Zayn, you know what. Maybe you should go, maybe, you should try thinking of why some people want you to come." I say as I look down and my eyes start watering. "Maybe some people know that other people will be there to stop it from happening again but they just only feel safe if you're around." I say pushing him.

"Zia, im sorry. I forgot about that."  "oh what. Me being raped. Oh that's no biggy." I say sarcastically as I look up at him and he is standing there with a sorry look on. Like he killed someone. "Zia, you have no idea how much I hated that happening to you." he says lifting up my chin I looked into his brown eyes. "I will never let that happen again. Ever." he says as I let a tear run down my cheek. He leans in closer so that his tempting lips are over mine and I can feel his hot minty breath. I lean in the rest of the way so that our lips meet and are now captured in a soft passionate kiss. Zayns hands go to my waist and one on my neck. It was only a few seconds but I love it and the butterflies won't seace.

We stare into each others eyes and I hug him feeling his comforting embrace. We hugs back and squeezes me really tight. I lay my head on his chest and smile. No words were still spoken. It was the most magical moment in my life. "We better go to the party." He mumbles into my hair and my smile gets wider. "Yeah." so we part and climb in his truck. And head to the party.

As we pull up I unbuckle and push the door open. "Wait Zia." Zayn says as I look back concerned. "What?" I ask as I sit back in. "I won't let you out of my sight." he says as I smile once more. He seems so clingy. I like this him. "Thanks." I say before we get out and are soon met up with rest. We walk into the school and to the dance hall with Liam jabbering all the way talking about new things to Niall. As we walk down the hall, I sneak a peek at Zayn who is talking to Louis who was wearing the exact same costume as him. He laughed and his eyes crinkled at the corners. I couldn't help but think about the kiss. And how caring hes been today.

"So, how are things." Nancy who is dressed in a Victorian ballgown asks. "Oh they are great." I say smiling as she smiles also. "You and Zayn, uh good." she asks as I shoot her a questioning glare. "What?" I say as she smirks. "You've been staring at him dreamily since you stepped out of his truck." Nancy says as I quiet her. "Shhh, no." I say quickly. "Just then Zayn looks at me and smiles then goes back to listening to Louis. I am about to faint, he's so cute. "Oh my gosh. What is going on between you two." she says in a whisper. "Shut up Nancy. It's nothing." I say trying to hide the blush. Good, we are finally at the freaking party room. The basketball court with a stage. The DJ is set up there and the place already smelt of sweat. Ew. I head straight to the drinks and get punch. Then I take a seat at the table where all my friends are.

I sit and take a sip then look up to see Zayn staring at me. I look back and he smiles at me. I smile and blush but thank god the lights were dimmed. He then gets up and sits right next to me as people stop chatting and look. After an awkward silence Niall asks summer to dance and then the chatting starts again. I listen but really im not. I put my drink on the table and place my hands on my lap. I then feel a warm one holding my hand. I look to my side to see Zayn smiling at them having a conversation and the he turns and smiles a bit at me. Okay, we kissed and all. But seriously, this the shyest Ive been in ages. What's happening to me.

Warning sexual content~

After a while the girl from our dance class, yeah the slurry one, snatched Zayn and started dancing with him. She is the grossest thing ever, but Zayn,being the sweetie he is, didn't push her away. I decide I need to go to the bathroom and leave the empty table. I walk towards the bathroom making sure its the lady's and am about to walking. But the last person I wanted to see was there. Daniel. He grabbed me and pulled me with his hand over my mouth to a small empty room. He pushed me up against the wall his hand still covering my mouth and grazed his fingers above my skirt line. I whimpered as I began to cry.

"Daniel stop please." I beg as he smirks. "Ooh not miss independent anymore huh?" I try to scream as he starts pulling down my skirt. It is then I notice that he has two buddies placed by the door guarding it, since it has no lock. He undoes his pants and my stomach twists in terror. Im getting raped, again. Tears stream down as I pray to god that this may all stop and be a dream. But it is all to real. He puts on protection and is about to enter me. "Hey!" Zayn screams coming from the hallway as he thrusts into me. I scream and my knees give in pain he doesn't wait at all he just keeps thrusting. It is the worst, grossest feeling ever. I scream Zayns name in pain. He looks in the doorway. Once he sees me he launches at his two body guards to get to me.

Daniel is almost close, grossely, I can tell. "F#ck!" he yells as he is coming close. "No stop! Zia!" I hear Zayn screaming and see him fighting. However they are holding him by the arms. Just as he comes I do and he keeps going though. Just then Zayn kicks the guards and punches the other. They let go and Daniel pulls out. Zayn then spins him around as I fall to the floor and punches him in the face knocking him on the floor. Zayn then steps on his, well, manly part and punches him till the two buddies rip him off and they all run away. "Bastards!" Zayn yells. He then turns and runs over to me pulling up my skirt.

"God, Zia. Im so sorry. Im so so sorry." He says picking me up and wiping tears away. He is crying and my body is in so much pain. Zayn then takes me and walk fastly into were everybody's dancing. Im in so much pain I can't stop crying. "Hey mate, Woah! What the hell happened!" Liam says as he walks upto us. "Li I'll text you the address were we are going, round up everyone of our friends and tell them she is upset." I have my head buried in Zayns chest as he speaks. It helped calm me some. He then rushes us to his truck and sets me on the back seat. I try to stop bawling my eyes out and it almost worked. "Sh, Zia. Your gonna be fine. Your alright im here." I here him repeat over and over. I see in the mirror him wiping tears away. I sniffle and whimper his name. "Sh, yeah im here." he smiles a weak smile in the mirror, but it helps.

I here the car stop and Zayn takes me bridal style into a building. He then walks through a hall with doors and stops at room 25. He unlocks the door revealing a half furnished apartment. I bury my head in his chest as he walks me into another room. He then sets me on a bed and pulls the covers over me. I can't believe that just happened. Can't I have a peaceful life. A peaceful night. I feel so guilty. And i hurt. I cry more as Zayn comes back with two pills. "Here love, take these." he says as he pops them in my mouth. He helps me take a drink and I collapse in his chest again. " I feel so guilty." I sob as my voice is very strained. "Don't b-be Zia. I wasn't there for you." he says before I finally cry myself to sleep.

Shy Boy - Zayn MalikWhere stories live. Discover now