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"Can you just stop!"

"No I can't believe it, I'm so happy for you two Zayn."

I close my open mouth and swallow. Everyone goes quiet as I wake. I sit up. There stands Harry, Liam, Ginger and a flustered annoyed looking Zayn. I rub my eyes as I hear a whistle come from Harry. I open them fully to see everyone staring at me. I look down and notice I don't have a shirt on. "Woah." Li chuckles as Nancy rolls her eyes nudging him. I blush and pull the sheets over my exposed area.

"Zayn did you guys really-" But before Harry finished Zayn is pushing everyone out. "Shut it mate!" Zayn says finally getting them all out. He then closes the door and studies the floor. "Um do you uh mind if I, uh." I say dropping the blanket and motioning. "No, I'll just a, look over," he says spinning around. "Here. Look over here." he says sighing. "I'm so sorry. I just, I went to get changed and i was so so tired and-" I rant as I through on his baggy shirt. "No no, um it's totally fine Zia." he says in a soft voice. I put on some of Nancy's shorts she brought me and sighed.

"Okay." I say as Zayn shyly turns around. His hair was in a black mess and he had the cutest face ever. "So, Harry and Nancy are staying and we are walking with Liams sister and helping her truck or treat with the rest." he says walking over and sitting next to me on the bed. I study his stubble coming in and his brown chocolatey eyes and blush St the thought of how I was staring a bit long. "Zia?" Zayn questions grabbing my hand. I look down at our hands and smile. "Okay." I say intertwining our fingers.

"Okay lets go then." Summer says as we gather up. I look around for Zayn stepping out the apartment/ houses door. I spot him over by Samantha, Li's sister, she is about five. I walk over and smile at her. "Hey Samantha I'm Zia Li's friend." I say as she smiles and Zayn stands up from the squatting position he was in that I am now in. "Oh okay. You can call me Sam by the way Zia." Sam says smiling widely. "Zayn was just telling me that you were pretty and his girlfriend. I think your more than pretty." she says as I look over to Zayn who has stiffened with a tint of pink on his tan face. "Aw, well thank you." I say while giggling lightly. Zayn just shrugs and sighs. I stand still giggling and poke him in the side.

"I just called my own girlfriend pretty." he says while wrapping his arms around my waist. I look into his eyes and I find happiness for once in his eyes. He pecks me on the nose and I giggle more pulling away.

As we are heading back to the apartment, Sam is showing Zayn and Li her candy and Summer and Niall are talking. I shuffle as I get quite bored. My legs are also damn tired of walking, I know im tired already even though I slept all day. Well I don't care. As we round the corner the police are talking to Harry and Nancy on the apartment steps. I begin to panic as I know why they are here. No, I don't want to think about this ever again.

Knowing I have to I step up with the rest. "Hello, I heard you are Zia Pits right?" She asks as I nod yes. As she takes me to do a test to prove it happened I look back one last time to Zayn as I step into the apartment.

I step out desperate to be beside Zayn after the tests and practically reliving the whole event but I freeze as the last person I ever want to see again is there. Zayn is standing off in the grass and Louis is calming him down. He obviously is getting mad with Daniel here. "This is the right person right?" a cop asks as I look into the devils eyes. "Yes." I say confidently as he smirks. "Okay we're out of here then." the police says to my relief. It will be nice once this is over. The police all leave and I rush over to Zayn desperately. I clasp onto his leather jacket as he cooes sweet words in my ear. I feel safe with his grasp on me and scent around me. So safe. We all walk in quietly and I say goodbye to Li and Sam and they leave. "So uh Nancy is my girlfriend now." Harry says super excited breaking the awkward silence that had crept in as we sat on the couch. Louis cheers and we laugh. "Finally!" Niall exclaims jokingly as Summer laughs along. "Congratulations." I say as they smile at each other. They are cute holding hands.

Grace soon leaves as well as Harry and Nancy. Then Niall and Summer and soon it's just Zayn and I. We walk away from the door and to the couches. "So um, Zayn?" I ask as he looks up from his phone while sitting beside me. "Whose apartment is this?" I say already kind of knowing. "Uh, it's actually mine. I decided to move out and get this place to actually start fresh." he says scratching his chin.

It is seriously so hot.

Stop it Zia. Yiye.

I let a 'hm' escape my mouth before sighing. "No more next door neighbors then. I say as Zayn looks down. "No I guess." he says shamefully. He looks like a little boy who disappointed his mum.

"OMG! My mum and dad!" I yell jumping up. "They will kill me." I say as he stands up too. He grabs my wrists and shushes me. "No it'll be fine. Just call up Summer or Grace and ask for cover." he says as I look at him. He's right. "Oh gosh okay." I sigh grabbing my coat. "Where are you going?" Zayn asks weirdly. "Home I still wanna get home so they don't be suspicious." I say worried. "Okay but im driving you there." He says as I smile. "Deal." I say as we head out.

Shy Boy - Zayn MalikWhere stories live. Discover now