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Today is it! The day I get to show everyone who I really would like to hang with. Im so glass he isn't resisting my help and friendship. I mean, it is my damn choice, jeez!

Anyways, I slip on my vans and a pair of skinny jeans and a flowery top. I put on make up and then go downstairs to walk to school with Zayn. I feel like me and Zayn will get along well. Plus, I mean who gets to be friends with a guy as hot as Zayn. He's actually really cool too. Like I spent the whole Sunday yesterday getting to know him.

I knock on his door and it is soon opened by Zayn. He isn't wearing his glasses for some reason today. He has his hair as usual and has on a varsity jacket with black skinny jeans like me. "You ready." I ask smiling. "Uh, sure." He says as we walk down his driveway. As we walk in a silence I remember. "Oh, here let me see." I say as we stop and i grab his wrist. He winces as I slide up his sleeve revealing the cuts. "They look better, right." I say matter of factly as he looks at me odd. "Yeah, uh. They are feeling better." He says as we walk again.
We walk to the school in comfortable silence, me cracking a joke here and there and he would always laugh showing his pearly whites and scrunches at the corners of his eyes. (Pic. Above) "ready?" I ask as he nods. Then we both walk into the school yard and into the school. As we walk in disscussing our classes we part ways, cause I had math and he had writing.

I walk over to my locker and get ready for math. "Um. Zia, I gotta talk to you." I hear Louis voice say as I shut my locker. "Im not sure there is anything to talk about Louis." I say boiling as I remember the other night. "No Zia. Look Im sorry I did whatever to impress you. It was wrong." he says as I smile. "Okay, but if you pull something like it again I'll kill your ass." I say as he smirks. Then the bell rings as I walk to math praying I won't be late.


"Zia. Why have you been talking to the whimp lately." Grace asks as Emma and Summer nod. "Yeah does he tutor you now or something?" Summer asks again. I look at them as I am about to tell the truth. But as soon as I open my mouth I here a loud punching sound. "What the hell is that!" I yell as we rush to the courtyard where it came from. All of the girls follow as I rush into the crowd. As I get to the beginning of the crowd I walk in to see Zayn slaying Daniel!
He has Daniel on the ground and he is violently beating him. F#cking shit!

Once Zayn punches him another time I wince as Zayn then gets taken out by Louis who rushes in to help Daniel. Daniel is a friend of Louis, just so you know. He punches Zayn and and starts pounding him. Zayn was already weak from fighting Daniel so I could see how he was flopping to the ground. Louis then starts kicking him on the ground and chocking Zayn. I decide that i have to stop him or Zayn will get hurt. Well, you know, really hurt.

"Stop." I yell as Louis gets ready to punch him again. Louis looks at me as with a 'what the?" look on. "Stop Louis. Do you even know why he's beating Him up!" I yell as he stops punching Zayn and grabs him by the collar. "Okay whimp, why are you beating him up." Louis asks as he throws him against a tree. "Because." Zayn starts looking at Daniel who is now sneering at him. "He made Zia f#ck him." Zayn growls as Louis face turns a bright red. Gasps come from the onlookers as tears come into my eyes. I step more into the the center to face Louis. "There Louis! Who should you beat up now." I say tears coming down my eyes. Louis turns to look at Daniel but before he could look at him he was gone into the crowd. As he looks around I run up to Zayn and check if he's okay.
"Im good are you okay." He asks wiping tears from my eyes. I smile at how he stood up for me and was so damn kind. "Ew, Zia he may have defended you but he is still a whimp." Louis says as Emma now comes into view. "No, he is not a freaking whimp Louis." I defend as everyone looks at me like Im an alien. "Zia, don't do this just because he beat Daniel up. He wasn't there to stop him was he." Emma says standing by Harry, Liam, and Niall, with the rest of my friends. "No Emma. Zayn was the one who I went to after that all happened a day ago. He was the one who I have been hanging out with for a month now. But at first he rejected me because I was popular. I was a bitch to people before but now I know it doesn't matter if you're a nerd or whatever. If you're like him, I don't give a damn!" I say pointing to Zayn.

"Come on Zia! He's a f#cking whimp." Louis says as I boil with anger. "I swear Louis if you say that again I will not talk to you till Im on my death bed." I say as Zayn looks at me like the crowd is. Astonished. "You're telling me you aren't going to hang with us anymore." Emma says as she comes face to face with me. "No that is not what I said. We can hang together." I say as she laughs in my face. "Hang with that thing. Never" she snarls as I glare back. "It's either us or him. Take your pick,and make it good." She says as I stand there. There is a silence as I look at her then Zayn. Zayn looks at me then backs away like he wants me to pick her. I walk back to Zayn slowly and grab his hand in mine. "Wow. Whoever has the right mind should stay away from you, bitch!" she yells before pushing me and walking away.

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