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As i walk through the school halls again i notice how much i missed being here. I put my books in my locker and headed to English, my first class. As the lesson started it was boring as always and shitty. I really dread going to graffiti after this. I'll have to him. But a part of me wants to feel the same way i did whenever he would speak to me when he was taking care of me enjoy the weird butterflies in my stomach . But i can't, he's a wimp anyways. I'm schools 'miss popular' i cant be seen with him.

Anyways, as i walk out of English and head to graffiti i feel my damn stomach twist at the sight of the familiar black haired kid there that is always early. Great! I walk in and decide to try conversation. "So, about the other day." I say as he looks at me shyly. "Listen i was talking to you just so there would be peace while i was babysitting. Nothing more, and I'm sure you feel the same way." He says his soft but harsh voice making me melt. Wait what. "No, Zayn. Maybe we could be friends." I say as he looks away. "No." He says plainly and this time he didn't say it shyly. I was about to ask why when students started filing in making loud chatter. F#ck this damn school never gives me time to talk. And so i set up my canvas for another graffiti lesson. Except this time i wasn't as excited as usual.

It is now a class later and lunch time. "Okay Zia, your worrying me. You haven't been talking to much today." Emma says as we sit to eat. "I'm just so shit up with the sickness and my period at almost the same time. It took a lot of crap outta me." I sigh as she agrees. "So anyway." Grace says sitting down. "Guess what!" She proclaims. "What?" Em says excitedly. "Liam f#cking Payne asked me out!" She scream whispers as i jump up and hug her. "No way! Your so damn lucky!" I yell as we jump." I know he walked up with his tight t-shirt on and had that oh so romantic face on and then, then he asked." She says sighing at the end. "Wow. You're with Liam I'm with Harry. Now all we need is Summer to get Niall and you to get Louis." Emma says as i almost spit my soda out. "F#cking what? What makes you think Louis would ask me out." I say as i recover. "Well you are the most popular girl in school." Grace says as i nod. "True." I say flicking my hair aside. "And I'm shit proud of it too." I say in a sassy tone.

"And...." Emma says as i become worried. "And what." I say slowly. Not exactly sure if i want to hear the rest. "We kinda told him you had a crush on him and he said he liked you too and we know it was wrong but." Grace says not able to keep the dreadful secret anymore. "What!" I scream as people look at me. "Calm down Zia, we all know you like him. It's okay." Emma says. Like him. I don't like him! I just flirt with him. "I just flirt with him, i don't f#cking like like him! He's not my type!" I say angry as shit. "Oh come on." Grace says acting like I'm joking. "I'm not freakin joking!" I shout as i storm away. What the hell! How do think they can do that. I walk slowly down the halls almost moping. I don't give a shit what people think.

I round a corner to a crowded hall. "Out of my way!" I say as people bump into me. Why is it so crowded in this damn hall! But when i stop at a smaller crowd in the crowd i hear Louis mocking some one. Probably a new kid or someone. I push more through and i can hear while I'm pushing. "Did you f#cking snot to her or not?" Louis' voice could be heard clearly now. Curiosity grew in me. Who would he be defending?

As i finally get to the beginning of the damn crowd i see Louis with Liam and Harry by him hovering over Zayn on the ground. Louis is kicking the shit out of Zayn and Harry is laughing at the insults they throw at him. My heart broke.

I stood there everything seemed in slow motion. Zayn looked so innocent, and they were beating him. Why? Suddenly everything sped up again. Zayn huddled into a ball with his knees pulled into his chest waiting for it to be over. "Oh come on Zayn! You have muscle. Fight me like a man." Louis remarks sassily. "See that is why you shouldn't snot to Zia while babysitting her sister." What f#ck? How did he know Zayn babysat Izzy? And Zayn didn't snot off. The only person who knew any of this. My blood begins to boil. Why would she tell him that. What the hell!

Just then the principal came and took Louis but let Zayn go and told him to go home. I feel so bad for Zayn. I brought that on him. I'm such a shit.

Shy Boy - Zayn MalikWhere stories live. Discover now