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Trigger warning***

I open my eyes slowly as i hear talking. "You whore. No you are not bringing random girls into this house and sleeping with them!" I hear someone yell as i cringe. Is that Zayns dad. As i remember why i am here i start to tear up. I'm so damn foolish to get drunk after that. "I didn't sleep with her and-" i hear Zayn protest but it is interrupted by a slapping noise loud enough to make me jump. "You worthless pig. You're a total mistake and that's all you'll ever be!" His dad yells as i take a chance and peek through the cracked door right in time to see Zayn being kicked on the ground by mr. Malik. Oh my gosh. Why would he kick his own son. I cover my mouth with my hand motionless as i watch. His dad then stops. "I hate you and I'm ashamed to have such a shitty monster as a son!" He yells before kicking him once more then going out the door slamming it on the way.

I rush to his window and watch the car pull out of the driveway. How could he treat his own son like that. What did he do? As i near the door again i hear sobs. I run up to Zayn and try to grab his hand but he pushes me away. "Get away." He says as i am startled. "Zayn. Your dad's gone." I say as he slowly trembles to his feet. I just wanted to put him all back together right then and there. "No. He isn't my dad and never will be. Just go home. I'm not even worth you spending time on." He says crying more. "Zayn that's not true!" I yell as he becomes angry. "JUST GO HOME!" He yells before slamming his bedroom door.

I cross my arms and head towards his door. I stand outside and think. "Zayn. Just, if you ever need a real friend or someone to talk to I'm right here. Just. Just don't do anything stupid." I say as i start walking away after an answer doesn't come. I head out his door and to my house. Both my parents are home. I would complain usually but after what i just saw how my parents could treat me if they wanted to. I'm not going to. I walk in the door to see mum in the kitchen as usual. And dad in the dining room eating breakfast. "Zia. You look a mess. What happened." My dad says as he hugs me. I hug him back for the first time in forever treasuring his love. "I feel so guilty dad." I cry as he rubs my head. He sits me down on the couch and sits beside me.

"Tell me everything honey." He says as i cry. "Dad promise you won't be mad at me. I couldn't help it." I say as he gets serious. "Honey, what happened last night." He asked sternly. "I-i...." at this point I'm wondering to even tell him the truth. "I... got into a f-fight." I stutter as his face softens. I just couldn't disappoint my parents. And not when they were finally giving me proper attention. "Oh honey. It's okay. Sometimes you just get in some fights. You can't help it." My mum says coming in and patting my back. "Go get changed. I made chocolate chip pancakes." She says in a cheery tone as i smile. "Okay." I say running up the stairs but stop as i step in my room. Zayn. How am i this happy right after that happened. He is sitting alone right now without a mother for some reason and with an abusive dad and no friends to help him. Just then i get an idea.

I slip back on my sneakers as head downstairs. "Where'd dad go." I ask as my mum looks up. "He went to work and where are you going." She asks confused. "Oh can i invite Zayn over for some pancakes." I say looking at the ground. "Oh. I don't see why not. Um, when did you two start getting along?" She asks as i look up. "Uh. A few weeks ago." I say as mum nods. "Okay." she says as i headout.

I step cautiously through his front door. "Zayn." I call. I roam torwards his door as I hear no answer. I knock three times on his door and still no answer. Oh gosh. Where is he. As slowly push his door open I almost scream at the sight of Zayn on the floor with a razor in his left hand and blood pouring down his right. "Oh my god Zayn, no. No way!" I say as I scramble by him. He has passed out and I start to panic. I rush to his bathroom picking up a paper towel roll from it and rushing to Zayn.

As soon as his wounds are uncovered I see they aren't that deep. He must have blacked out from being flustered. I muster up enough strength to lay him on his bed after cleaning and wrapping the wounds. As I sit and look at the innocent boy I wonder if he could posibbly have anymore secrets. I mean, damn it. He's got so many. He needs a real friend, and if nobody will be that for him. From here on, I will.

"Zia?" I hear as I smile sweetly at him. "Yeah." I say brushing away a tear I hadn't noticed fell. "Why are you cryin?" he asks as I think of how cute he is. "Zayn, I just told you not to do anything stupid. And now I come back and you're laying on the floor with freaking blood all over you." I say as he makes a flustered face.

"Why are crying though?" he asks again as if I don't even care about that. "Zayn, you act like I don't give a shit about you." I chuckle as I am also serious. "Zia you don't. Or shouldn't." he says as I become angry. "Okay Zayn. If you're a monster, if you're a monster, prove it. Prove it! Cause you know what I see you as, huh? I see you as a boy who doesn't have a mother and only an abusive father!" I yell losing my patience as he looks down shyly. "Zia, my mother died because she couldn't have any kids and they accidentally had a kid, me. That's what makes me a monster." Zayn says wiping away the tear on my cheeck. "But you know what I also see you as. I also see you as a very handsome boy that shouldn't care what his dick of a father says and a boy that no matter how hard he is gonna try, he can't get this girl named Zia to not be his friend and not be by him always when we go to school next week." I say as he looks up at me and flashes a handsome smile. "Really even after I told you?" He mutters as I smile. "Really. Now my mum invited you for pancakes, so let's go." I say as he smiles and we walk to my house and eat delicious pancakes.


So anyways new update.!! Yay!

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