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With no way to get a hold of Zayn I realize I have to calm down. Come on Zia. Ah that's it I'll call Harry. He gave me his number. I ring him up and he answers quickly.

Phone convo.*

"Yes." I hear a raspy voice ask. "Hey Harry it's Zia." I say as I hear ruffling. "Oh what's up, I was just napping." Ha I could see that coming. He looked dead in school today. "Oh sorry, but I think Zayn is moving. I can't get a hold of him to make sure but I'm really upset." I say as I sigh. "Hm. Moving? I haven't heard anything and i would know believe me. As far as it goes it's probably town gossip." he says in a matter of factly tone. "But what if he is." I say as tears come in my eyes. "Listen I'll be over." He says as I thank him and hang up.

Thank goodness for Harry. Now I just hope this is all gossip bullcrap. A few minutes later my door opens to my bedroom. "Harry." I say hugging him but notice his eyes are swelled and it looks like he's been crying. "Harry what's wrong?" I ask as he shrugs. "Nothing let's talk about what you wanna." he says looking out my window. "There isn't any moving sign in his yard." Harry shrugs as I walk over. "Yeah but I heard what I heard." I say as I sit on my bed. "I don't know then Zia. You just gotta calm down." he says grabbing my hands and looking into my eyes. He had nice eyes, they were almost as magical as Zayns.

"Okay." I sigh as he sits beside me. "Now im hungry. Do you want to go and eat?" he asks as I nod. "Sure." I say as we walk out. As we walk to subway I am pretty sure Harry is hiding something. We walk up to subway and go in. I order the Italian special and he orders crab. I get out my money to pay. "No im paying Zia." he simply says as he pays and we walk to a table. "Thanks Harry. This is so nice being as your girlfriends my bully." I chuckle as he looks down. "Yeah, there's uh. Something I wanted to tell you." he says but my eyes drift to the two people who stepped in next. Emma and Daniel. What the f#ck. Why does he keep popping up.

I interrupt Harry. "Um, looks like Dan stole your girlfriend." I say motioning as he looks and sighs. "That's what I wanted to say. I found out she cheated on me with Daniel and then I told her I was with you. Then she broke up with me." Harry says looking down. "Oh my gosh Harry she wasn't special enough for you anyways." I say as I am rudely interrupted. "No he wasn't special enough for me. Beotch. Why do you care anyway. You didn't care about him before." the one and only Emma says as she walks up to us. "Shut the f#ck up damn brat." I say as Dan walks over. Before anyone could do anything Harry had dragged me out of the place and we were walking away. "Harry, what the hell. She insulted you." I yell as he drags me to a fountain in the square. "No Zia. She doesn't deserve to be argued with." he says as I growl. "She was a Bitch anyways Harry. You didn't deserve her." I say as he smiles. "Why are you smiling?" I ask as he chuckles.

"I didn't deserve her but." he says then pauses. "What." I say as he grabs my hand. "I hope I deserve you." as the words come out of his mouth I become shocked. "Will you go on a date with me Zia. Just give me a chance." he pleads as I stand there. I mean, it wouldn't hurt giving him a chance. But feel like somethings telling my brain no. "Sure Harry." I say as he smiles. Right after said it I felt like I betrayed someone. Why? I mean I don't really like like Harry. I guess I just feel sorry for him.

"Oh thank you so much. It'll be tomorrow at five okay?" Harry asks as I nod. "Sure." I say putting on a fake smile.

Harry has left and I just took a shower. I look in the mirror and for some reason start crying. Why? I finally pull myself together and get dressed. I look out my window and see that Zayns dad's car is still gone. I hope he comes back tomorrow. I feel like he's been gone one day and a lot of shit happened. Crummy Shit!

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