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I wake up in a light mood and grab some pizza out of the fridge. Yeah, I am going to have pizza. I smile with a bite in my mouth as I think of Zayn. One more day till our anniversary. Ooh today I need to get him a present.

I waste no time in getting dressed for school. Well, college now. Time flies so fast. Im just glad its with Zayn. I then hop into my car and drive to school. I see Zayn in the parking lot. Except he is talking with Emma. Oh gosh. Lord, why does she have to flirt with him. And I am not happy with Zayn. In fact I am praying that he is not cheating on me. All I can do is wait for the truth.

They separate as I step out into the chilly fall air. Zayn walks over with a smug smile on and I can't help but smile back. "Hey darling!" Zayn says adorably as he hugs me. I feel loved as I take in his fresh clean scent.

"Hey Zaynster!" I giggle back. "Ooh nice one, gonna remember that." I smile at his adorable cuteness. I find myself just staring at him in a daze. His stubble, perfect jawline, jet black hair, dark brown eye- "Zia." I hear as I continue staring at him. I can't help myself. I love this boy.
"Huh." I mumble. "Why are you staring at me?" He questions.

"I love you." I blurt before I can think.

He looks suprised but then smiles. "What?" Zayn grins. I come into stronger words and snap out of my daze. "I love you Zayn. I always will." He smiles and lightly caresses my cheek. "I love you Zia. Always." he says back. I smile brightly and crash my lips into his. Best moment ever. We part with leaving it as a passionate no tongue kiss.

I hug him as tight as I can before realizing. "Oh my gosh! Class!" I yell as Zayn jumps. "Oh we missed it." Zayn says seriously. But in a few seconds a smirk goes on his face. "Shut up Malik its not funny." I giggle out. At that we hold hands and walk in to start a late day of school.

*After school*

I hop in my car once more and buckle to go shopping for a gift. Its already three so I don't have much time before it gets dark.

I drive with my music blaring into the mall parking lot. Once Stitches finishes I am ready to go. I walk shivering a bit into the doorway. I start by going to off the wall. Hm what should I be thinking of for him. A shirt, baseball cap, flatbill, favorite CD, favorite movie, ugh.

Once I look around a bit. I don't really see anything so I hop to a different store. It is a jewelry store. Yeah yeah, I know. Boys don't wear jewelry. Well they wear rings right. And no, I am not going to propose that would be weird.

Oh my gosh Zia. You are literally talking to yourself. Snap out of it, your not the center of a book or whatever.

As I walk up to the rings I see right away a Celtic embroidered ring. (Pic in media above) it was gorgeous and I knew he'd love it. I quickly ask the lady the price. "That ring is, um. I think $100 sweetie." I wince a bit at the price but I knew I had to get it. "Okay I'll buy it." I state as she smiles. "Great." she says.

As I walk out of the jewelry shop I am met with a pair of blue eyes.  Oh great. Its Emma with her scuzzes. She sees me and hurries over. "Zia. Hey, um I was wondering if by any cha-" but I cut her off. "No, Emma. Just leave me alone. And leave my boyfriend alone too." I say. "But Zia." "No." and with that i leave her standing there with her pathetic clan.

My phone rings as I walk into subway. "Hello." I say kind of rudely. "Hey its Liam. Well, and Grace. We were wondering if you could like have a sleep over at our flat tonight." He asks as I pause okay. I mean they are only one more floor down but okay. "Okay, I guess. Let me go back and get some clothes." I answer. "No that won't be necessary we need you hear stat to watch toy story and you can borrow Graces stuff." he says hurrily. What is up jeez.

"Okay I am coming over now then." I say with suspicion.

As I pull in the driveway of the flat I see Niall by his car. He is taking out something colorful. I get out and run up to him. He quickly shoves it in his trunk and closes it. What the hell. "What's up Ni." I smile as he nervously puts his hands behind his back. "Are you hiding something." I ask as he nods no. "Nope. Hey, aren't you supposed to be somewhere." He asks as I furrow my brow. "Uh, at Li's but he can wait." I say stepping closer. "No, you better get there , ah." I eye him for a second as I slowly back up. "Okay fine!" I say as I pout and head up to Li's flat.


Hey, so about one more chap. ahhhh. Anyways please comment on what you think is going on and vote.

Ily all, Li

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