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As the night goes on i slowly get drunk. And now it looks like the room is spinning. I'm standing by Emma and she is making out with some dude, i think Harry. Oh well who f#cking cares. Louis really pissed me for this party. Nice job Louis. Urgh! As i sit in my la la world someone grabs me by the waist and forcefully pulls me into an empty room. I finally get a good look at the strange man. No, not Daniel. That jerk. I try to scream but before i could i am so wasted i blanked out.

~3:09 am~

I wake up in an empty class room on the floor in the arms of a blonde. Is that Daniel? I think as all of last night came crashing at once. No! F#cking no way! I think as i notice i am nude. I can barely hold in the tears as i notice that that stupid ass jerk, raped me! I struggle getting my clothes on and notice it is 3:10 am. As i slip on my last piece of clothing i run out of the wretched  place as fast as i can. Nothing can describe how upset i am right now. I just lost my f#cking virginity to a douchebag. I sink to a tree in the park i ran to and broke down crying.

I can't go home and i am never going back there. So where am i supposed to sleep if i even can. Just now i feel a strong headache. Great. I can't take life anymore. Why me? I hate myself. It's all because i always hang out in the 'school popular s' and everything. If i didn't i would have good friends,like Zayn. Wait, Zayn. He is who i really need right now. I get up quickly and run to his house. His fathers car's not there cause of course he said he was out. Duh. Wait. Shit, Zia. It's three am. Zayn is asleep. At least i can try. I really need Zayn.

I ring the doorbell twice. No-one answers. I feel fresh tears run down my cheeks as i start crying again feeling alone. Until i hear the door slowly creek open. Hallelujah! "Zia. Is that you?" I stand up up and as he opens the screen door revealing him in just boxers i grab his waist and hold on as if he would slip away. "Sh. Zia what's wrong love." He says as i sob into his shoulder. He leads me gently in and closes the door, all the while holding me tightly. "Sh. It's okay I'm here." He says reassuringly as i cuddle in his lap in his bed. His room is obviously on the first floor of the house. "Zayn." I sob as he nods looking into my eyes. "I didn't mean it to happen. I feel so guilty." I cry as he kisses my forehead. "Love, don't be guilty what happened?" He asks with true concern in his eyes. I spend a seconds gathering myself as i get ready to explain. "Zayn, at the dance earlier tonight Louis and i had an argument and i got upset so i drank some. But before i could think i was drunk and, and Daniel came and grabbed me then pulled me into an empty room and..." i trail off as i sob more into his bare chest. "And?" Zayn mumbled into my hair soothingly. "And h-he raped m-me." I cry as i see Zayns face turn white. "Oh my god Zia." He says in a whisper as if in shock. "He is such an dick." He says clenching his jaw. "I'm so damn sorry i didn't go Zia." He says wiping tears off now, his eyes. "No It's okay Zayn you didn't know." I sob. After a few minutes of him just rubbing my back i i look up at him staring into his deep brown eyes. "Zia?" He asks as i nod. "Was that your um, your first um. You know, time?" He asks as i look down. "Yes." I mumble as i feel him burry his face in my hair and sniffle. "I'm so sorry i wasn't there." He says as i hug him more. "It's fine Zayn." I sniffle as he smiles still slightly crying. He then carries on rubbing my back and even starts singing a song for me as i fall slowly asleep.


Wow lots of drama! So tell me how you like it and yeah. Bye.

Ily all!

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