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I wake up and can't believe I fell asleep on the hard ground during the movie. I slip into the kitchen where Liam is making eggs. "Hey love, are you ready for today." he asks as I become confused.

Oh my god! Its our anniversary. "Oh my gosh I forgot. " a rush of guilt washes over me as I grin. "Yup so get dressed were heading to your flat Ian bit." he says weirdly. Why my flat. Zayn must be meeting us there. Huh.

Anyways I get dressed in a cute but fancy outfit and put on a bit of make up. I slip on my Grey converse and head out of the bathroom. "Okay, you ready to eat?" Grace asks. Oh she's up lol. "Sure."

Its a strangely quiet meal. I figure there is something up. Everything been so weird lately. I think of how Zayn has been weird, talking to Emma and all. Its been a rough week.

A strange feeling comes and makes my stomach feel empty or even upset. What if Zayn is cheating on me. What if he forgets about today. I don't know if I could handle that. Or seeing him and thinking of how he is being weird with Emma. Ugh.

"Ill be back." I mutter as my appetite changes and i feel the need to lock myself in a room. I go into Liams room and snuggle into his sheets. I don't feel good. It felt nice to be in a bed. Warm. And it has a minty smell too like Li. I hear a soft knock on the door after a few minutes.

"What." I say as I snuggle more. "Its Zayn." The heavenly voice of my boyfriend.  "What do u want." I say more grumpy than I expected. "To come in please." I can tell he is worried. "Okay." I say quietly. I see him emerge into the doorway. We look at eachother. "Whats wrong?" he asks sitting on the bed. He looks at me before brushing hair out of my face. "Its nothing." I say quickly sitting up. "Nothing huh." Zayn says. "Do you remember what today is?" I ask. He looks puzzled. "What." He asks confused.

I was right. He has no idea what today is. My heart sinks. "Oh nothing." I say. He can find out himself. I get up a bit angry. "Where are you going?" he asks still puzzled. "Im going to my flat." I state. I open the door and go out to see there is no one here. Whatever.

"Wait. Let me walk you there." I didn't even notice he was right behind me. "Okay." is all I respond. I can't believe it. He forgot all about our anniversary.
As we near my flat he grabs a hold of my jacket sleeve. I spin around to be met by his lips. The instant connection makes every worry leave. I will always love Zayn. I know this for sure.

We part and I finally smile with him.

"Lets do something first." He smirks.

Shy Boy - Zayn MalikWhere stories live. Discover now