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"Harry." I say puzzled walking downstairs. His head cocks up and he smiles slightly at me. "Oh Zia, this is Harry." my sister says as I make my way over. "Yeah, how did my sister invite you." I ask him and he shrugs. "She uh. She saw me picking up my sister from her school." he says as I nod.

"Come on Harry let's have the party." Izzy smiles. He smiles at her and we all sit down as she serves us. "So Harry, how did you get curly hair." She asks as I burst out laughing. He laughed to and Izzy just shrugged. "Well, you see it's naturally curly." she let's out a wow and I can tell she has a crush on him. "But I like your hair better. Its cute." Harry says as my sister blushes. I roll my eyes and Harry sees. Whatever.

The rest of the night goes good and mum and dad still aren't home. Izzy is asleep on Harrys lap and we're all watching toy story. "So Harry. Why are you being so nice to me, I mean. Emma is your girlfriend." I say being curious. "You know Zia. Im still with Emma but I'll tell you now that you definitely won the fight last week." he says as I smirk. Then he gets up to leave. "I better go now." I walk with him to the door. "It was nice having you over." I say as he winks. "Anytime." he says before going out. I then carry Izzy up, take a shower and go to bed.

Next day**

I walk through school so tired. I haven't seen Zayn at all today and his dad's car was gone this morning. He must have gone somewhere. I turn to sit for lunch. I pick the outcasts table and sit next to a normal looking girl. "Hey. I'm Zia." I say. She looks up and sneers. "Yeah i know who you are. Yuck." She says getting up and moving. Well. I'm so tired of this shit. As she leaves a nerd girl takes her seat.

"Hey I'm Nancy." She says cheerfully and pushes up her glasses before extending a hand. I smile appreciating kindness, something i haven't got at all lately. "I'm Zia." I say but she cuts me off. "Oh i know an your the one who defended all us different people. Can i join your group." She asks as i scrunch my nose. Group? "What group?" I ask as sh is confused. "Oh you haven't made one yet." She says as i shake my head no. "But it's a great thought, if i had friends." I smile nicely. "I mean other than Zayn." I giggle. "Well, maybe it could be more like a friend group. And I'm willing to join." She says making puppy dog eyes. "You mean be my friend." I say surprised. All i have gotten is insulted lately.

"Yeah. Your friend." She says as i smile. "Wow. Thanks and yeah but we have to have five members before we really start atleast." I say as she giggles. "I'll  start asking from now on and i have a friend that's with you too. He's Aron, if you happen to see him." She says.



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"Okay." I say smiling. "So where is your boyfriend, ah, Zayn?" She asks as i blush. Why am i blushing. "Oh we aren't together and i don't know. He didn't show up today." I say as she smiles greatly. "You mean Zayn's still open then. Omg! He is so cute i wanna have a chance with him someday." At her words i all of the sudden became a little jealous. "Yeah i don't think he wants a relationship now." I say before walking away. Okay. Maybe i was a little more jealous than just jealous. I mean he is my friend i have a right. I then proceed my classes.

As I get home I hear mum talking  in the kitchen to someone. I walk in to see Tina,she is a friend of my mums who lives next door. "Oh hi Zia." she says as I timidly wave and smile. "So anyway the Maliks are moving and that." She says carrying on with her gossip. Wait moving! I slowly turn on my heels and gasp. "Moving!" I shout as my mum hushes me.

"Why yes, Mr. Malik went to look for houses today, is as far as I know." she says as I drop what I'm doing and go upstairs. Shit! I never got Zayn's number damn it. I think as I search on my dresser. I sigh as I flop on my bed and start crying. What will I do without Zayn.


Sorry this took so long. My phone has been gone for a week. Yikes! Anyways hope you love it!


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