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Zayn p.o.v.

I text Li the address and slide down the kitchen wall. I start crying and I can't believe I let that happen to her. Why did I have to go with that slut. I could have been having a good time dancing with her now, instead I just watches her get raped.

I make up my mind to dial 911 and call them on Daniel for good. I hate him so much. "Hello what is your emergency?" a lady's voice rang. "Hello, there is a um party at Bradford high and my, uh, friend got raped by Daniel Fisher there. Can you please go there and find him. I have her at my apartment." I say in a shaky tone as the memories came of the innocent girl being raped. "We will do that cops are going now, okay bye." she says as I here the line die.

I get up and pound my fist into the drywall. "I'm such a freaking dumbass." I yell as I walk to the bathroom. I take the razor and run it down my already scared wrist. The blood seeps out and I through the razor into the trash. I can't believe myself. I promised her it would never happen again. Just then Liam comes in with everyone else. I quickly try getting up but im in such a mess I just flop down and start crying again. A few seconds later the bathroom door opens and Liam steps in. "What hell Zayn. What are you doing." he says getting on his knees beside me as I just cry.

"I told her I would never let it happen again." I shout as He tries to help me. "What happen?" he asks wrapping up the wounds. "S-she got r-raped again tonight Li. It's all my fault. They held me back and I had to watch." I sob as he hugs me tightly. "God Zayn, did you call 911?" he asks as I nod. "Yes." is all I could get out. "It's not your fault bro. Dang it, we should have had someone with her!" he yells as we part. "Yes it is my fault Li. I, promised, her." I say before barging out the bathroom door. I step into the kitchen wiping away tears and ignoring the questioning stares of the rest that dont know what the hell is up. Liam steps out of the bathroom and sighs. "What's going on." Louis finally breaks the silence. "Dani-" Liam started but before he could finish I did. "Daniel raped Zia again." I say drinking the vodka I had in the pantry and slamming it on the counter. Everyone had faces of horror on. "Are you f#cking kidding me!" Grace shouts as Li quiets her. "No it's not okay. Did you call the police?" Harry asks as I nod. "Yes I did." I say as I feel tears again. My mind keeps bringing back the image of Zia screaming and crying while that jackass raped her.

"Were you there?" Louis asks as I have had enough. "Just shut up!" I yell as loud as I can making everyone jump. I notice I might have woken her so I walk away with everyone eyes on me. I walk into the room and see her rubbing her eyes. She looked so innocent. I then before she sees me walk out and sit on the couch were others are. "You guys should probably talk to her first, she wouldn't want to talk to me after what I did." I say stateing facts. They look at me apologetically and walk into her room. As Nancy and Summer, the ones who decided to go first are about to enter, they stop. I look at them with questioning stare. "Zayn?" I hear her weak voice come from the bedroom. I look around and they are all telling me to go first. I go in the hall and take a deep breath before stepping into the room.

"Yeah love." I ask as she stops rubbing her eyes. She looks at me and I walk up to her. She looks so tired. "Zayn." she says as she whines with her arms open like a baby. I walk up to her and she hugs me and squeezes me tight. I lay next to her on the bed comforting her. "Zayn, im thirsty but I don't want you to leave." she says looking up at me. I could die right now from cuteness overload. I smile weakly at her and am about to speak. "I heard someone say thirsty." Liam says coming in with a drink. She smiles weakly from lack of strength and takes the water from Li but still has one arm around me tightly. "Thanks." I say to Li as he winks at me. Hes a great friend.

"No problem." he says walking out. "Uh you probably wanna see the rest so I'll give some time with them." I say as she looks at me with watery eyes. "Please stay here while they do." she says as if her life depended on it. I smile and hug her waist. "Anything for my princess." I say as she blushes lightly. I text them telling them to come in. "Hey Zia." They say coming in. "Hey guys." she whispers. "Zia that Daniel is such a dick we have the cops on him now." Summer says as Niall nods. "Thanks guys." she says starting to cry again. I wrap my arms tighter around her and she cries into my shirt. "We'll give you some room. Im tired and im sure the rest and you are to so we'll go and text us if you need anything." Grace says. They all say by and we here the door close. Me and her sit there in silence. "Im sorry that I didn't save you from him." I say as I hold back forceful tears. She looks up at me and I wipe away the tears. "But its okay now, I know you'll always be here for me." she says in a whisper. "I will, always." I whisper as I lean down and meet my lips with hers. Its a hot but tender kiss. I lay her down the rest of the way on the bed as I hover over her still kissing. There is no denying how much this girl means to me.

We part and close our eyes just feeling each others breath fan our faces. "Zayn." she says as I hum in response. "Can you be there for me like I plan on being there for you." my eyes shoot open and meet her worried ones. "People do crazy things for love. And I would do the craziest thing in the world for you." she smiles for the first time tonight and leans in to kiss me once more. After a while we part and she leans into my chest. "I've liked you from the start so much Zia." I mumble into her hair. "I was just afraid you were to popular for me." I say as she sigh laughs. "I will never be to popular to like you." she says making me smile. "You should get some rest." I say as she closes her eyes. I start singing Let Me Love You by Mario. One I've always loved and soon not only she is the one sleeping.

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