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"What are you doing hear?" I question as he backs up. "Woah bobcat, cool down. Your parents gave me permission to talk to you." he says with a smirk as I motion towards a seat at my old desk. "So anyways, I just came to tell you nothing changed between us when you defended Zayn at school that day. We are still friends right?" he asks as I become baffled. Friends, after he hasn't said a word to me in how long. "Louis we have exchanged no conversation whatsoever for about two months." I say making a "what the hell" face.

"Yeah Zia, but I was hoping maybe." he says as he stands again. It almost looks as though he is nervous. "Maybe?" I question curiously. "Maybe we could go on a like, well date, try and be something more. He says as I stand and he grabs my hands. It is quiet and i am sure what my answer is.

"No." I say closing my eyes at his reaction. I feel one of my hands drop, then I feel a hand on my check. I open my eyes slowly as I see Louis looking tenderly at me. "Zia, I know you have feelings for someone else but if he ever does anything to you, promise you'll tell me." He says smiling weakly as I smile pleased he wasn't mad. I nod yes. "And maybe even give me a shot." he says as I giggle. "And maybe even give you a shot." I smile at him. "Great, thanks Zia, and now I have to go cause my classes start." he says as I shoo him out wishing him well.

Well, that went okay. I pick up my phone humming bad blood but I stop as I remember what happened last time I listened to it. I really need to sit down and vent someone how I feel about Zayn cause it's mixed emotions now.

As I scroll through Twitter, I see a post from Zayn.



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Hard times. Life can really f#ck your head up. 😔

I felt so bad, yet I was getting a weird feeling from his selfie, like,  I was urged to hug him and coddle him. Why? I can't stop this feeling, I'm such a bad person. So I get on and tweet.

Hard times. Never make stupid choices, they are so damn hard for people to forgive.

As I click post I immediately feel the urge to cry

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As I click post I immediately feel the urge to cry. I cry a bit into my pillow but not much before I fully break into sobs I decide it's no use crying. Hear the door shut meaning everyone is gone and tiptoe downstairs.

Sure enough dad and mum are at work and Izzy is at school. I rummaged through the cupards till I find Doritos and sit on the couch turning on the TV to Disney while I sit and lement.

They are playing a marathon of my favorite Disney show now, Austin and Ally, but not even that will make me laugh. Let alone smile. I look at my watch and its already three, when my school would be letting out. Great, whatever. As I focus back onto the TV I hear a nick on my door. I walk over and open it to see Niall and Summer. "Well, what brings you by." I say probably looking like a mess as I sniff and wipe my nose with my Dan and Phil sweater. Yeah, it's my favorite.

"Oh my gosh Zia you look so, woah!" Summer exclaims with a sorry look, Niall looking about the same. "Yeah, I kinda got in an argument with my parents." I say covering up the 'real deal' as you might call it.

"Well, we were gonna ask you why you weren't at school and if you wanted to go shopping but if you wanna stay and watch movies it's chill." Niall says kindly as I nod. "No, really you guys, I need a day out." I half laugh half exhaustively say. They both nod excitedly. "Okay so let me get changed." I say motioning them in to wait. "Oh okay." they agree as I head upstairs to my room.

I few minutes later I come down in a purple lace blows and white skinny jeans. "Ready." I call sounding as cheery as possible. I don't want them to think something else is up.

"Great let's go." Niall shouts excitedly as Summer just shakes her head. She is more of a mother to Niall than girlfriend. As I head out I see Zayn walking to his house. I look over but quickly dodge my head down ashamed. How can I ever look at him again right. He will never to me. "You alright?" Summer asks as we get in the car. "What, uh yeah, great."I say making thumbs up, pushing a lump in my throat away.

I smile at her and she finally faces front again. Her and Niall are up front, Niall is driving.

As we talk we finally arrive. We walk into the crowded mall and decide to just hit all the stores as we come to them. "Okay so should I get the cat costume for the Halloween party or the witch?" Summer questions us as we contemplate. "Ah, the cat." Niall smirks as she blushes and hits him. "Ow, calm down cat." he smirks again as she mumbles fine and walks off to get excessories.

"What are you being?" I ask Niall as he smiles. "Uh I think a rockstar." he says sticking a funny pose as I giggle. "Yeah, Louis said he's being a ninja with Zayn and Liam is being a jailbird with Harry, not sure what the girls are being." he says puzzled. A ninja, how childish, but in a cute adorable way. Awe. I think as I smile. "Well, okay if they seem adorable." Niall says as I notice I said it out loud. No. "Oh I just meant you know, cute. Ha." I nervously laugh as he chuckles. Soon Summer comes back and Niall and her help me pick out a vampire costume. Then we check out and go to Dinner.

Shy Boy - Zayn MalikWhere stories live. Discover now