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As i stand there holding Zayns hand i let out a breath i had no idea i was holding in. Once everyone leaves the courtyard i turn and look at Zayn. He looks at me flat but then smiles and embraces me in a hug. "Ha. I told you nothing could stop is from being friends." I say as he smiles. "I just. Just thanks alot for doing that." He says as i playfully nudge his shoulder. "Well, i guess you're stuck with me now." I say as he smiles like before.

A week later*

Well, i can't say school has been great. Everyone was glaring at me and Emma is now m personal bully. But, at least i have Zayn. I just, i feel like all giddy around him and i don't know why. It's so confusing the butterflies in my stomach whenever he smiles or something. I'm beginning to think I'm damn sick.

"Come on Zayn." I whine as we walk to our houses after school. I am trying to get him to go with me this Saturday to the fair coming into town. "But Zia." He says as we walk into the park grounds. "Zayn, you are coming." I state as he sighs stopping. "Fine." He smirks as i giggle. "Yay!" I shout as i jump up and down. We walk to the swings and sit down. "So how are you doing." I ask as he sighs. "Zia. I don't know what to do. You keep telling me to not take to heart the words of dad, but. Like, their true. If I weren't b-born." he says but I don't let him finish. "Zayn, have you cut again." I ask as I mentally face palm myself.why does his dad have to do this to him. We stop swinging and I look him in the eyes. "Zia, i." I cut him off again by grabbing his wrist. I already know theanswer when he winces. Damn it!

"Damn it Zayn!"I yell getting up and really face palming me. The scars were deep. I could tell. "Why do you keep doing it. Your dad is a f#cking idiot." I say standing in front of him. He just looks down and sniffs. "You know Zia I don't really want to talk abo-"

"No Zayn. You have to stop or, or." he breaks my sentences. "Or what Zia! I'll be gone, then you'll get your school life back and the world would be rid of this ugly face, my ugly name! Is that it. Or what Zia?" he asks jumping up to stand as my stomach flips at him saying he would die and my bottom lip trembles. "Zayn. I." I say before he repeats himself. "Or what?" he asks again. I walk up to him slowly till I come close enough to grab his hands in mine and I pour into his chocolaty brown eyes. "Or I'll lose you." I say letting my voice trailoff as we both lean in.

As our lips are getting closer I start to worry. Is this what I want. A relationship with my best friend. Does he even like me. I don't think so. I've never dated before,what if I can't. I mean I've kissed but. As our lips are about to touch. "Oh look! The losers are gonna kiss. Misses and mister loser!" Emma says coming over with her group of girls. Grace, and Summer aren't with her. They haven't been lately. My face quickly turns mad. I don't know if it was because I wanted the kiss or what.

"Shut up Emma!" I say as I glare. "Oh honey. I don't think you can tell me that stuff. Slut." she spits as she jumps onto me tackling me to the ground punching me. I can see Zayn shouting for them to stop but he is also tied up with all the other girls. Duh, he can't hit them Zia. "Whore,pig." she keeps saying before getting up and kicking me again. "Ha, see ya around wimps." she snarls as I stumble getting up. I hate her so much.

Zayn rushes over to me and helps me up. "I'm so sorry." he says as I wipe my bloody nose. "No it's her damn fault." I scream at her back. "F#ck you Emma!" I scream once more as I growl. "She is so damn annoying." Zayn says brushing me off. "Talk about it." I growl. He then gets up and he sighs. "We better get home." I sigh agreeing with him and we walk home Ian awkward silence. As I walk up to my door Zayn stops to say by and part ways. "Um, so about earlier. Uh, Im sorry I got a little carried away." he says rubbing the back of his neck. That so turned me on. Gosh damn. "It's fine Zayn." I say leaning up and pecking him on the cheek. He smiled dorkily before motioning towards his house and mumbling."uh yeah I gotta go. Bye." He says before rushing back across to his house.

I smirk to myself as I walk into my house. He is so cute, but now i have come to the point where I can't imagine things like that, we're friends right. I am about to go upstairs when I see Izzy on the couch crying. Mum and dad must be out she must have gotten home on the bus early. I walk over and tap her on the shoulder. "Izzy is there something wrong?" I ask as she sniffles and looks up. "I don't know how to make a tea party." she whines as I become confused. "For what?" I question as she smiles. "Oh there is a cute boy coming over that I met today. He has curly hair and he is my prince." she sighs looking dreamy. Oh,a school friend. Wow she invited him over and she is just five,lol. "Oh well I'll help." I say giggling. She then shouts and excitedly prepares.

As I finish setting thence table with fancy china dishes and tea, Izzy returns from upstairs. She has on her best white pants and shirt and a cute messy bun in.

 She has on her best white pants and shirt and a cute messy bun in

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She smiles at me. "You should dress up to." she says as I giggle. "Okay." I give in as I go get dressed in white pants but leave on my green shirt and straighten out and leave in my messy bun. (Pic. Above) Just then I hear the doorbell. Here goes the little kid tea party. I think as I head down but as I get down I am greatly surprised.

Harry is standing talking to my sister!


Okay wow, wonder what's gonna happen Lol!😂
Ily all,
Li 🆔💟✴

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