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No, I don't hate myself, wait, yes, yes I do. It has been a week since I told him I needed space and now I barely talk to him. Even if he is hanging at my place with my friends. It is now a week before the Halloween dance at our school. Yup im gonna have noone. And yes I am telling Harry the truth. I just wanna be friends. I think he's already taken some hints.

"Zia I wanna talk with you." Harry says breaking my thoughts. Him and Liam are here with Grace for a Batman marathon tonight. "What's up." I ask as he looks down. "Well you know Zia. I really did like you, but lately I've been thinking. I don't think, you like me, well not in this way anyways." He says as I become relieved. "And, I have also developed feelings for someone else." He says as I smile. "Harry, I am totally fine with this. I like you alot, but more as a brother. And whoever you like, don't let me stop you, go right ahead. Sister?" I say as he smiles and sticks his hand out to shake. "Then im your brother." he smiles as we hug and go out to watch the rest.

~next day.

"🎼I know you love meh, I know yeah care,just say whenever and I'll be there....🎶"

Yes it is seven-thirty in the morning and no I'm not happy to go to school. I'm happy that one thing went right this week. Harry knows I don't like him like that. Now I guess I have to set things straight with Zayn. He keeps begging me to talk to him. So today I'm gonna invite him over and tell him everything. E v e r y t h I n g. He deserves to know. And if he hates me, that's my fault.

I get ready dressing in a peach lacy top and Grey ripped skinny jeans with Grey converse. As I head to school I see Zayn on the opposite side walking ahead of me. I run across the street. "Hey Zia." he smiles as I walk in sync with him. I missed walking to school with him. "Hey." I reply And we walk for awhile in awkward silence.  As we reach the gate talking about a random YouTube I pause. "So Zayn, I gotta tell you something important today. So you wanna come to my house after dinner tonight, or you know what. Mum and dad aren't gonna be home neither is izzy so if you come after dinner we can talk." I say fast as he looks surprised.

"Sure, I will come for dinner. And I'm glad you decided to tell me what's wrong." he says brushing his hands through his messy hairstyle. He looked so cute burgh, why does he have this effect on me damn it. "Okay great then, see you then or whenever." I say as we split ways. Time for class.

As I walk into the cafeteria I hear Emma laughing at me already. So I put my head down. "Hey Zia, how was your class?" I hear Aron say as Nancy comes too. We have become good friends. Yes I have quite the friend circle. "Uh same old same old." I say as I sigh. "Dude, don't listen to them. You're amazing." Aron says as I smile and Nancy agrees. "Thanks." I say before we join Grace, Harry, Summer, Liam, Niall and Zayn. I smile at all saying hi. Damn I really need to stop worrying about tonight, it's bugging the heck out of me.

"So what's up?" I ask as Liam and Niall tell me how their practice went. "Louis has been really nice to us lately." Niall says as Li nods. "Hm. That's weird didn't he say that you were all like betrayers of him?" I ask as they nod. "Yeah he did. I don't know whatever." Niall says as we continue eating. As I look over at Zayn I see he's not eating, if I'm correct he only doesn't eat when somethings wrong. What's wrong?

I eat some chips and go to throw the bag away as Aron chats with Niall and the rest about an error in his science. I don't know. As I walk back I see Harry whisper to Nancy and she giggles. Omg! She is his crush. I should have known. He was flirting with her when I introduced him. Aw they'll be cute together. He's safe to ask her now, everyone knows we broke up. Well, at least I think everyone, whatever. I sit back at the table and talk till the bell rings.

After school*

I am currently making spaghetti for dinner with Zayn and he will be here any minute. Mum and dad just left. Hm de dum. Woah, I don't have close on without stains. I rush up to my room and change into a Dan and Phil shirt galaxy yoga pants. I know really weird. As I run down to stir the spaghetti I turn on some music and decide to dance till he comes while making it.

Shy Boy - Zayn MalikWhere stories live. Discover now