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Today is Saturday and Zayn still isn't home. Great. So now I'm going with Harry, Liam, Summer, Niall, and Grace to the fair. I just woke up and I'm not feeling to hot. So damn worried. What if his dad does something to him. I know I'm not his mum but. Oh well.

"Greats you all ready." Summer says as everybody in her mini van nods. "Then off to the fair." Niall shouts childishly as I giggle. I'm gonna at past try to have a good time. It is morning so we get a whole day there. Yay. Not.

As we get there Harry asks what I want to do and the 'couples' each go separate ways. That means me and Harry. "But Zia I'm scared." Harry whines as I smirk pulling him towards the ring of fire. Aka rollercoaster. "Harry. Be a man come on." I plead as he sighs. "How can i resist an adorable face." he says as I forcely smile. We go on it and as I am waiting for Harry to ditch Ralph, (puke), I go to get cotton candy. As I am in line I pick the purple and yellow cotton candy and the lady tells me the total. But before I could pay someone walked up and payed for me. I know him anytime.

"Zayn!" I shout tackling him into a big hug. Butterflies came as he replied. "You didn't think I would let you pay huh." he kids as I smile. Just then Harry comes into view. "Ah Zayn. How's it going." he asks as Zayn and him shake hands. "Ah good. I just went to visit a cousin then ended up staying there longer." Zayn says as his smile fades a bit. Hm. It was then I noticed his rolled up sleeves were uncovering a newly tattooed arms. And he was holding up a bunny smiling at me. (Pic above.) "Uh. I got this for you too Zia. Well actually won it." he says as I blush and take the bunny. He's so sweet. "Oh my gosh thank you so much Zayn. I've missed you at school and did you get tattoos?" I say still distracted.

He looks at me weird then realizes. "Oh well yeah actually my cousin helped me pick them out. Uh her name is Ashley. She is only ten." I smile as he speaks. "Aw that's cute." I say as Harry agrees. Harry wraps his arms around my waist and it suddenly became awkward. "So. Did I miss anything new." Zayn asks puzzled. Harry smiles as I sigh on the inside. "Well, Zia is my girlfriend so other than that, not much." Harry says as I fake smile. Pure shock is what I saw in Zayn eyes for a second. But then he put on a quick smile. "Oh well then. Nice. Hope you two are happy but I need to go now so see you later." he says. "Wait. Please stay, you promised." I whine as he looks down. "I guess." he smiles as I smile back. "Good then ring of fire once more." I yell as they both groan.

"Oh and the cooked Oreos are good too." Niall rattles as we all walk together. The boys all love Zayn. They said he was their missing link, lol. "So is it to the big campfire now." I say as they yell. We have already spent a whole day at the park and now we are going to the campfire in the park held by our highschool. I love campfires. We all get there and I see Emma's group are back on the other side of the huge fire. Great. "Soothe other day how was foot ball practice." Grace asks Liam as the snuggle on there hay bale. "Oh it was good, Niall was the best atpractise though. In the scrimmage game he brought in two scores. I think Louis was jealous." he says as Niall jumps up making muscles. We all laugh as he does and I sip my hot chocolate.

Harry is on one side of me and Zayns on the other. Zayn has been acting different. I mean he's always quiet but. "Guys Im gonna get more hot chocolate." Summer says as she walks off. We go on talking as the night goes on.

It is now midnight and everyone is having great fun. Even Zayn. As we all say bye Zayn and I walk towards our houses in silence. "So, are you happy with Harry?" He asks as I shrug. "I guess." I say as we approach my house. "You guess." He says as he looks concerned. As I look at limit reminds me of what I did to his sister. "Look Zayn, it's great your back but I need a little space this week. So I think you should get to know the guys better, stick with them this weekat school. It'll be fun." now he looks at me even more puzzled. "Zia, what's wroung?" He asks a little frustrated. "Nothing! Just, I need space." I yell as I walk away slamming my houses door. I run up the stairs and sit on my bed.

I feel so bad. If his sister weren't always so weak from me beating her she might be here today. I could have been her friend, made her grow stronger. More confident, no instead I had my head up my prideful ass. Im part of the reason she died, I'm part murderer.

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