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I wake up eventually and it is Wednesday the day mom and dad leave. Yes. House to myself. Then i remember they aren't taking Izzy. "Damn!" I curse as i check my phone.

Zia? Why weren't you at the party. I kissed Harry!? I'm so glad.

Ah I'm his girlfriend.

Oh my gosh. I'm so glad for her.

So glad for you. And i just didn't feel the damn groove to party yesterday. Sorry. :(

I text back as i notice my laptop still open on my lap. Then i remember oh my gosh. I fell asleep stalking Zayn. Damn. I'm bad. Haha. I get out of bed and slip on some new black jeans and a shirt that says Bradford High. I slip on some red converse and put on some make up. After that, i style my hair in a messy bun and leave strands out on the sides. "Sexy." I smirk into the mirror. I walk downstairs were my little brat is sitting eating toast. "Hey. Are we gonna walk to school together." She says making a smile. "No. Your taking the bus. I'm walking." I say putting her lunch in a bag. "Your mean. Just because I'm onwy five doesnt mwean i can't walk." She says crossing her arms. "Oh yeah well your being a brat." I growl getting inpatient.

Just then the bus pulls up. "Well at least mummy and daddy cawe about me mwore!" She shouts grabbing her lunch and walking to the door. "I wish they newer let you twake cawe of me. And I'm glad they hirwed hwelp." She cries and slams the door. See. Brat, just like a i said. A shitty brat. Wait! Help. I look on the fridge to see a note.

We have plenty of food here at home plus we left our debit !. You know the pin, and as your punishment, we hired a  babysitter. You will have to stay with Izzy also and help him. He will come when he gets out of school.

Be nice,
Mom and dad

Wow. I can't believe them. "What the hell!" I yell out loud. They can't even trust me. Wow. As i head out i grab the debit card that i will be using to shop for the week they are gone. And i start my walk to school, blood still boiling that i have to have help.

"Hey." Emma says coming. "Hey." I say trying not to blow up at her. I'm still so mad. "So what's up." She says as we walk to math, which we have together. I explain everything to her. "Is he hot? Who is he? I bet he's a dream." Is what her reply is. "Who?" I say as she makes a puzzled look. "The fugging babysitter." She cries. "Oh i don't know. They didn't freakin say." I shout back. "Oh." She says as we sit.

After Math is art today. Freakin yes! I think. I love graffiti. Mainly because i'm great at it. I step into the room. I'm a little late but, guess what, i don't give a shit. I sit a my canvas and wait to be assigned a picture to graffiti. That's kinda how this class works. As we work my teacher explains the overlapping and stuff. Basically i already know. Bam wha!

I get going and before i could say, you like to kiss yo mama and work that ass, i was done. Lol. The bell go's off and i start walking out. But not before i take a look at what Zayn did. It was beautiful. It was like a gangster kinda one. "Holy shit!" I shout whisper. He turns around looking at me with his big brown eyes and perfectly styled damn hair and just stares. "You did a pretty good job." I comment as he looks down. "Thanks." He barely whispers.

The teacher leaves the room to go to her other classes and me and Zayn are left alone in the empty art room. "Okay so can i know one thing." I question as he shrugs. Damn this kid won't talk if he had too. "Why don't you talk to me?" I ask shouted. I was already frustrated today but have i ever tell you how i hate not getting answers. Well there, i just did. "Isn't kind of obvious. You are popular. I'm me." He whispers again. His voice, for some reason i crave to hear it more. It's so nice, and mysterious. "Well. I'm not shitting when i say that i would like to get to know you better. And you just aint lettin me." I say getting up close and shoving him a bit. And with that i walk out furious.

As i slam my ass down at a table in the cafeteria i just don't feel like sitting at my table and hearing lame bull shit gossip from my friends. I open the bag of Doritos hoping they will help. Yeah i know, cause food always helps everything right. "Okay i know you had a rough day Zia, but really. You never sit separate from us." Emma says walking over and setting her tray by me. "It's nothing." I grumble.

"Oh sure like I'm gonna so believe that. "She says sarcastically. "Look how about we go shopping today." She says knowing how much i love shopping. "As much as i crave that. I have to be there when babyshitter gets here." I say making her go into a fit of laughter. I see her laughing and giggling and try to fight back the urge to join her. Well, it didn't work. "Oh. My. Gosh. That was. So. Funny." She gasps inbetween panting. I laugh a bit more and then eat a few chips. "Well it's true." I whine as i get up to throw my chip bag away. She walks with me brushing food crums from her lap. "Oh it can't be that bad. I mean, he's a guy right." She says as i shrug. "I guess." I say pouting as the bell rings. I hate that damn bell.

"Oh well. See ya later hopefully." She says as she walks away. "Ya." I say as i walk away too.

After school*

Welp. I walk home in silence feeling a little light headed. I feel so sick by the time i get to my door i think I'm gonna puke right there. Great. I'll get the flu today. Shit. Before i step in i feel my head and it is burning really bad. "Damn it." I say going in. I stop in my tracks when i hear a familiar voice coming from the next room.

"So you would put this one here and place his toe here." I hear as i step into the doorway of the room. My mouth hung on It's hinges when i saw Zayn Malik sitting on the floor helping my little sister with a puzzle. "Yay! I did it." Izzy says throwing her hands up and then hugging him. Aw. It is so cute. Wait. Yuck. I sound like I'm a whimp. He smiled and hugged her back.

"So i see you've met my sister." I say as he jumps a bit. Then stands up. "Uh. Yeah." He says awkwardly. He is still in his school clothes, plain white t shirt and camo pants. "Yeah well. You should know. She is a brat. I say as my sister scowls. "No I'm nwot." She says as she starts yo cry. "Hey come here princess." Zayn says picking her up and cradling her. Oh my gosh, i don't know if i can keep it in anymore. When he's with children he's just so dang cute.

"Whatever." I say holding a hand on my forehead. It's still steaming. "Oh my." I say before i run to our bathroom and puke in the toilet. Okay. I'm sick. "F#ck." I curse as i wipe my mouth. Then i notice that Zayn is standing in the doorway. "Are you uh. Okay." He asks as i gargle water. "Obviously not." I say back sarcastically. I look at him to see him looking down. I didn't mean to yell at him. "Uh i mean no." I say as i soften my tone. "I think i have the flu." I say bending over from the stomach pain again.

"Oh. Okay well let me just. Uh here..." he says as he swoops me up into bridal style. Things just got f#cking awkward. I look up and meet his brown chocolatey eyes. They look like they are soft yet on double lockdown mode, hiding a whole lot of secrets. As i get lost in them i notice we have stopped by my green bed. "Uh. You can put me down now." I say awkwardly. "Oh h-here." He says putting me down gently. I make myself comfortable on the bed as he gets me water. I don't know what is wrong but with the aching in my freakin stomach i also felt butterflies when he picked me up. Emma always says that she gets like that around Harry. Why would i get like that around Zayn? I think as my eyes close.

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