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Yesterday was great. Shopping helped me get my mind off everything. Most importantly, Zayn. I walk to school in black skinny jeans and a white crop top. My hair was let go wild and i did barely any make up. Soon as I walk I hear footsteps on the other side of the street. I look up and sure enough it's Zayn, the boy I've been thinking of nonstop this week. He has his hair messy and it suit him, and a flannel hung over his Grey muscle tank. He looked gorgeous. He looked up slightly only to look back down when he saw me.

I decide I should say sorry once more, just to let him know. I run upto him my heavy ass backpack sagging on my back. "Zayn." I say and tapped him on the shoulder when I noticed he had earbuds in. There is a twist in my stomach as he has a face of no expression when looking up. "Zayn, I'm so so sorry. I know it's probably too late, but I just want to let you know." I say looking down and pushing my backpack up again. My shoulders are freaking sore.

I wipe away a tear as I face down and feel glad I didn't wear much make up. Just then I hear a ruffling and feel a huge weight be magically lifted off my shoulders. I looked up to see Zayn slinging my pack over his oppiste shoulder than the one he was carrying his on. He smiles at me and we stop. "That was pretty crappy of you to do and I'm really hurt, but if I can stop that pretty face from crying, I for give you." right as the words rolled of his tongue in his cute accent I hugged him so tight. He puffed but then hugged back. His scent was heavenly. "Thank you so much Zayn, I won't waist this new chance." I say into his flannel. "Yeah I am great." he smirks but I let go and see him beaming a smile. At that we walked to school in a normal manner finally for once.

Next Saturday**

"Dad I gotta go." I whine. As he is making me late for dance. "No stay home from dance I have to have someone to watch Izzy cause your mums gone. And Zayn is gone so he can't babysit." he say as I whimper. "Come on dad." I say as he looks at his phone. "Oh. Wait, your mom is gonna be home so you can go, but remember we are taking Izzy out with us tonight and you better not stay late at that school Halloween thing either." he says as I smile and head out the door.

I am now sitting awkwardly by Daniel as the teacher teaches us a duo street like dance. I look over at Zayn and some girl is flirting with him. She pats him disgustingly on the shoulder and pushes up her push up bra that is pushing up more than anyone wants to see. Okay, maybe I'm a bit jealous. "Okay so now we need Zayn and uh Zia." the teacher says as I stand up. Wait are we doing the duo. I wasn't even watching the demonstration dance they did.

I walk up as we are the only two left the rest are all in pairs starting it with other instructors. "Great Zia and Zayn. I will be directing you." the teacher who is about twenty in looks and has a name tag on that says, Nina. "Ah you guys have done good in the past, don't fail me now." she says as we smile. "Okay so Zia circle around the chair clockwise while doing the push and bend walk we learned last week." She says as I nod. The push and bend walk is were you criss cross your legs while pushing out with your arms away from your chest. Its kinda like divaing. I become nervous as she explains to Zayn how he will walk. "Great so you guys will do that then," she says looking at her clipboard.

"Okay practice that." she says starting the music that i knew well. Cause for some reason they had me memorize the lyrics to the girl side in it. All in my head by fifth harmony.

"Wait do we have to sing too." I ask as I become nervous. "Of course now start." she says making a hurrying motion. Oh great. So the song starts and I guess they left in the rap part.  But as the rap part comes Zayn starts rapping. It was so damn good. Way better than the original. He looks straight in my eyes as he sings and I find myself doing my part with no mistakes.

The song stops right as the rap stops because we had to learn the rest of the dance. "Zayn, your voice is marvelous." Nina says as she claps excitedly. I stand in amazement. What. The. Actual. Hell. He is so good. I hate my singing. She teaches us some simple moves and it ends with Zayn seated in the chair. And me in front of him. I gotta say it was cool. All this time it's the first time I sing and I finish and it is about get to the 'I wanna feel you un, feel you under my body...' part and she stops. I stand in front of Zayn seated on the chair and surprised at how good i sang.

"Zia, your voice is gold." Nina smiles clapping again. She's obviously excited. "And it goes with his so well." she says as she giggles. I look down somewhat at Zayn. He is looking at me with no expression. "That was, amazing." He says finally as I blush. "Thanks." is all I could manage. "Okay. Here comes a whole new one." Nina says as she grabs my shoulders. "You straddle Zayn." is all it took for me too go coo coo. I looked at her nervous but she just winked. OMG what the hell did I get myself into.

I stand with my legs apart and and straddling Zayn. He looked at me as I practiced the move while singing. I did what Nina said. He did some echoes in the back. I straddled him then sat on his lap and wrapped my arms around his neck as I looked deep into his eyes. "I wanna feel you un, feel you under my body...I wanna feel you un, feel you under my body, fleEx, come to impress..." I sang nervously before I got lost in his eyes giving him some kind of street lapdance.

As the song ends I get off Zayn and try not to be awkward. "Great, I think you guys will win." she says as I become literally shocked. "Win what." both of us say at the same time. "That was your routine for the contest in a week. Practice up." she says excitedly before telling us we can leave. Wow, a freaking contest.

Zayn and i walk out in awkward silence. What just happened. "Well I'll see you at the party, what are you being?" he asks nervously picking his hair. "You're gonna have to wait and see." I say trying my best to not make it awkward anymore. "Oh wow, well then im not telling you mine." he says as I laugh. "Haha, I already know. A ninja." I say karate chopping him in the arm. "Hey, ouch. Wow let me guess, Niall." he says as I nod yes and lmao. "Okay well see you later love." he says as I wave by trying to hide my blush. Now, it's party time!

Shy Boy - Zayn MalikWhere stories live. Discover now