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"But mum." I say trying to persuade her. "No you aren't going to a party." She say again. Ugh.

Okay so our school is holding a party and it is at the school. All will be fine but my mum doesn't think it. "The school is holding it and it's gonna be fun. All my freakin friends are sleeping over." I say. Why won't she let me go to a f#cking sleep over. "Will you stay by your friends at all times?" She asks as i nod. "Yes mum."

"Then whatever you can go." At that i rush up the stairs to call Emma. I decide to text her cause she never picks up calls.

Hey wahs up, i can go tonight. I'm so damn down!!

After only a few seconds she replies.

Omg yahs! Great i will pick you up at four. Xx

Sounds great!

At that i lock my phone and look at the time. Two pm. Wow, and I'm still in my freakin pj's. I decide to chill in my room and listen to music. So i turn on shutup and dance and start wildly dancing. As all of me, by john legend, plays through the stareo i sing and look at my Twitter. Until i hear a flunk* on the window. I run over to see Izzy talking to Zayn outside. But what throws me, is that they were both staring up here.

I run down the stairs and out the front door. "Why were you two staring in my window. I say Zayn backs away. "He was watching youw dwance and just stwaring at you and saying, wow and, she's so cute." Izzy says as i blush. What the hell! He called me cute! I would jump for joy but he is here. "Um. I was j-just saying that, um." He blushs looking down. "Oh my gosh this so embarrassing." He mumbles looking away. "Erm, are you uh. Going to the sleep out tonight?" I ask as he looks relieved. "Oh uh no I'm not." He says as i pout. "Oh why not." I say as he looks down. "Um, my dad's gonna be gone and i have to watch the house." He says looking and pointing to his house.

He's so cute. He had on a leather jacket with studs and black skinny jeans along with a red flannel beneath. His hair is all messy which made me blush a bit and he looks so damn nice!

"Zia, why do you keep staring at Zayn?" Izzy asks as i look up and realize i have been staring again. Zayn just stood there awkwardly shifting on his feet. It looked freakin cute. "Um was not, it's just that, um." My sister gasps. "Zia likes Zayn. Zia likes Zayn!" She shouts as i try to catch her but she is already in the house. "Um, i gotta go." Zayn says as i remember how he doesn't want us to be seen alone by anyone cause ' he's not good enough'. Not good enough my ass.

"Well okay then, bye." I wave as he bites his lip before walking over the road. Wow, not even a bye.

*At four*

"Just a little more make up." Emma says as i pout. "I don't want to look like a freaking doll face Emma." I say trying to convince her i look fine. She has been here for an hour just doing our make up. Wow. "Okay let's go!" She yells. "Finally!" I shout looking in the mirror. I honestly don't look that bad. "It's okay." I say as she frowns. As we walk out the door to her black jeep i see Zayn sitting on the porch. When he looks over his mouth hangs on hinges and he drops his cigarette. I smirk at him and jump in the car.

"So. Did you see Zayn gaping at you?" Emma asks my attention is brought to my lap. "Uh no." I say trying to sound interested. Let me tell you it's damn hard! "Yup he was. You know. If, he wasn't a whimp, i would say he is almost hot. Almost." She says as i smirk. "Yeah. I'd say he's hot any ways." I say as she cocks an eyebrow at me. "Emma look at him. Seriously. He is a sex model practically." As i say it she looks over at me, then Zayn. "Okay he's kinda hot. (A/N yeah he's kinda hot though. He put me a mess..... okay I'll stop. Sorry. Is it too late now to say sorryyy....okay bye, hehe.) "She says as i smirk. "Okay can we go to the damn partah!" I shout as she laughs.

As we arrive at the school everyone is pouring in. "I'm so f#cking glad i didn't miss this." I say as we get out. "I know." Emma says looking for the boys. Ugh, Louis, i forgot. I have a grudge on him after what he did to Zayn. Of course he doesn't know that though. Lol. When i snap back to reality Emma is over with Harry, who might i say is looking hot. Lol. I walk into the school and to the cafeteria were i here music. When i open the door there are people dancing, eating, and anything else. This gonna be so much damn fun.

I see Niall at the other end of the room with Summer so i make my way over. "Hey Zia." Niall says as Summer is behind his back making a face like she's melting for him. Omg. So corny. I giggle a bit. "Hi Niall. I see you have taken my friend." I say looking at Summer as he blushes. He chuckles a little. "Oh shut up and go find someone else to pester." Summer says as i giggle and walk away. "Zia!" I hear someone call as i sigh. No damn it! Not Louis. "Hey Louis." I sigh. "What's up you're pants. Jeez." He says looking at me. "I don't know Louis. Maybe i don't like people getting beat up cause of me." I say as he smiles. "Oh come on Zia. He was messing with you right." He asks as i look him straight in the eyes. "It's not your f#cking business!" I yell as a few people dancing glare at me. Louis just stood there looking like he was about to murder me.

"You know what Zia. I thought i liked you before but i think you should have a little more respect to me." He yells before i feel a slap against my cheek. I glare at him as he glares back. "You are a f#cking asshole Louis and i never liked you a damn bit." I snarl before i turn around and walk away. As i look back he is just standing there shocked. I can still feel the sting where he slapped me. Damn it. He's such a asshole. I have the sudden urge to break down and cry and all i can think of is how badly i wish Zayn were here. But why?

Shy Boy - Zayn MalikWhere stories live. Discover now